I want to create a program that resizes and changes style/exstyles of other windows.
The problem is that i don`t know why my script doesn`t work.
Here is an example:
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
Global $setStyle, $getStyle, $outputString='', $getHandle, $setState
$getHandle = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:Notepad]")
$outputString &= $getHandle & @LF
$setState = GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNORMAL, $getHandle)
$outputString &= $setState & @LF
$getStyle = GUIGetStyle($getHandle)
If IsArray($getStyle) = 1 Then
$outputString &= $getStyle[0]& ' ' &$getStyle[1]& @LF
$outputString &= "NOTHING" & @LF
$setStyle = GUISetStyle($WS_POPUPWINDOW, -1, $getHandle)
$outputString &= $setStyle & @LF
MsgBox(0,"OUTPUT", $outputString)
It doesn`t work... At least not for me
I noticed that $getHandle is "0x0021023A" and AutoIt Window Info shows : "0x000000000021023A"
I don`t know if that`s a problem . If it is, idk how to fix it