OK here's an odd one... I have installed a data security product called Vormetric on my Windows 2008R2 server and afterward the iniwrite function no longer works. If I uninstall it then iniwrite once agains functions as expected. Interestingly enough Fileopen and Filewrite work regardless of whether or not Vormetric is installed. Does anyone have any idea what the INIWRITE function is doing behind the scenes? That may help me understand why Vormetric is stopping it from working. Below is a test script I use to verify functionality. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
$strTemp1 = "test text"
$strTemp2 = "test text 2"
$hdlFile = FileOpen("C:\test.txt",2)
$strTemp = FileWrite($hdlFile,$strTemp1)
MsgBox(0,"",$strTemp) ;shows a 1 which means success
$strTemp = FileClose($hdlFile)
MsgBox(0,"",$strTemp) ;shows a 1 which means success
$strTemp = IniWrite("C:\test.txt", "Section1", "Value", $strTemp2 )
MsgBox(0,"",$strTemp) ;shows a 0 which means failure