Okay I've been coding with XP and finally need to code on Win7 (yuck).
Latest version installed into directory C:\Program Files\AutoIt3 NOT C:\Program Files (x86)
This single line program works in XP but gives an error in Win7 - what am I doing wrong??
Here's the error in the console window: ! Unable to determine the location of the AutoIt3 program directory!
>"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\AH Code\atscriptlinenumber.au3" /UserParams
+>18:27:15 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0409 Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_7/Service Pack 1 CPU:X64 OS:X86)
! Unable to determine the location of the AutoIt3 program directory!
>Exit code: 0 Time: 0.250
It's probably something extremely easy but I'm stumped. (Yes I have full RWM permissions.)