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  1. I wanted to use Ward's code but did'nt work on server2003, the old _StringEncrypt is not RC4, the one that comes now I can't use in win98, so here is a port. Could not find one in the forums. This should act just like Ward's, but a thousand times slower. #include "RC4.au3" Local $p = 'key' Local $d = ', lots of data' $d = $d & $d;&$d&$d&$d&$d&$d&$d&$d&$d&$d&$d&$d&$d&$d Local $t = TimerInit() $Encrypt = _RC4($d, $p) ConsoleWrite("1 ward $Encrypt >" & $Encrypt & "<" & @CRLF) $Decrypt = _RC4($Encrypt, $p) ConsoleWrite("1 ward $Decrypt >" & BinaryToString($Decrypt) & "<" & @CRLF & " time: " & Round(TimerDiff($t), 5) & " mSec." & @CRLF & @CRLF) $Encrypt = rc4(StringToBinary($p), StringToBinary($d)) ConsoleWrite("2 this $Encrypt >" & Binary($Encrypt) & "<" & @CRLF) $Decrypt = rc4(StringToBinary($p), BinaryToString($Encrypt)) ConsoleWrite("2 this $Decrypt >" & BinaryToString($Decrypt) & "<" & @CRLF & " time: " & Round(TimerDiff($t), 5) & " mSec." & @CRLF & @CRLF) Func rc4($key_str, $data_str) ; convert input strings to arrays Local $key_str_u = StringSplit(BinaryToString($key_str), "") Local $data_str_u = StringSplit(BinaryToString($data_str), "") Local $key[$key_str_u[0]] Local $data[$data_str_u[0]] Local $i For $i = 0 To $key_str_u[0] - 1 $key[$i] = Asc($key_str_u[$i + 1]) Next For $i = 0 To $data_str_u[0] - 1 $data[$i] = Asc($data_str_u[$i + 1]) Next ; prepare key Local $state[256] For $i = 0 To 255 $state[$i] = $i Next Local $tmp, $x = 0, $y = 0 For $i = 0 To 255 $y = Mod($key[$x] + $state[$i] + $y, 256) $tmp = $state[$i] $state[$i] = $state[$y] $state[$y] = $tmp $x = Mod(($x + 1), $key_str_u[0]) Next ; rc4 $x = 0 $y = 0 For $i = 0 To $data_str_u[0] - 1 $x = Mod(($x + 1), 256) $y = Mod(($state[$x] + $y), 256) $tmp = $state[$x]; $state[$x] = $state[$y] $state[$y] = $tmp $data[$i] = BitXOR($data[$i], $state[Mod(($state[$x] + $state[$y]), 256)]) Next ; convert output back to a string $data_str = "" For $i = 0 To $data_str_u[0] - 1 $data_str &= Chr($data[$i]) Next Return $data_str EndFunc ;==>rc4 hope it helps for those needing autoit v3.2.12.1 Edit 1: found working code at this post: , next time I'll pay more attention
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