mdes Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 TrayDeleteItem() and TrayDelItem() are both displayed in command completion, but none are recognized while running (with or without compilation).v3.1.1.17 (beta), but was already the case with .16 Gestion des congés, RTT, vacances scolaires, autres absences sur Pocket PC : CongésRFV
jpm Posted April 28, 2005 Author Posted April 28, 2005 TrayDeleteItem() and TrayDelItem() are both displayed in command completion, but none are recognized while running (with or without compilation).v3.1.1.17 (beta), but was already the case with .16<{POST_SNAPBACK}>I found the TRayDeleteItem but I cannot found TrayDelItem where exactly did you find it (how)?
mdes Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 (edited) I found the TRayDeleteItem but I cannot found TrayDelItem where exactly did you find it (how)? By typing "trayd", I got:TrayDelItem is working when compiled, but not when running (thru F5),TrayDeleteItem is not working Edited April 28, 2005 by mdes Gestion des congés, RTT, vacances scolaires, autres absences sur Pocket PC : CongésRFV
jpm Posted April 28, 2005 Author Posted April 28, 2005 By typing "trayd", I got:TrayDelItem is working when compiled, but not when running (thru F5),TrayDeleteItem is not working<{POST_SNAPBACK}>I see I think when I have fixed the doc . Scite can be OK when corrected by JdeB.It anticipate some extension but did not do the whole stuff for tray functionsThanks for your beta testing.
Developers Jos Posted April 28, 2005 Developers Posted April 28, 2005 I see I think when I have fixed the doc . Scite can be OK when corrected by JdeB.It anticipate some extension but did not do the whole stuff for tray functionsThanks for your beta testing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Planning to update the SciTE4au3Upd.exe tonight which will fix this and the rename of all _GUILISTBOX _GUICOMBOBOX UDF's..... SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
mdes Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 There is also the following problem: ERROR: Opt() called with illegal argument 1: "TrayMenuMode" Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ ERROR: Opt() called with illegal argument 1: "TrayOnEventMode" Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ Gestion des congés, RTT, vacances scolaires, autres absences sur Pocket PC : CongésRFV
steveR Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 Here's a couple more: TimerStart() TimerStop() These still work and are the same as TimerInit() and TimerDiff() and aren't documented but show up with Scite auto-complete. Could shave off a little code if they are duplicated in CPP. AutoIt3 online docs Use it... Know it... Live it...MSDN libraryglobal Help and SupportWindows: Just another pane in the glass.
jpm Posted April 28, 2005 Author Posted April 28, 2005 (edited) Here's a couple more:TimerStart()TimerStop()These still work and are the same as TimerInit() and TimerDiff() and aren't documented but show up with Scite auto-complete. Could shave off a little code if they are duplicated in CPP.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>THat's a difficult one for JdeB because we left them for compatibility with the past but we don't want the user use them anymore. edit: typos Edited April 28, 2005 by jpm
layer Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 THat's a difficult one for JdeB because we left them for compatibility wth nthe pas but we don't want the user use them anymore. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>WHy don't you want the users to use them anymore? FootbaG
CyberSlug Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 WHy don't you want the users to use them anymore? <{POST_SNAPBACK}>because the names are too confusing for some people Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!
SAV Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 (edited) Sorry for my bad english. I think there is a small bug with UDF _ArrayTrim function:Func _ArrayTrim ($aArray, $iTrimNum, $iTrimDirection = 0, $iBase = 0, $iUBound = 0)$iTrimDirection - 0 to trim left, 1 to trim rightBut: Func _ArrayTrim($aArray, $iTrimNum, $iTrimDirection = 0, $iBase = 0, $iUBound = 0)......If UBound($aArray) = 0 Then.......If $iBase < 0 Or Not IsNumber($iBase) Then.....................If $iTrimDirection <1 Or $iTrimDirection > 2 Then SetError(4) ReturnAnd $iTrimDirection = 0 doesn't work correctlyTo fix it, we need change this string:If $iTrimDirection < 0 Or $iTrimDirection > 1 ThenThats work OKAutoit 3.1.1 beta 17 Edited April 28, 2005 by SAV
Developers Jos Posted April 28, 2005 Developers Posted April 28, 2005 Sorry for my bad english. I think there is a small bug with UDF _ArrayTrim function:Func _ArrayTrim ($aArray, $iTrimNum, $iTrimDirection = 0, $iBase = 0, $iUBound = 0)$iTrimDirection - 0 to trim left, 1 to trim rightBut: Func _ArrayTrim($aArray, $iTrimNum, $iTrimDirection = 0, $iBase = 0, $iUBound = 0)......If UBound($aArray) = 0 Then.......If $iBase < 0 Or Not IsNumber($iBase) Then.....................If $iTrimDirection <1 Or $iTrimDirection > 2 Then SetError(4) ReturnAnd $iTrimDirection = 0 doesn't work correctlyTo fix it, we need change this string:If $iTrimDirection < 0 Or $iTrimDirection > 1 ThenThats work OKAutoit 3.1.1 beta 17<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Will fix .... thanks !! SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Developers Jos Posted April 28, 2005 Developers Posted April 28, 2005 There is also the following problem:ERROR: Opt() called with illegal argument 1: "TrayMenuMode" Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ ERROR: Opt() called with illegal argument 1: "TrayOnEventMode" Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Will be fixed in the next Sciteau3Upd.exe that contains up-to-date tables for all utils.Here's a couple more:TimerStart()TimerStop()These still work and are the same as TimerInit() and TimerDiff() and aren't documented but show up with Scite auto-complete. Could shave off a little code if they are duplicated in CPP.<{POST_SNAPBACK}> As JP also mentioned:TimerStart() & TimerStop() are still supported for backward compatibility.So they also appear in all definitions files for all utilities ...... SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
jpm Posted April 28, 2005 Author Posted April 28, 2005 28th April 2005 - v3.1.1.18 (beta) Fixed : TrayItemSetOnEvent, TrayItemDelete doc. Added : DLLStruct... (Thanks Ejoc : I hope JON agree with this new area). Fixed : GUICtrlSetState for Menu/menuitem, TrayItemSetstate (By Holger). Fixed : GUICtrlSetData for list or combo not inserting (Thanks kjactive). Fixed : sizing/resizing of list control : not too good but window does strange think with height size (Thanks kjactive). Fixed : _ArrayTrim (merge Udf 1.08) (Thanks JdeB). Fixed : WinSetTrans doc (Thanks Valik)
Ejoc Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 Sweetness Start -> Programs -> AutoIt v3 -> AutoIt Help File -> Index -> (The Function you are asking about)----- Links -----DllStruct UDFsRSA Crypto UDFs
GaryFrost Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 (edited) Working like a charm so far expandcollapse popup#include <GuiConstants.au3> #include <GuiCombo.au3> Opt('MustDeclareVars',1) If(Not IsDeclared('CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT')) Then Global Const $CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT = 0x152 Dim $Combo,$Btn_Exit,$Status,$msg,$Btn_Get,$Input_item, $label_rect, $s_rect, $Btn_GETRECT GuiCreate("ComboBox Get Item Data", 392, 254) $Combo = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 70, 10, 270, 100) GUICtrlSetData($Combo,"AutoIt|v3|is|freeware|BASIC-like|scripting|language|designed|for|automating|the Windows GUI.") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter index number of item:",65,112,130,20,$SS_RIGHT) $Input_item = GUICtrlCreateInput("0",200,110,50,20,$ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetLimit($Input_item,2) $Btn_Get = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Get Item", 150, 140, 90, 30) $Btn_Exit = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Exit", 150, 180, 90, 30) $s_rect = "Left:" & @LF & "Top:" & @LF & "Right:" & @LF & "Bottom:" $label_rect = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_rect,270,100,100,55,$SS_SUNKEN) $Btn_GETRECT = GUICtrlCreateButton("Get Dropped Control Rect",270,180,90,40,$BS_MULTILINE) $Status = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",0,234,392,20,BitOR($SS_SUNKEN,$SS_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetData($Status,"Items: " & _GUICtrlComboGetCount($Combo)) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $msg = $Btn_Exit ExitLoop Case $msg = $Btn_Get Local $v_data Local $i_count = _GUICtrlComboGetLBText($Combo, Int(GUICtrlRead($Input_item)), $v_data) GUICtrlSetData($Status,"Len: " & $i_count & " Item: " & $v_data) Case $msg = $Btn_GETRECT Local $rect_array = _GUICtrlComboGetDroppedControlRect($Combo) If(IsArray($rect_array)) Then $s_rect = "Left:" & $rect_array[1] & @LF & "Top:" & $rect_array[2] & @LF & "Right:" & $rect_array[3] & @LF & "Bottom:" & $rect_array[4] GUICtrlSetData($label_rect,$s_rect) EndIf EndSelect WEnd Exit Func _GUICtrlComboGetLBText($h_combobox, $i_index, ByRef $v_data) Local $len = _GUICtrlComboGetLBTextLen($h_combobox, $i_index) Local $i,$ret $v_data = "" Local $p $p = DllStructCreate("char[" & $len + 1 & "]") $ret = GUICtrlSendMsg( $h_combobox, $CB_GETLBTEXT, $i_index, DllStructPtr($p)) If($ret == $CB_ERR) Then DllStructFree($p) Return -1 EndIf $v_data = DllStructGet($p,1) DllStructFree($p) Return $ret EndFunc Func _GUICtrlComboGetDroppedControlRect($h_combobox) ;~ typedef struct _RECT { ;~ LONG left; ;~ LONG top; ;~ LONG right; ;~ LONG bottom; ;~ } RECT, *PRECT; Local $RECT = "int;int;int;int" Local $left = 1 Local $top = 2 local $right = 3 Local $bottom = 4 Local $p, $ret $p = DllStructCreate($RECT) if @error Then MsgBox(0,"","Error in DllStructCreate " & @error); exit endif $ret = GUICtrlSendMsg($h_combobox, $CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT, 0, DllStructPtr($p)) If(Not $ret) Then DllStructFree($p) Return -1 EndIf Local $array = StringSplit(DllStructGet($p,$left) & "," & DllStructGet($p,$top) & "," & DllStructGet($p,$right) & "," & DllStructGet($p,$bottom),",") DllStructFree($p) Return $array EndFunc Edit: put the whole example in. Edited April 29, 2005 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
hutch Posted April 29, 2005 Posted April 29, 2005 hello where could I found aut2exe v3.1.1++ ? i have made a autoit script in autoit v3.1.1.16 but I can't make an exe of it.
jpm Posted April 29, 2005 Author Posted April 29, 2005 hello where could I found aut2exe v3.1.1++ ?i have made a autoit script in autoit v3.1.1.16 but I can't make an exe of it.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>did you use the installer version? if yes look at the startup menu.if no you have to replace the AutoITSC.bin with the one in the .zip fileBest for testing is Installer + Scite because you can choose beta or not with the menu of Scite.Good compilation.
hutch Posted April 29, 2005 Posted April 29, 2005 did you use the installer version? if yes look at the startup menu.if no you have to replace the AutoITSC.bin with the one in the .zip fileBest for testing is Installer + Scite because you can choose beta or not with the menu of Scite.Good compilation. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>yes it work with using "autoit-v3.1.1.18-beta-Setup.exe"Thanks
jpm Posted May 1, 2005 Author Posted May 1, 2005 1st May 2005 - v3.1.1.19 (beta) com27/28Fixed : Rewrote AutoIt3-Array to COM-Array conversion. Can now handle the total number of Array dimensions that are allowed in AutoIt3. (by Sven).Fixed : Std... doc (by Dave).Fixed : "Check for update" to reference new beta download area.Fixed : GUISetFont and Input Control not displayed (Thanks HighGuy).Fixed : Typo on GUICtrlSetFont (Thanks Smed).Fixed : GUI_GR_COLOR default backcolor (Thanks CyberSlug).Fixed : GUICtrlCreateListViewItem with more field than column. (Thanks Sven).Fixed : GUICtrlDelete of a Listview control lead to crash after recreation with more columns (Thanks Sven).Added : Unary NOT operations on strings are now allowed. A NOT operation on a non-empty string will result in FALSE.Changed : Rewrote some COM documentation.The download as change place tohere
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