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If I wanted to repeatedly check only the last line from the results of a WinGetText to trigger a word match via StringRegExp what would be the code/pattern for that?
Breevy is a text expander tool that is a handy productivity tool. However, it can interfere with Send commands to some windows if it is enabled and has the Typo AutoCorrections library imported and the utility is enabled. I seek to determine programmatically what the status of Breevy is either Enabled or Disabled. Via the GUI the utility presents the status as "Enabled" or "Disabled". This was my script to test with: ;With Breevy running and minimized If WinExists('Breevy') Then Opt('WinDetectHiddenText', 1) $hBreevy = WinGetHandle('Breevy') MsgBox(0,"",WinGetText($ hBreevy)) EndIf Results: Breevy.exe Summary of AutoIt v3 Window Info tool: >>>> Window <<<< Title: Breevy (Portable Mode) Class: gdkWindowToplevel Position: -8, -8 Size: 1296, 1010 Style: 0x17CF0000 ExStyle: 0x00000110 Handle: 0x00000000001309DE >>>> Control <<<< Class: Instance: ClassnameNN: Name: Advanced (Class): ID: Text: Position: Size: ControlClick Coords: Style: ExStyle: Handle: >>>> Mouse <<<< Position: 592, 10 Cursor ID: 0 Color: 0xC7D5E3 >>>> StatusBar <<<< >>>> ToolsBar <<<< >>>> Visible Text <<<< Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe Breevy.exe >>>> Hidden Text <<<< Breevy.exe Any tips or suggestions will be appreciated. Also, is what I'm seeking to achieve feasible via viewing text of the window when minimized to the task bar in the tray?