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I've been able to add an image to my GUI, but I'd like to be able to get it to appear relative to it's location, since right now it's absolutely defined, i.e. "C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Desktop\MyAutoitScript\image.jpg"

Is there any way to be able to recognize the image location in relation to a directory, so I could just have it check the MyAutoItScript directory for the image and load it where I want it to?


If you are including the image in the exe, it should get deposited in the same directory that the exe exists when it is run, therefore you don't have to add a path to find it. Is that what you want?


I've been able to add an image to my GUI, but I'd like to be able to get it to appear relative to it's location, since right now it's absolutely defined, i.e. "C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Desktop\MyAutoitScript\image.jpg"

Is there any way to be able to recognize the image location in relation to a directory, so I could just have it check the MyAutoItScript directory for the image and load it where I want it to?

I have half understood so I give you some examples and maybe you will find what you want :D

;in the case your script is in the picture directory
"image.jpg" or @ScriptDir & "\image.jpg"

;in the case your picture is in another folder
@DesktopDir & "\MyAutoitScript\image.jpg"

Cheers, FireFox.

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