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"autoit-v3.1.1.91-beta-Setup.exe" /S /D=C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Beta

Works fine with me !

I confirm /S not /s is important

02th December, 2005 - v3.1.1.92 (beta)

Fixed : AutoIt hard crash with /AutoItExecuteScript with no file. (Thanks LxP)

Fixed : TCPListen not registering. (Thanks Flyingboz, Fixed by Larry/Holger)

Updated : Some precision in Hello tutorial. (Thanks LxP)

Udpdated : v1.45 (2 December 2005)

- Fixed _PathSplit(). Changed Dim $array[5] to Local $array[5]. (LxP)

- Updated _InetGetSource(), Remove stripping last character in return string. (w0uter)

- Fixed return value in _GUICtrlTreeViewDeleteItem when item id passed in. (gafrost)

- Updated GUI UDFs: Update Includes and Templates for use with external controls

Meaning controlID for autoit control, control hWnd for external control

Also replace all Dim statements with Local. (gafrost)


07th December, 2005 - v3.1.1.93 (beta)

Updated : Include beta files are also stored in separate folders to anticipate no destruction of released includes as today.

Added : GUICtrlGetHandle(). (by Holger)

Fixed : DLLStruct... return 1 on error.

Removed : DLLStructDelete($Struct) use $Struct=0 even nothing if it is local.

Updated : Fatal error message if DLLCall cannot be executed.

Fixed : FileRead in raw mode return error. (Thanks VicTT)

Updated : DLLStructCreate can contain space. (Thanks LxP)

Fixed : FileRead no count non empty file. (Thanks AutoIt Smith)

Fixed : Background label not firing when overlayed by an edit control. (Thanks livewire)

Fixed : FileOpen() doc typo. (Thanks Zedna)

Fixed : TraySetToolTip can be up to 128 with 2000/XP/2003. (by Holger)

Fixed : GUI updown control notification if change with keyboard. (Thanks Lemmens Peter)

Updated : Window title doc precision (not perfect). (Thanks MikeOsdx)

You have to update your script using DLLStructDelete.


11th December, 2005 - v3.1.1.94 (beta)

Fixed : FileRead in raw mode on error skip read block. (Thanks VicTT)

Updated : onAutoItStart and onAutoItExit in the help index. (Thanks Zedna)

Fixed : INetGetSize, INetGet @error return. (Thanks PartyPooper)

Fixed : Docs typo. (Thanks PartyPooper, Helge)

Fixed : DLLStruct... return 1 on bad array passed. (Thanks kenn)

Fixed : GUICtrlSetPos with a Child window. (Thanks Saunders)

Updated : Windows Titles and Texts (Advanced) for "regexp=".

Cleaned : Old handle= in title definition. This parameter was not in the doc anymore since official release 3.1.1.

Fixed : Run("a.tmp") a.tmp being a compiled script. (Thanks Neil)

Fixed : TabStop order. (Thanks napgravy)

Fixed : StringSplit("a : b + "," : "). (Thanks g5mike)

Update your old script 3.1.0 for handle=. In a lot case the "handle=" & $gui was not working since due to HWnd type.


14th December, 2005 - v3.1.1.96 (beta)

Fixed : #include-once in main script. (Thanks randallc)

Fixed : Drag&Drop of listviewitem onto another listview. $GUI_ACCEPTFILES has been renamed in $GUI_DROPACCEPTED.

Fixed : PixelSearch performance. (by Larry)

Fixed : Send doc about minimum key repetition= 1. (Thanks LxP)


15th December, 2005 - v3.1.1.97 (beta)

Fixed : PixelSearch for 25% regression. (by Larry)



Are there any plans to allow for including encrypted script files (*.a3x) into a standard script file (*.au3) (without the need of FileInstall and /AutoIt3ExecuteFile)?

Writing AutoIt scripts since

_DateAdd("d", -2, _NowCalcDate())

Are there any plans to allow for including encrypted script files (*.a3x) into a standard script file (*.au3) (without the need of FileInstall and /AutoIt3ExecuteFile)?

No, it seems difficult to do an internal run. You can always put your script in a function provided variables does not conflict with other run/function. :P
Posted (edited)

(Sorry to make a mini-subtopic in this thread...)

The reason I ask that is because I'm working at a local high school right now, that has a major focus in IT (amazing isn't it, school systems graciously spending money on computers), and we have a small technology support department (an entire group of 5 people).

With that in mind, we have a handful of seniors that help out, doing maintenance and writing scripts in VB and AutoIt.

We would like to be able to use the a3x for our 'skeleton key' user account (full root), so that when it is decompiled, it is impossible for students (we aren't worried about tech team doing a msgbox(0, '', $password)) to get a hold of this information, but at most only the commands used to secure their computer (changing machine settings, changing folder security, program installs, etc).

Thanks for your time, and do keep up the good work on the beta (it is a lifesaver)

Edited by MSLx Fanboy

Writing AutoIt scripts since

_DateAdd("d", -2, _NowCalcDate())

@Jmtyra and @MSLx Fanboy can you continue your discussion in the support forum if you need help or even in the bug forum if you really find a bug



Since .93, this code no longer returns the correct (expected) value:

$HidGuid = DllStructCreate("uint;ushort;ushort;ubyte[8]")
    $GUIDString = _
    Hex(DllStructGetData($HidGuid, 1), 8) & "-" & _
    Hex(DllStructGetData($HidGuid, 2), 4) & "-" & _
    Hex(DllStructGetData($HidGuid, 3), 4)


    Func HidD_GetHidGuid(ByRef $GUID)
        $ret = DllCall("hid.dll", "int", "HidD_GetHidGuid", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($GUID))
        $GUID = DllStructCreate("uint;ushort;ushort;ubyte[8]", $ret[1])

Try running the code with .92 and then .93, and you will recieve a different (and erroneous) result in .93.

Is there something I should do, or is this a bug?

Who else would I be?

It's been a while since I tried to use hardlinks on NTFS, so correct me if I'm wrong, but you can rename and delete hardlinks or the original file without effecting the other, right?

For instance, if I have a file fileone.txt and create a link named filetwo.log, I can rename either of them and delete either one of them without effecting the other (changes to the file's content do effect the other since they are really just two pointers to the same content). To get rid of the file completely you'd have to delete both entries in NTFS (the original and the link). I'm probably wording this very badly, so let me know if you don't understand what I mean.

Anyway, my point was this: Would you add text to the helpfile to explain this functionality for, at least, the FileCreateNTFSLink function, but also probably for the FileRename and FileDelete function help.

Also, would it be possible to add a function to return an array of all links to a file? Something like FileGetAllNTFSLinks("C:\myfile.txt") that return "C:\somefolder\thatfile.log" and "C:\theotherfolder\thisfile.csv"?

My UDFs: ExitCodes


It's been a while since I tried to use hardlinks on NTFS, so correct me if I'm wrong, but you can rename and delete hardlinks or the original file without effecting the other, right?

For instance, if I have a file fileone.txt and create a link named filetwo.log, I can rename either of them and delete either one of them without effecting the other (changes to the file's content do effect the other since they are really just two pointers to the same content). To get rid of the file completely you'd have to delete both entries in NTFS (the original and the link). I'm probably wording this very badly, so let me know if you don't understand what I mean.

Anyway, my point was this: Would you add text to the helpfile to explain this functionality for, at least, the FileCreateNTFSLink function, but also probably for the FileRename and FileDelete function help.

Also, would it be possible to add a function to return an array of all links to a file? Something like FileGetAllNTFSLinks("C:\myfile.txt") that return "C:\somefolder\thatfile.log" and "C:\theotherfolder\thisfile.csv"?

It is not the right place to discuss about a support/idea a new topic would have been better.

Anyway you right in the delete/rename. I will add some explanation in the help.

The allNTFSLinks is not possible regarding all links without scanning the whole file system.



23th December, 2005 - v3.1.1.98 (beta)

Fixed : HotKeySet("",... return 0 + doc typo. (Thanks Saunders, Helge)

Fixed : GuiCtrlSetState( ,$GUI_FOCUS) on button repainting. (Thanks erebus)

Fixed : _InetGetSource(). (Thanks erebus/ by wOuter)

Fixed : ExpandVarStrings $$, ExpandEnvStrings %%. (Thanks LxP)

Fixed : GuiSetCursor(16),GuiCtrlSetCursor(16) hide the cursor.

Fixed : FileInstall in a compiled GUI whose name is not .exe or .a3x.

Fixed : $GUI_EVENT_MOUSE firing without any mouse movement.

Fixed : Typo in ASCII appendix. (Thanks beerman)

Fixed : WinWaitClose return doc. (Thanks ManuLeVrai)

Updated : v1.46 (21 December 2005)

- Fixed doc for _FileReadToArray(). (LxP)

- Fixed doc and Example for _ArraySearch. (Knight)

- Fixed _ArraySearch return value in case not found to -1. (SolidSnake)

- Added _InetSmtpMail to Inet.au3. (Walkabout)

Merry Christmas to everybody

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