Genos Posted August 17, 2009 Posted August 17, 2009 Yeah, I'm not having any luck finding information on setting the focus. All I need it to put the cursor into the top input box of my form after I submit the data. I know there has to be something simple out there, but I can't find it >_<
Moderators Melba23 Posted August 17, 2009 Moderators Posted August 17, 2009 Genos,_WinAPI_SetFocus!M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
Genos Posted August 17, 2009 Author Posted August 17, 2009 Genos,_WinAPI_SetFocus!M23I am not able to figure out how to use _WinAPI_SetFocus to set focus to my inputbox >_<_WinAPI_SetFocus($txtQuestion)Doesn't set focus to my input box.
Moderators Melba23 Posted August 17, 2009 Moderators Posted August 17, 2009 Genos, You need the handle, not the ControlID: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #Include <WinAPI.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("Test", 500, 500) $hInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 10, 400, 20) GUICtrlCreateButton("Test", 10, 100, 80, 30) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_FOCUS) GUISetState() Sleep(5000) _WinAPI_SetFocus(ControlGetHandle("Test", "", $hInput)) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd M23 anandchakru and SkysLastChance 2 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
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