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Found 5 results

  1. Hi Guys, So with me working in my Virtual Machines in full screen, I often have my Host OS playing music. Now the issue I had was trying to control the Host OS without having to minimise the Guest OS. So I thought of this small program. I call it the Volume Control. It resides in the bottom right hand corner of your screen just above the system clock. I'm still working on getting the volume buttons to increase/decrease when you hold down the button. Currently, you will need to tap on the volume buttons numerous times to decrease/increase the volume. Any other improvements let me know. The source code, icon and compiled program are already in the zip. Volume Controlv1.zip Screenshot.bmp
  2. good morning autoit team please i need your help am trying to make an program that work with hotkeys it function is to change the volume to the current application e.g when i select the vlc window by using this hotkey i will be able to change the vlc volume with out changing the system volume. am able to get the process handle and the process name of the window but when am trying to get or set the volume i does not succeded i tried to search in this forums but no result. can you please guide me to do that. am waiting for your answers thanks in advanced
  3. Hello guys! I'm a rookie in AutoIt lol. I've tried to looking up in MSDN and the UDFs, but it can only get the GUID of a usual partition and with the GUID to control it. Now I have no ways😥. Thanks a lot for your help!
  4. Hi Guys, I've noticed that the SoundGetWaveVolume UDF in an older topic isn't working on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. It's probably a Windows XP UDF. The UDF below does work. It successfully returns the volume set by SoundSetWaveVolume. It might need checking by the AutoIt community for some synthax finetuning. ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SoundGetWaveVolume ; Description....: Returns app volume of script, Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 only ; Syntax.........: _SoundGetWaveVolume([$iValueOnError = -1]) ; Parameters.....: $iValueOnError - Value to return when an error occurs ; Return values..: App volume of script or $iValueOnError at an error ; Error values...: @error = 1 - Unable to create Struct ; @error = 2 - Dll file not found ; @error = 3 - Wrong call so not on Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 ; @error = 4 - Internal error, array not returned ; @error = 5 - Volume wasn't received ; @error = 6 - Volume couldn't read ; Author.........: Peter Verbeek ; Modified.......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SoundGetWaveVolume($iValueOnError = -1) Local $LPDWORD,$aMMRESULT,$iVolume $LPDWORD = DllStructCreate("dword") If @error <> 0 Then SetError(1) ; 1 = unable to create Struct Return $iValueOnError EndIf ; get app volume of this script $aMMRESULT = DllCall("winmm.dll","uint","waveOutGetVolume","ptr",0,"long_ptr",DllStructGetPtr($LPDWORD)) Switch @error Case 1 SetError(2) ; 2 = dll file not found Return $iValueOnError Case 2,3,4,5 SetError(3) ; 3 = wrong call so not on Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 Return $iValueOnError EndSwitch If not IsArray($aMMRESULT) Then SetError(4) ; 4 = internal error, array not returned Return $iValueOnError EndIf If $aMMRESULT[0] <> 0 Then SetError(5) ; 5 = volume wasn't received Return $iValueOnError EndIf $iVolume = DllStructGetData($LPDWORD,1) If @error <> 0 Then SetError(6) ; 6 = volume couldn't read Return $iValueOnError EndIf Return Round(100*$iVolume/4294967295) ; return in range 0 to 100 as SoundSetWaveVolume() EndFunc
  5. Hi, I am trying to set the volume of another process but with no luck. I have looked a bit in the help file and found SoundSetVolume But that clearly only changes the current process(or every process not quite sure) But what I want is to change the volume of one process as said. I have googled and searched a bit on the forum and I can't seem to find anything that work. I Tried looking at controlsend/click to the windows 7 volume mixer, but this seems like a wierd way to do it? I would also like to retrieve the current volume of the process. I would appericiate if you could give me a few hints/ the soulution to how this is possible in another way than controlsend/click?
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