Wooltown Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 I use a TreeView with Checkboxes, in the latest beta, there are some strange behaviour , when I go down the list, the items are checkmarked or uncheckmarked (changed from previos state) , the problem in the current official and it's still in the beta release is I can checkmark an item with spacebar, but it is not selected. Need more info ? $treeview = GUICtrlCreateTreeView (6,6,300,434,BitOr($TVS_HASBUTTONS,$TVS_HASLINES,$TVS_LINESATROOT,$TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP,$TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS,$TVS_CHECKBOXES,$TVS_TRACKSELECT ),$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE ) /Sven
Holger Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 @Wooltown: I will check it. Maybe again a bug from me Holger Old project:GUI/Tray menu with icons and colors Other old stuff:IconFileScanner, TriState/ThreeState GUI TreeView, GUI ContextMenu created out of a TreeView
Holger Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 (edited) @Wooltown: testet here with Windows XP SP1 -> OK.Can you give me some more information (i.e. OS)?Or please post here or send me an example script so I can verify it here.For testing I used this small script:#include <GUIConstants.au3> GUICreate("test") $treeview = GUICtrlCreateTreeView (6,6,300,434,BitOr($TVS_HASBUTTONS,$TVS_HASLINES,$TVS_LINESATROOT,$TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP,$TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS,$TVS_CHECKBOXES,$TVS_TRACKSELECT ),$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE ) $item1 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item1",$treeview) $item2 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item2",$treeview) $item3 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item3",$treeview) $item4 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item4",$treeview) $subitem1 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("SubItem1",$item1) $subitem2 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("SubItem2",$item1) GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSelect WEndEdit: what do you mean with "I can checkmark an item with spacebar, but it is not selected." ?RegardsHolger Edited June 2, 2005 by Holger Old project:GUI/Tray menu with icons and colors Other old stuff:IconFileScanner, TriState/ThreeState GUI TreeView, GUI ContextMenu created out of a TreeView
Wooltown Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 Windows 2000 SP4, all patches. Excerpt from Code: not all code sent, 2700 lines of code Regards Sven Func AutoScriptFile() $LastSelected = "" $RunOrder = 0 $ScriptFilesTVNum = 1 ; ---------- Set Selected Scripts to '0' For $Init = 0 to 9998 $ScriptFilesTVSelect[$Init] = 0 Next ; ---------- Set ReleaseView to '0' For $Init = 0 to 998 $ReleaseView[$Init] = 0 Next ; ---------- Find all R*.txt files $search = FileFindFirstFile($DirPath2 & "R*.txt") ; ---------- Check if the search was successful If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(48, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern") Exit EndIf ; ---------- Put all the files in the $ScriptFiles array While 1 $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then FileClose($search) ExitLoop EndIf $FileLen = StringLen($file) - 4 $RelU = StringinStr($file,"_") $Release = StringMid($file,2,$RelU-2 ) If $Release < 10 Then $Release = "0" & String($Release) EndIf $ScriptFiles[$ScriptNumber] = $Release & "-" & StringLeft($file,StringLen($file) - 4) $ScriptNumber = $ScriptNumber + 1 Wend ; ---------- Redimension and sort the arrays according to number of Scripts redim $ScriptFiles [$ScriptNumber] redim $ScriptFilesTVSelect [$ScriptNumber] _ArraySort($ScriptFiles) ; ---------- Create the GUI GUICreate("Unattended Script Run",590,590) GUISetIcon ("g:\test system\scripts\UnattendedScriptRun.ico") ; ---------- Associate the Help File GUISetHelp("winhlp32 G:\Test System\Scripts\HelpFiles\UNATTENDED SCRIPTS RUN.HLP") ; ---------- Create the menu bar $filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("File ") $EditItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Edit Alt + E",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($EditItem, "GUIEdit") $RenameItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Rename Alt + R",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($RenameItem, "GUIRename") $CopyItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Copy Alt + C",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($CopyItem, "GUICopy") $NewItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("New Alt + N",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($NewItem, "GUINew") $DeleteItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Delete Alt + D",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($DeleteItem, "GUIDel") $TemporaryItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Temporary Alt + T",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($TemporaryItem, "GUITemporary") $CopyOldTemporaryItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Copy Old Temporary Alt + X",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($CopyOldTemporaryItem, "GUICopyOldTemporary") $StartsItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("StartTests Alt + S",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($StartsItem, "GUIStartTests") $PostItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("PostTests Alt + P",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($PostItem, "GUIPostTests") $nPowerItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("nPower Alt + W",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($nPowerItem, "GUInPower") $IntendedToRunItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Intended To Run Alt + I",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($IntendedToRunItem, "GUIIntendedToRun") $separator1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("",$filemenu) $exititem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Exit Alt + F4",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($exitItem, "GUIExit") $LockedMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu(" Mode ") $helpmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu (" Help") $helpitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Help F1",$helpmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($helpItem, "GUIHelp") $infoitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("About",$helpmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($infoItem, "GUIAbout") $LockedStatusItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Locked Alt + L",$LockedMenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($LockedStatusItem, "GUILocked") GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_CHECKED) $FullStatusItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Full Alt + F",$LockedMenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($FullStatusItem, "GUIFull") GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_CHECKED) $Lockedlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Script will run in LOCK and FULL mode",0,555,590,16,BitOr($SS_SIMPLE,$SS_SUNKEN)) $treeview = GUICtrlCreateTreeView (6,6,300,434,BitOr($TVS_HASBUTTONS,$TVS_HASLINES,$TVS_LINESATROOT,$TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP,$TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS,$TVS_CHECKBOXES,$TVS_TRACKSELECT ),$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE ) GUICtrlSetTip ($treeview,"Check mark the test cases to run.") ; ---------- Put the Scripts under the right header Do $ScriptFiles[$ScriptNumberTV] = StringMid($ScriptFiles[$ScriptNumberTV],4) $RelU = StringinStr($ScriptFiles[$ScriptNumberTV],"_","",2) $Release = StringMid($ScriptFiles[$ScriptNumberTV],2,$RelU-2 ) ; ---------- Create a Release View if it doesn't exist $ReleaseExist = 0 For $CurrentRelease = 0 to $NumOfReleases If $ReleaseViewName[$CurrentRelease] = $Release Then $ReleaseExist = 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next If $ReleaseExist = 0 Then $NumOfReleases = $NumOfReleases + 1 $CurrentRelease = $NumOfReleases $ReleaseViewName[$NumOfReleases] = $Release $ReleaseView[$NumOfReleases] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem ("R" & $Release,$treeview) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ReleaseView[$NumOfReleases], "GUIReleaseView") EndIf If FileExists ($DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $ScriptFiles[$ScriptNumberTV] & ".txt") Then $ScriptFilesTV[$ScriptNumberTV] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem (" *** TEMPORARY *** " & $ScriptFiles[$ScriptNumberTV] ,$ReleaseView[$CurrentRelease]) Else $ScriptFilesTV[$ScriptNumberTV] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewitem ($ScriptFiles[$ScriptNumberTV] ,$ReleaseView[$CurrentRelease]) EndIf GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ScriptFilesTV[$ScriptNumberTV], "GUIReleaseViewItem") $ScriptNumberTV = $ScriptNumberTV + 1 Until $ScriptNumberTV = $ScriptNumber $SelectLabel = GUICtrlCreatePic ($DirPath4 & "\Select the scripts to run.jpg",340,6,210,210,$SS_SUNKEN,$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $picture = GUICtrlCreatePic ($DirPath4 & "\UnattendedScriptRun.jpg",340,230,210,210,$SS_SUNKEN,$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $EditButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("&Edit",8,480,60,20) GUICtrlSetTip ($EditButton,"Edit the last selected test case.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($EditButton, "GUIEdit") $RenameButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("&Rename",108,480,60,20) GUICtrlSetTip ($Renamebutton,"Rename the last selected test case.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($RenameButton, "GUIRename") $CopyButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("&Copy",208,480,60,20) GUICtrlSetTip ($Copybutton,"Copy the last selected test case.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($CopyButton, "GUICopy") $NewButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("&New...",8,520,60,20) GUICtrlSetTip ($NewButton,"Create a new test case.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($NewButton, "GUINew") $DeleteButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("&Delete",108,520,60,20) GUICtrlSetTip ($DeleteButton,"Delete the last selected test case.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($DeleteButton, "GUIDel") $npowerButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("nPo&wer",208,520,60,20) GUICtrlSetTip ($npowerButton,"Change the nPower ports.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($nPowerButton, "GUInPower") $StartTestsButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("E &StartTests",308,480,60,20) GUICtrlSetTip ($StartTestsButton,"Edit the StartTests file related to the last selected test case.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($StartTestsButton, "GUIStartTests") ;GUICtrlSetFont (-1,7) $PostTestsButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("E &PostTests",308,520,60,20) GUICtrlSetTip ($PostTestsButton,"Edit the PostTests file.") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($PostTestsButton, "GUIPostTests") $IntendedToRunButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("&IntendedTorun",408,480,60,20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($IntendedToRunButton, "GUIIntendedToRun") GUICtrlSetState ($IntendedToRunButton,$GUI_HIDE) $TemporaryButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("&Temporary",408,480,60,20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($TemporaryButton, "GUITemporary") GUICtrlSetState ($TemporaryButton,$GUI_HIDE) $LockedButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("&Locked",408,480,60,20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($LockedButton, "GUILocked") GUICtrlSetState ($LockedButton,$GUI_HIDE) $FullButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("&Full",408,480,60,20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($FullButton, "GUIFull") GUICtrlSetState ($FullButton,$GUI_HIDE) $CopyOldTemporaryButton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("&XTemporary",408,480,60,20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($CopyOldTemporaryButton, "GUICopyOldTemporary") GUICtrlSetState ($CopyOldTemporaryButton,$GUI_HIDE) ;$OKbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("R&un",408,520,60,20) $OKbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("R&un",438,500,40,40,$BS_ICON) $OKimage = GUICtrlSetImage ($OKbutton, $DirPath4 & "Run.ico" ,-1) GUICtrlSetTip ($OKbutton,"Run") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($OKbutton, "GUIRun") ;$cancelbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("&Cancel",508,520,60,20) $cancelbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Cancel",508,500,40,40, $BS_ICON) $cancelimage = GUICtrlSetImage ($cancelbutton, $DirPath4 & "Cancel.ico" ,-1) GUICtrlSetTip ($Cancelbutton,"Exit") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($CancelButton, "GUIExit") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "GUIExit") $NpowerPort = "-" $NpowerPort2 = "-" $NumOfPowerBoxes = 2 $NpowerRead = FileOpen ("C:\NpowerPort.txt",0) $NpowerRead2 = FileOpen ("C:\NpowerPort2.txt",0) If $NpowerRead <> -1 Then $NpowerPort = StringLeft(FileReadLine($NpowerRead),1) Else ReadNpowerPort() Endif If $NpowerRead2 <> -1 Then $NpowerPort2 = StringLeft(FileReadLine($NpowerRead2),1) Endif FileClose($NpowerRead) FileClose($NpowerRead2) $NpowerLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("nPowerPorts: 1:" & $NpowerPort & " 2:" & $NpowerPort2,8,450,260,20) $Status=DriveStatus("L:") If $Status = "READY" Then $Lexist = FileExists("L:\LD_UMTS_Ver_001") If $Lexist = 1 Then RunWait ("cmd /c Net Use L: > c:\Linfo.txt","",@SW_HIDE) $Linfo = FileOpen("c:\Linfo.txt",0) $CCView = FileReadLine($Linfo) $CCView = FileReadLine($Linfo) $CCbPos = StringInstr($CCView,"\","",-1) $CCView = StringMid($CCView,$CCbPos + 1) FileClose($Linfo) FileDelete("C:\Linfo.txt") Else $CCView = " ===== DRIVE L: NOT FOUND !!!! =====" EndIf Else $CCView = " ===== DRIVE L: NOT FOUND !!!! =====" EndIf $ViewLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("ClearCase View: " & $CCView,208,450,300,20) ; ---------- GUI If $NewScript = 0 Then SplashOff() GUISetState () Else SplashOff() GUISetState () If $NPFile <> "" Then WinActivate($NPFile) $NPFile = "" EndIf $NewScript = 0 EndIf While 1 Sleep(500) If $Run="YES" Then ExitLoop If $NewScript = 9 Then Return For $CM = 0 to $ScriptNumber -1 ; ---------- Changes the Select Box back, if it is checked/unchecked using Space Select Case $ScriptFilesTVSelect[$CM] = 0 GUICtrlSetState ($ScriptFilesTV[$CM],$GUI_UNCHECKED) Case $ScriptFilesTVSelect[$CM] >= 1 GUICtrlSetState ($ScriptFilesTV[$CM],$GUI_CHECKED) EndSelect Next For $RV = 0 to $NumOfReleases GUICtrlSetState ($ReleaseView[$RV],$GUI_UNCHECKED) Next Wend For $Check = 1 to $ScriptFilesTVNum -1 For $Check2 = 0 to $ScriptNumber - 1 If $ScriptFilesTVSelect[$Check2] = $Check Then $NumScripts = $NumScripts + 1 $AutoScriptNum[$NumScripts] = $ScriptFiles[$Check2] EndIf Next Next If $NumScripts = 0 Then msgbox(48,"ERROR","No Scripts selected, exiting",5) Exit EndIf GUIDelete() EndFunc Func GUIAbout() SoundSetWaveVolume ( 50 ) SoundPlay ( $DirPath4 & "run.wav") Msgbox(0,"About Unattended Script Run","Unattended Script Run" & @CRLF & "Version 3.10" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Coded by:" & @CRLF & "Sven Ullstad" & @CRLF & "Fredrik Grimsberg-Hansson" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Test Case scripting by:" & @CRLF & "Fredrik Grimsberg-Hansson" & @CRLF & "Stefan Bie" & @CRLF & "Helen Vestman" ) EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUICopy() $ScriptNameOK = 1 If $LastSelected <> "" and $RunOrder > 0 Then If FileExists ($DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $LastSelected & ".txt") Then Msgbox(48,"ERROR","Test case can't be copied while Temporary Script Exists",5) Else $NewScriptName = InputBox("Copy Script","Enter the name of the New Script") If @ERROR = 0 Then ; ---------- Test if the file already exist or not and if the file syntax looks correct If StringLeft($NewScriptName,1) <> "R" Then $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf If StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_") < 3 or StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_") > 4 Then $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf If StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",2) < 6 or StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",2) > 15 Then $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf If StringMid($NewScriptName,3,1) = "_" Then If StringMid($NewScriptName,2,1) >= 0 and StringMid($NewScriptName,2,1) <= 9 Then $NewScriptRelease = StringMid($NewScriptName,2,1) Else $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf EndIf If StringMid($NewScriptName,4,1) = "_" Then If StringMid($NewScriptName,2,2) >= 0 and StringMid($NewScriptName,2,2) <= 9 Then $NewScriptRelease = StringMid($NewScriptName,2,2) Else $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf EndIf If FileExists ($DirPath2 & $NewScriptName & ".txt") = 1 Then $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf If $ScriptNameOK = 1 Then $NewScript1 = StringLeft($NewScriptName,1) $NewScript1 = StringUpper($NewScript1) $NewScript2 = StringMid($NewScriptName,2) $NewScriptName = $NewScript1 & $NewScript2 $UScore1 = StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",1) $UScore2 = StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",2) $Part2Len = $UScore2 - $UScore1 - 1 $NewScript1 = StringLeft($NewScriptName,StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_")-1) $NewScript2 = StringMid($NewScriptName,StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_")+1,$Part2Len) $NewScript3 = StringMid($NewScriptName,StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",2)+ 1) $NewScriptName = $NewScript1 & "_" & $NewScript2 & "_" & $NewScript3 $result = FileCopy ($DirPath2 & $LastSelected & ".txt",$DirPath2 & $NewScriptName & ".txt") If $result = 0 Then Msgbox(48,"ERROR","Invalid Scriptname or Script already exist") Return EndIf $EditFile = @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe " & $DirPath2 & $NewScriptName & ".txt" $NPFile = $NewScriptName & ".txt - Notepad" Run($EditFile) $Prefix = StringLeft($NewScriptName,StringInStr($NewScriptName,"_","",2)-1) ; ---------- Create a New RX_XX_StartTests.au3 file from a template If FileExists ($DirPath1 & $Prefix & "_StartTests.au3") = 0 Then $OrigStartTests = FileOpen($DirPath1 & "RX_XX_StartTests.au3",0) $NewStartTests = FileOpen($DirPath1 & $Prefix & "_StartTests.au3",2) $EOF1 = 0 Do $ReadStartTests = FileReadline($OrigStartTests) $EOF1 = @ERROR If StringInstr($ReadStartTests,"RX_XX_StartTests") > 0 Then $ReadStartTests = StringReplace($ReadStartTests,"RX_XX_StartTests",$Prefix & "_StartTests") EndIf FileWriteLine ($NewStartTests,$ReadStartTests) Until $EOF1 = -1 FileClose($OrigStartTests) FileClose($NewStartTests) $ModStartTestsRead = FileOpen($DirPath1 & "StartTests.au3",0) $ModStartTestsWrite = FileOpen($DirPath1 & "StartTestsCopy.au3",2) $EOF1 = 0 ; ---------- Modify StartTests.au3 with the name of the above RX_XX_StartTests.au3 file. Do $ReadStartTests = FileReadline($ModStartTestsRead) $EOF1 = @ERROR Select Case StringInstr($ReadStartTests,";---------- Include StartTests Start ----------") > 0 FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite,$ReadStartTests) FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite,"#include """ & $DirPath1 & $Prefix & "_StartTests.au3""") Case StringInstr($ReadStartTests,";---------- Start the Right Combination Start ----------") > 0 FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite,$ReadStartTests) FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite," Case $ReleasePrefix = """ & $Prefix & """") FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite," " & $Prefix & "_StartTests($TestCaseScript,$TestCaseCombo)") #include "G:\Regression_Test\Autoscript\StartStopTests\StartTests.au3" Case Else FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite,$ReadStartTests) EndSelect Until $EOF1 = -1 FileClose ($ModStartTestsWrite) FileClose ($ModStartTestsRead) FileCopy ($DirPath1 & "StartTests.au3",$DirPath1 & "StartTestsOld.au3",1) FileCopy ($DirPath1 & "StartTestsCopy.au3",$DirPath1 & "StartTests.au3",1) EndIf $NewScript = 9 GUIDelete() Return Else Msgbox(48,"ERROR","Invalid Scriptname or Script already exist") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUICopyOldTemporary() $OldFile = FileOpenDialog("Choose the old file to copy.", "G:\Regression_Test\AutoScript\Special", "Test Case Files (R*.txt)", 1 ) If @error Then Return EndIf $Result=FileCopy($OldFile,$DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today,0) If $Result = 1 Then $NewScript = 9 GUIDelete() Else MsgBox(48,"ERROR","File not copied, probably file already exist",5) EndIf EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIDel() If $LastSelected <> "" and $RunOrder > 0 Then If FileExists ($DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $LastSelected & ".txt") Then $SpecialScript = "the TEMPORARY SCRIPT " Else $SpecialScript = "" EndIF $DeleteScript = MsgBox(36,"Delete Script","Are you sure you wish to delete " & $SpecialScript & $LastSelected) If $DeleteScript = 6 Then If FileExists ($DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $LastSelected & ".txt") Then $DeleteFile = $DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $LastSelected & ".txt" Else $DeleteFile = $DirPath2 & $LastSelected & ".txt" EndIf FileDelete ($DeleteFile) $NewScript = 9 GUIDelete() Return EndIf Endif EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIEdit() If $LastSelected = "" Then ; Else If $RunOrder > 0 Then If FileExists ($DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $LastSelected & ".txt") Then $EditFile = @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe " & $DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $LastSelected & ".txt" Else $EditFile = @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe " & $DirPath2 & $LastSelected & ".txt" EndIf ;$EditFile = "C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe " & $DirPath2 & $LastSelected & ".txt" Run($EditFile) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIExit() Exit EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIFull() ; ---------- Status Bar If BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($FullStatusItem),$GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($FullStatusItem,$GUI_UNCHECKED) $FullRunStatus = "SHORT" GUICtrlSetData($LockedLabel,"Script will run in " & $LockRunStatus & " and " & $FullRunStatus & " mode.") Else GUICtrlSetState($FullStatusItem,$GUI_CHECKED) $FullRunStatus = "FULL" GUICtrlSetData($LockedLabel,"Script will run in " & $LockRunStatus & " and " & $FullRunStatus & " mode.") EndIf EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIHelp() Run("winhlp32 G:\Test System\Scripts\HelpFiles\UNATTENDED SCRIPTS RUN.HLP") EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIIntendedToRun() $IntendedToRunInProcess = 1 $ITRNumScripts = 0 For $Check = 1 to $ScriptFilesTVNum -1 For $Check2 = 0 to $ScriptNumber - 1 If $ScriptFilesTVSelect[$Check2] = $Check Then $ITRNumScripts = $ITRNumScripts + 1 $IntendedToRunNum[$ITRNumScripts] = $ScriptFiles[$Check2] EndIf Next Next If $ITRNumScripts = 0 Then msgbox(48,"ERROR","No Scripts selected, can't generate report.",5) Return EndIf $IntendedToRunFile = FileOpen ($DirPath5 & $today & "\SelectedTests.txt",2) $TestCaseNumber = 1 Do If FileExists ($DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $IntendedToRunNum[$IntendedToRunInProcess] & ".txt") Then $ScriptFile = FileOpen ($DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $IntendedToRunNum[$IntendedToRunInProcess] & ".txt",0) Else $ScriptFile = FileOpen ($DirPath2 & $IntendedToRunNum[$IntendedToRunInProcess] & ".txt",0) EndIf FileWriteLine($IntendedToRunFile,$IntendedToRunNum[$IntendedToRunInProcess]) Do $TestCase = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $EOF1 = @ERROR $TestCaseScript = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $TestCaseCombo = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) FileWriteLine($IntendedToRunFile," " & $TestCaseScript & " - " & $TestCaseCombo) $NumOfDutsNeeded = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $NumOfPowerBoxes = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $WhenToPowerOffOn = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $PowerOffOnMethod = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $LogProgram = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $StatusPos1 = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $StatusPos2 = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $StatusPos3 = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $StartDelay = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $MaxExecutionTime = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $ReRunTimes = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $ScriptToRunAfterTestLine = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $ResultTableCoord = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $ReservedForFutureUse2 = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $ReservedForFutureUse3 = StringMid(FileReadLine($ScriptFile),16) $Blank = FileReadLine($ScriptFile) $EOF1 = @ERROR $TestCaseNumber = $TestCaseNumber + 1 Until $EOF1 = -1 FileClose ( $ScriptFile ) $IntendedToRunInProcess = $IntendedToRunInProcess + 1 Until $IntendedToRunInProcess > $ITRNumScripts FileClose ( $IntendedToRunFile ) $Run = @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe " & $DirPath5 & $today & "\SelectedTests.txt" Run($Run) EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUILocked() ; ---------- Status Bar If BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($LockedStatusItem),$GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($LockedStatusItem,$GUI_UNCHECKED) $LockRunStatus = "OPEN" GUICtrlSetData($LockedLabel,"Script will run in " & $LockRunStatus & " and " & $FullRunStatus & " mode.") Else GUICtrlSetState($LockedStatusItem,$GUI_CHECKED) $LockRunStatus = "LOCK" GUICtrlSetData($LockedLabel,"Script will run in " & $LockRunStatus & " and " & $FullRunStatus & " mode.") EndIf EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUINew() $ScriptNameOK = 1 $NewScriptName = InputBox("New Script","Enter the name of the New Script") If @ERROR = 0 Then ; ---------- Test if the file already exist or not and if the file syntax looks correct If StringLeft($NewScriptName,1) <> "R" Then $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf If StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_") < 3 or StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_") > 4 Then $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf If StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",2) < 6 or StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",2) > 15 Then $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf If StringMid($NewScriptName,3,1) = "_" Then If StringMid($NewScriptName,2,1) >= 0 and StringMid($NewScriptName,2,1) <= 9 Then $NewScriptRelease = StringMid($NewScriptName,2,1) Else $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf EndIf If StringMid($NewScriptName,4,1) = "_" Then If StringMid($NewScriptName,2,2) >= 0 and StringMid($NewScriptName,2,2) <= 9 Then $NewScriptRelease = StringMid($NewScriptName,2,2) Else $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf EndIf If FileExists ($DirPath2 & $NewScriptName & ".txt") = 1 Then $ScriptNameOK = 0 EndIf If $ScriptNameOK = 1 Then $NewScript1 = StringLeft($NewScriptName,1) $NewScript1 = StringUpper($NewScript1) $NewScript2 = StringMid($NewScriptName,2) $NewScriptName = $NewScript1 & $NewScript2 $UScore1 = StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",1) $UScore2 = StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",2) $Part2Len = $UScore2 - $UScore1 - 1 $NewScript1 = StringLeft($NewScriptName,StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_")-1) $NewScript2 = StringMid($NewScriptName,StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_")+1,$Part2Len) $NewScript3 = StringMid($NewScriptName,StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",2)+ 1) $NewScriptName = $NewScript1 & "_" & $NewScript2 & "_" & $NewScript3 $result = FileCopy ($DirPath2 & "ScriptTemplate.txt",$DirPath2 & $NewScriptName & ".txt") If $result = 0 Then Msgbox(48,"ERROR","Invalid Scriptname or Script already exist") Return EndIf $EditFile = @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe " & $DirPath2 & $NewScriptName & ".txt" $NPFile = $NewScriptName & ".txt - Notepad" Run($EditFile) $Prefix = StringLeft($NewScriptName,StringInStr($NewScriptName,"_","",2)-1) ; ---------- Create a New RX_XX_StartTests.au3 file from a template If FileExists ($DirPath1 & $Prefix & "_StartTests.au3") = 0 Then $OrigStartTests = FileOpen($DirPath1 & "RX_XX_StartTests.au3",0) $NewStartTests = FileOpen($DirPath1 & $Prefix & "_StartTests.au3",2) $EOF1 = 0 Do $ReadStartTests = FileReadline($OrigStartTests) $EOF1 = @ERROR If StringInstr($ReadStartTests,"RX_XX_StartTests") > 0 Then $ReadStartTests = StringReplace($ReadStartTests,"RX_XX_StartTests",$Prefix & "_StartTests") EndIf FileWriteLine ($NewStartTests,$ReadStartTests) Until $EOF1 = -1 FileClose($OrigStartTests) FileClose($NewStartTests) $ModStartTestsRead = FileOpen($DirPath1 & "StartTests.au3",0) $ModStartTestsWrite = FileOpen($DirPath1 & "StartTestsCopy.au3",2) $EOF1 = 0 ; ---------- Modify StartTests.au3 with the name of the above RX_XX_StartTests.au3 file. Do $ReadStartTests = FileReadline($ModStartTestsRead) $EOF1 = @ERROR Select Case StringInstr($ReadStartTests,";---------- Include StartTests Start ----------") > 0 FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite,$ReadStartTests) FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite,"#include """ & $DirPath1 & $Prefix & "_StartTests.au3""") Case StringInstr($ReadStartTests,";---------- Start the Right Combination Start ----------") > 0 FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite,$ReadStartTests) FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite," Case $ReleasePrefix = """ & $Prefix & "_""") FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite," " & $Prefix & "_StartTests($TestCaseScript,$TestCaseCombo)") #include "G:\Regression_Test\Autoscript\StartStopTests\StartTests.au3" Case Else FileWriteLine ($ModStartTestsWrite,$ReadStartTests) EndSelect Until $EOF1 = -1 FileClose ($ModStartTestsWrite) FileClose ($ModStartTestsRead) FileCopy ($DirPath1 & "StartTests.au3",$DirPath1 & "StartTestsOld.au3",1) FileCopy ($DirPath1 & "StartTestsCopy.au3",$DirPath1 & "StartTests.au3",1) EndIf $NewScript = 9 GUIDelete() Return Else Msgbox(48,"ERROR","Invalid Scriptname or Script already exist") EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUInPower() $ChangenPowerPorts = "YES" FileDelete("C:\NpowerPort.txt") FileDelete("C:\NpowerPort2.txt") ReadNpowerPort() GUICtrlSetData ($NpowerLabel,"nPowerPorts: 1:" & $NpowerPort & " 2:" & $NpowerPort2) GUICtrlSetState($NpowerLabel,$GUI_FOCUS) EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIPostTests() $EditFile = @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe " & $DirPath1 & "PostTests.au3" Run($EditFile) EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIReleaseView() For $View = 0 to $NumOfReleases GUICtrlSetState ($ReleaseView[$View],$GUI_UNCHECKED) Next EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIReleaseViewItem() ; ---------- Checks/Unchecks Scripts For $Check = 0 to $ScriptNumber - 1 Select Case @GUI_CTRLID = $ScriptFilesTV[$Check] ; ---------- Registers a selection, and check/uncheck it Select Case $ScriptFilesTVSelect[$Check] = 0 $ScriptFilesTVSelect[$Check] = $ScriptFilesTVNum $ScriptFilesTVNum = $ScriptFilesTVNum + 1 $RunOrder = $RunOrder + 1 GUICtrlSetState ($ScriptFilesTV[$Check],$GUI_CHECKED) If $RunOrder = 1 Then $result = GUICtrlSetState($SelectLabel,$GUI_HIDE) $RunOrderList = GUICtrlCreateListView ("Test Case Run Order| ",340,6,210,210) GUICtrlSetTip ($RunOrderList,"This is the run order of the test cases.") EndIf If FileExists ($DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $ScriptFiles[$Check] & ".txt") Then $RunOrderListContent[$Check] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($ScriptFiles[$Check] & "|TEMPORARY",$RunOrderList) Else $RunOrderListContent[$Check] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($ScriptFiles[$Check],$RunOrderList) EndIf $LastSelected = $ScriptFiles[$Check] Case Else $ScriptFilesTVSelect[$Check] = 0 $RunOrder = $RunOrder - 1 GUICtrlSetState ($ScriptFilesTV[$Check],$GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlDelete($RunOrderListContent[$Check]) If $RunOrder = 0 Then $result = GUICtrlSetState($RunOrderList,$GUI_HIDE) $result = GUICtrlDelete($RunOrderList) $result = GUICtrlSetState($SelectLabel,$GUI_SHOW) EndIf EndSelect EndSelect ; ---------- Changes the Select Box back, if it is checked/unchecked using Space Select Case $ScriptFilesTVSelect[$Check] = 0 GUICtrlSetState ($ScriptFilesTV[$Check],$GUI_UNCHECKED) Case $ScriptFilesTVSelect[$Check] >= 1 GUICtrlSetState ($ScriptFilesTV[$Check],$GUI_CHECKED) EndSelect Next EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIRename() If $LastSelected = "" Then ; Else If $RunOrder > 0 Then If FileExists ($DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $LastSelected & ".txt") Then Msgbox(48,"ERROR","Test case can't be renamed while Temporary Script Exists",5) Else $ScriptNameOK = 1 $NewScriptName = Inputbox("Rename " & $LastSelected,"Enter the new Name.",$LastSelected) $InputError = @ERROR If $InputError = 1 Then Return $NewLength = StringLen($NewScriptName) ; ---------- Test if the file already exist or not and if the file syntax looks correct If StringLeft($NewScriptName,1) <> "R" Then $ScriptNameOK = 2 EndIf If StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_") < 3 or StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_") > 4 Then $ScriptNameOK = 3 EndIf If StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",2) < 6 or StringInstr($NewScriptName,"_","",2) > 15 Then $ScriptNameOK = 4 EndIf If StringMid($NewScriptName,3,1) = "_" Then If StringMid($NewScriptName,2,1) >= 0 and StringMid($NewScriptName,2,1) <= 9 Then $NewScriptRelease = StringMid($NewScriptName,2,1) Else $ScriptNameOK = 5 EndIf EndIf If StringMid($NewScriptName,4,1) = "_" Then If StringMid($NewScriptName,2,2) >= 0 and StringMid($NewScriptName,2,2) <= 9 Then $NewScriptRelease = StringMid($NewScriptName,2,2) Else $ScriptNameOK = 6 EndIf EndIf If FileExists ($DirPath2 & $NewScriptName & ".txt") = 1 Then $ScriptNameOK = 7 EndIf If $InputError = 0 and $ScriptNameOK = 1 Then $result = FileMove($DirPath2 & $LastSelected & ".txt",$DirPath2 & $NewScriptName & ".txt") If $result = 0 or $NewLength = 0 Then Msgbox(48,"ERROR","Invalid Scriptname, File in use or Script already exist.") Return Else $NewScript = 9 GUIDelete() Return EndIf Else Msgbox(48,"ERROR","Invalid Scriptname or Script already exist.") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIRun() $result=MsgBox(36,"Run Mode","You have chosen to run the test cases in" & @CRLF & $LockRunStatus & " and " & $FullRunStatus & " mode." & @CRLF & "Do you want to continue?") If $result = 6 Then $Run="YES" Else $Run="NO" EndIf EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUIStartTests() If $LastSelected = "" Then ; Else If $RunOrder > 0 Then $RelArea = StringLeft($LastSelected,StringInStr($LastSelected,"_","",2)) $EditFile = @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe " & $DirPath1 & $RelArea & "StartTests.au3" Run($EditFile) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUITemporary() If $LastSelected <> "" Then If FileExists ($DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $LastSelected & ".txt") Then Msgbox (48,"ERRROR",$LastSelected & " already exists as a temporary test case.") Else DirCreate ($DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today) FileCopy ($DirPath2 & $LastSelected & ".txt",$DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $LastSelected & ".txt") $EditFile = @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe " & $DirPath2 & "\Special\" & $today & "\" & $LastSelected & ".txt" $NPFile = $LastSelected & ".txt - Notepad" Run($EditFile) $NewScript = 9 GUIDelete() Return EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUITestRunningCreate() $GUIHeight = ($TestCaseNumber - 1) * 16 + 240 $GUIStatusHeight = ($TestCaseNumber - 1) * 16 + 10 If $GuiStatusHeight > 670 Then $GuiStatusHeight = 670 If $GuiHeight > 900 Then $GuiHeight = 900 $GUIRunning = GUICreate("Unattended Script Run",360,$GUIHeight) $Picture = GUICtrlCreatePic ($DirPath4 & "\UnattendedScriptRun.jpg",75,10,210,210,$SS_SUNKEN,$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $RunStatusList = GUICtrlCreateTreeView (5,225,350,$GuiStatusHeight,BitOr($TVS_HASBUTTONS,$TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP),$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) For $Index = 1 to $TestCaseNumber - 1 $RunStatusListContent[$Index] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem ($RunStatusListStatus[$Index] & $JobsToRun[$Index],$RunStatusList) Next EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUITestRunningDelete() GUIDelete($GUIRunning) EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUITestRunningHide() GUISetState (@SW_HIDE,$GUIRunning) EndFunc ;=================================================================================================== ====== Func GUITestRunningShow() GUISetState (@SW_SHOW,$GUIRunning) WinActivate("Unattended Script Run") EndFunc
Wooltown Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 No selected, I use OnEvent mode, and the Event is not triggered, when "selecting"using keyboard, but it is when clickÃng with mouse. Regards Sven
Holger Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 (edited) Would be good to have a working example not just a big complex script part Does this sample works for you with the current beta ? : expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> Opt("GUIOnEventMode",1) GUICreate("test") $treeview = GUICtrlCreateTreeView (6,6,300,434,BitOr($TVS_HASBUTTONS,$TVS_HASLINES,$TVS_LINESATROOT,$TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP,$TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS,$TVS_CHECKBOXES,$TVS_TRACKSELECT ),$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE ) $item1 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item1",$treeview) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $item2 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item2",$treeview) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $item3 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item3",$treeview) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $item4 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item4",$treeview) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $subitem1 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("SubItem1",$item1) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $subitem2 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("SubItem2",$item1) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $status = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0",350,10,50,20) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE,"ExitGUI") GUISetState() While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd Exit Func ItemSelection() GUICtrlSetData($status,@GUI_CtrlId) EndFunc Func ExitGUI() Exit EndFunc Holger Edited June 2, 2005 by Holger Old project:GUI/Tray menu with icons and colors Other old stuff:IconFileScanner, TriState/ThreeState GUI TreeView, GUI ContextMenu created out of a TreeView
Wooltown Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 Hello ! No it doesn't, If I click in a checkbox with the mouse, the number to the right changes according to the checkbox clicked, but that doesn't happen if I go to the appropriate line and press Space bar, I get a Checkmark but No Event occurs. Regards Sven
jpm Posted June 2, 2005 Author Posted June 2, 2005 Would be good to have a working example not just a big complex script part Does this sample works for you with the current beta ? :#include <GUIConstants.au3> Opt("GUIOnEventMode",1) GUICreate("test") $treeview = GUICtrlCreateTreeView (6,6,300,434,BitOr($TVS_HASBUTTONS,$TVS_HASLINES,$TVS_LINESATROOT,$TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP,$TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS,$TVS_CHECKBOXES,$TVS_TRACKSELECT ),$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE ) $item1 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item1",$treeview) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $item2 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item2",$treeview) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $item3 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item3",$treeview) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $item4 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("Item4",$treeview) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $subitem1 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("SubItem1",$item1) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $subitem2 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("SubItem2",$item1) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"ItemSelection") $status = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0",350,10,50,20) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE,"ExitGUI") GUISetState() While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd Exit Func ItemSelection() GUICtrlSetData($status,@GUI_CtrlId) EndFunc Func ExitGUI() Exit EndFuncHolger<{POST_SNAPBACK}>I agree it is not working as Sven want. But do we want to have it working?
Holger Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 (edited) Ahhh, now I understand what you mean: an event should occur when you press 'space' like with a normal CheckBox-control!? This is not implemented yet. I will see if I can do something... So long... Holger Edit: @jpm: maybe only when TVS_CHECKBOXES-style is assigned to the treeview. Edited June 2, 2005 by Holger Old project:GUI/Tray menu with icons and colors Other old stuff:IconFileScanner, TriState/ThreeState GUI TreeView, GUI ContextMenu created out of a TreeView
MSLx Fanboy Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 Actually Saunders, last time I checked, this was also to request a few function or fix to the beta version.It would be nice to have that HotKeySet functionality without having to write another function just to wrap Exit.Also, as per my quest to have MD5 functions in autoit, DaProber gave me a link for the Crypto++ Library. I'm going to take a look at it to see if I can find the specific MD5 functions within the library... Writing AutoIt scripts since _DateAdd("d", -2, _NowCalcDate())
Valik Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 Actually Saunders, last time I checked, this was also to request a few function or fix to the beta version.It would be nice to have that HotKeySet functionality without having to write another function just to wrap Exit.Also, as per my quest to have MD5 functions in autoit, DaProber gave me a link for the Crypto++ Library. I'm going to take a look at it to see if I can find the specific MD5 functions within the library...<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Exit is a keyword, not a function, anyway, so I think that makes it a moot point.
jpm Posted June 2, 2005 Author Posted June 2, 2005 Actually Saunders, last time I checked, this was also to request a few function or fix to the beta version.It would be nice to have that HotKeySet functionality without having to write another function just to wrap Exit.Also, as per my quest to have MD5 functions in autoit, DaProber gave me a link for the Crypto++ Library. I'm going to take a look at it to see if I can find the specific MD5 functions within the library...<{POST_SNAPBACK}>@MSLx FanboyCan you use other thread/forum to express problem/suggestion?posting here does not help other poster to follow the discussionThanks
jpm Posted June 3, 2005 Author Posted June 3, 2005 3rd June 2005 - v3.1.1.42 (beta)Fixed : GuiCtrlSetData on inactive tabitem not refreshing active item. (Thanks DaleHolm) Fixed : ControlSend (...,"{CTRLDOWN}b{CTRLUP}) Fixed : _ArraySort (by JdeB) Fixed : ControlSend doc on "Windows control command"/game (Thanks phillip123adams /Jon) Fixed : Internal change in Array updating (by Tylo) Updated : UDFs 1.16 (By JdeB/gafrost)- Fixed _ArraySort to cope with Mixed values and string entries.- Added _GUISlider??? functions in GUISlider.au3 (gafrost) - Added _GUICtrlListViewInsertColumn, _GUICtrlListViewInsertItem, _GUICtrlListViewJustifyColumn, _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnOrder, _GuiCtrlListViewSetItemCount, _GUICtrlListViewSort (gafrost)Please check carefully your script using send, controlsend and arrays
Valik Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 The beta uninstaller removes the Window Info shortcut from the Start Menu. I don't think that it should be doing that.
jpm Posted June 4, 2005 Author Posted June 4, 2005 The beta uninstaller removes the Window Info shortcut from the Start Menu. I don't think that it should be doing that.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Thanks I will update in the next beta is better to write a bug report than writing in this thread
jpm Posted June 5, 2005 Author Posted June 5, 2005 5th June 2005 - v3.1.1.43 (beta)Fixed : uninstaller deleting AutoIt Window info link. (Thanks Valik)Fixed : Crash when using Obj (Thanks foggw/Tylo)
redfive19 Posted June 6, 2005 Posted June 6, 2005 Did I miss something or was TrayCreateItem removed from the latest version of AutoIt?
jpm Posted June 6, 2005 Author Posted June 6, 2005 Did I miss something or was TrayCreateItem removed from the latest version of AutoIt?<{POST_SNAPBACK}>No It is working at least for the example shown in the doc
jpm Posted June 7, 2005 Author Posted June 7, 2005 7th June 2005 - v3.1.1.44 (beta)Fixed : Crash using ContextMenuItem under NT4. (Thanks dash007/Holger) Add : requested Regular Expression features: (by Nutster) a) Add \-, \], and \^ to available escaped characters in sets. Add \b for backspace to sets and to regular escaped characters. c) Add \D, \S, and \W to be compliments of \d, \s and \w. d) Add \e to match escape character. e) Add (?: ... ) to be a non-capturing group. That is the group does not get stored in the array. f) Add (?i) option to make case-INsensitive match g) Add (?-i) option to use case-sensitive matching (default) h) Add (?i: ... ) to be a non-capturing, case-insensitive group i) Add (?-i: ... ) to be a non-capturing, case-sensitive group Add : Floor and Ceiling function (by Nutster) Updated : UDFs 1.17 (By JdeB/gafrost)- Added _GUICtrlSliderGetPos functions in GUISlider.au3 (gafrost)- Fixed _ArraySort lockup Bug.
GaryFrost Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 7th June 2005 - v3.1.1.44 (beta)Fixed :  Crash using ContextMenuItem under NT4. (Thanks dash007/Holger) Add :   requested Regular Expression features: (by Nutster)          a) Add \-, \], and \^ to available escaped characters in sets.          Add \b for backspace to sets and to regular escaped characters.          c) Add \D, \S, and \W to be compliments of \d, \s and \w.          d) Add \e to match escape character.          e) Add (?: ... ) to be a non-capturing group. That is the group does not get stored in the array.          f) Add (?i) option to make case-INsensitive match          g) Add (?-i) option to use case-sensitive matching (default)          h) Add (?i: ... ) to be a non-capturing, case-insensitive group          i) Add (?-i: ... ) to be a non-capturing, case-sensitive group Add :    Floor and Ceiling function (by Nutster) Updated :  UDFs 1.17 (By JdeB/gafrost)- Added _GUICtrlSliderGetPos functions in GUISlider.au3 (gafrost)- Fixed _ArraySort lockup Bug.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Might want to ask jdeB for the changed GuiListViewThanks,Gary SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs  Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Â
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