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KupSvc Kill Unknown Processes Service

KUP is to be used on servers to kill any unwanted or unknown processes.

KUP uses a White list of processes.

KUP has 2 modes : Learning mode to fill the White list, and Production Mode where Kup kills any process not in the White List

KUP in Learning mode can be used as a spy of all launched processes (List is in Kup.ini and KillUnknownProcesses.log)

First time usage


KupSvc -i Install the service

( Edit Kup.ini Add a predefined White list in [Config] WProcesses= value )

Net Start "Kup Service" Add any running process to the white list and Start the service in "Learning Mode"

Leave the system running for a while (1 day / 1 Week ...) so Kup is learning any started processes

Create a KUPOff file Stop the service and set it to "Production Mode" (Or Net Stop "Kup Service" + Edit ini file LearningMode=0)

Edit Kup.ini [Config] Processes= value and delete from it any unwanted processes

Net Start "Kup Service" Start the service in "Production Mode" (any unknown process will be killed)

Thanks Arcker for your Service UDF

The following line in kup script

#include <KupIncService.au3>

Should be replaced by

#include <Service.au3>

Found in Arcker following post - http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=80201




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