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  1. Hi all, I'm trying to find how to draw an image (create a label in mspaint) and save it as .bmp. And set it to be a wallpaper I also need to know what wallpaper is use now, for restore it when the script is closed. What is the best way to do it? Do I need Gdi+ for it? I use this code (which I found here in forum) to set a .bmp file as wallpaper: Func _ChangeWallpaper($sFile,$iType) ; Changes the wallpaper to $sFilename using $iType as: ; 1 Tiled ; 2 Centered ; 3 Stretched ; any other value (usually 0) unchanged ; ; Returns ; 0 if everything is allright. ; -1 if $sFile does not exist. @error is set to 1 ; -2 if £sFile is not a .bmp file. @error is set to 2 If Not FileExists($sFile) Then SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf If StringTrimLeft($sFile,StringInStr($sFile,'.',0,-1)) <> 'bmp' Then SetError(2) Return -2 EndIf Select Case $iType = 1 RegWrite('HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop','TileWallpaper','reg_sz','1') RegWrite('HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop','WallpaperStyle','reg_sz','0') Case $iType = 2 RegWrite('HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop','TileWallpaper','reg_sz','0') RegWrite('HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop','WallpaperStyle','reg_sz','0') Case $iType = 3 RegWrite('HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop','TileWallpaper','reg_sz','0') RegWrite('HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop','WallpaperStyle','reg_sz','2') Case Else EndSelect RegWrite('HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop','Wallpaper','reg_sz',$sFile) DllCall("User32.dll","int","SystemParametersInfo","int",20,"int",0,"str",$sFile,"int",0) Return 0 EndFunc The flow that I understand should be: 1) Check what wallpaper is in use now. I can find the path to it by going to registry key named "wallpaper" here :[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] 2) Create a file mspaint 3) Create a label with its properties (size,color) in this file 3) Save this file in some temporary directory 4) Set a created file as a wallpaper using the above code 5) When the script is closed restore the old wallpaper. So again, my question is how to create a .bmp file with label in it?
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