FrashMX Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 Very cool, the added socket functions. Thanks alot!
therks Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 (edited) Cool, styles work for MonthCal now. Bit of weird though... I'm at home right now, and with the calendar control the "circle" around today's date is a red square. The computer I was at last night it was a circle. And another application I have here uses the calendar control, but it is a circle. Only AutoIt is using a square. Any ideas? (I will test the other computer tonight when I go back to the house, to see if maybe it was the update that made a square instead of a circle). And wow, that first post is getting long... a suggestion jpm? Put all the past history in [ codebox ] tags, with just the most recent update at the top. Might look a little cleaner that way. *Edit: Wow.. I didn't know the calendar could do this: #include <GUIConstants.au3> $gui_Main = GuiCreate('Calendar', 540, 580, -1, -1, -1, BitOr($WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) GuiCtrlCreateMonthCal('', 0, 0, 540, 580, 0, 0) GUISetState() While 1 $gm = GuiGetMsg() If $gm = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop WEnd Edited April 25, 2005 by Saunders My AutoIt Stuff | My Github
jpm Posted April 26, 2005 Author Posted April 26, 2005 26th April 2005 - v3.1.1.16 (beta) Fixed : some doc typo Changed : $GUI_EVENT_RESIZE -> $GUI_EVENT_RESIZED no Opt (Thanks Valik). Fixed : UDF udapted (thanks JdeB...) Fixed : Boolean comparision with integer values as rightpart argument did always return 'false'. Now it is 0->false, anything <> 0 -> true (thanks Novack)
Valik Posted April 26, 2005 Posted April 26, 2005 JP, is it intentional that I have to explicitly call Opt("GUIResizeMode", $GUI_DOCKALL) to disable controls being resized? I noticed that you did change the docs on that option (And made them more confusing because now I don't know what the default behavior is supposed to be).
GaryFrost Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 Sent jdeB the following files for documentation corrections most were minor corrections: _GUICtrlComboBoxAddDir _GUICtrlComboBoxAddString _GUICtrlComboBoxDeleteString _GUICtrlComboBoxGetDroppedState _GUICtrlComboBoxGetDroppedWidth _GUICtrlComboBoxGetMinVisible _GUICtrlComboBoxInitStorage _GUICtrlComboBoxInsertString _GUICtrlComboBoxLimitText _GUICtrlComboBoxSetEditSel _GuICtrlComboBoxSetHorizontalExtent _GUICtrlComboBoxSetMinVisible _GUICtrlComboBoxShowDropDown _GUICtrlListBoxAddDir _GUICtrlListBoxAddItem _GUICtrlListBoxGetTextLen _GUICtrlListBoxInsertItem _GUICtrlListBoxSort _GUICtrlListViewGetBackColor _GUICtrlListViewGetColumnWidth _GUICtrlListViewGetHoverTime SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
CyberSlug Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 Would it be too late change the names of those UDFs? Because AutoIt uses GUICtrlCreateList and GuiCtrlCreateCombo, I think we should remove the word "box": CODE_GUICtrlComboAddDir _GUICtrlComboAddString _GUICtrlComboDeleteString _GUICtrlComboGetDroppedState _GUICtrlComboGetDroppedWidth _GUICtrlComboGetMinVisible _GUICtrlComboInitStorage _GUICtrlComboInsertString _GUICtrlComboLimitText _GUICtrlComboSetEditSel _GuICtrlComboSetHorizontalExtent _GUICtrlComboSetMinVisible _GUICtrlComboShowDropDown _GUICtrlListAddDir _GUICtrlListAddItem _GUICtrlListGetTextLen _GUICtrlListInsertItem _GUICtrlListSort Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!
GaryFrost Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 (edited) It's okay with me, see what they say. The more I think about the more sense it makes, also gets the function names length down a little. Deleted the pm, sent the GuiCombo, GuiList and fixes to GuiListView Edited April 27, 2005 by gafrost SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
JoeCool Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 (edited) Is it possible to find somewhere ? One of my script refuse to work with :"> Edited April 27, 2005 by JoeCool
jpm Posted April 27, 2005 Author Posted April 27, 2005 (edited) JP, is it intentional that I have to explicitly call Opt("GUIResizeMode", $GUI_DOCKALL) to disable controls being resized? I noticed that you did change the docs on that option (And made them more confusing because now I don't know what the default behavior is supposed to be).<{POST_SNAPBACK}>I did'nt change the code. I reflect in the doc what the code was doing ALL mean sThe parameter you use to define a control X,Y,W,H and not dock to the BORDERS that's the reason I introduce DOCKBORDERS which obviously somebody can use for a long time by BitOring the dock left,right,top,bottom.So it was intentional to clarify the docFor the naming it is a little confusing DOCKALL= docdisable perhaps we can suppress from the doc and replace it by DOCKDISABLE. keep it in the constants has it is part of 3.1.0 and above Edited April 27, 2005 by jpm
jpm Posted April 27, 2005 Author Posted April 27, 2005 Is it possible to find somewhere ?One of my script refuse to work with :"><{POST_SNAPBACK}>it is always possible, but as was bugged for comparison leading to boolean comparison, I would prefer you analyse why is not OK for you.Just share with a small script what you are finding.Thanks for your cooperation
Valik Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 I did'nt change the code. I reflect in the doc what the code was doing ALL mean sThe parameter you use to define a control X,Y,W,H and not dock to the BORDERS that's the reason I introduce DOCKBORDERS which obviously somebody can use for a long time by BitOring the dock left,right,top,bottom.So it was intentional to clarify the docFor the naming it is a little confusing DOCKALL= docdisable perhaps we can suppress from the doc and replace it by DOCKDISABLE. keep it in the constants has it is part of 3.1.0 and above<{POST_SNAPBACK}>I wasn't so much talking about the name. What I meant was, is it intentional that I have to turn this feature off? Without setting GUIResizeMode, controls are being automatically resized. So to turn off the feature, I have to manually set GUIResizeMode. Is control resizing supposed to be the default behavior?
JoeCool Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 it is always possible, but as was bugged for comparison leading to boolean comparison, I would prefer you analyse why is not OK for you.Just share with a small script what you are finding.Thanks for your cooperation<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Fixed with your new Date.au3 file :-)
jpm Posted April 27, 2005 Author Posted April 27, 2005 I wasn't so much talking about the name. What I meant was, is it intentional that I have to turn this feature off? Without setting GUIResizeMode, controls are being automatically resized. So to turn off the feature, I have to manually set GUIResizeMode. Is control resizing supposed to be the default behavior?<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yes it is intentional. Remember the Guicreate style does not allow the GUI to resize so noaction will take place by default.
Valik Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 TrayOnEventMode and TrayMenuMode need added to the page for AutoItSetOption/Opt. They appear in the index, but are not actually described in the text.
Valuater Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 I really like the tray icon controls, thanks. I have written them into my latest program, however the TrayItemSetOnEvent does not seem to function at this time. I have tried the latest beta So, just awaiting your programming to compile my script thanks again ;-)
jpm Posted April 27, 2005 Author Posted April 27, 2005 TrayOnEventMode and TrayMenuMode need added to the page for AutoItSetOption/Opt. They appear in the index, but are not actually described in the text.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Done for
jpm Posted April 27, 2005 Author Posted April 27, 2005 I really like the tray icon controls, thanks. I have written them into my latest program, however the TrayItemSetOnEventdoes not seem to function at this time. I have tried the latest betaSo, just awaiting your programming to compile my scriptthanks again ;-)<{POST_SNAPBACK}>it is suppose to work see attach file.but the example in the doc not quite sure
Holger Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 Sorry :"> In the sample in the helpfile the command:Opt("TrayOnEventMode",1)at the beginning is missing!RegardsHolger Old project:GUI/Tray menu with icons and colors Other old stuff:IconFileScanner, TriState/ThreeState GUI TreeView, GUI ContextMenu created out of a TreeView
Valuater Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 Sorry :"> In the sample in the helpfile the command:Opt("TrayOnEventMode",1)at the beginning is missing!RegardsHolger<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Thanks. that was it.. ;-)
jpm Posted April 28, 2005 Author Posted April 28, 2005 28th April 2005 - v3.1.1.17 (beta)Fixed : Bad merge of @HOTKEYPRESSED (Sorry Holger) Fixed : Date.au3 (Thanks JoeCool/gafrost/JdeB) Changed : boolean-to-string conversion. To stay compatible with existing expressions, a boolean false will be converted into a "0" and a boolean true into a "1".
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