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I have a list of filenames and their versions and I want to sort them by the versions. However, they always sort like they were just strings. The version numbers can have up to 4 components (eg: I want version '1.2.7' to sort ahead of '1.12.7', and '1.8 alpha' to sort ahead of '1.8 beta' Here's my array of items to be sorted: 1.5 alpha.22.1\filexxx 1.9\filexxx 1.8beta\filexxx 1.8alpha\filexxx 1.6\filexxx 1.62\filexxx 1.5-alpha.2.1\filexxx 1.2\filexxx 1.11-beta\filexxx I want the sorted list to look like this: 1.2\filexxx 1.5-alpha.2.1\filexxx 1.5 alpha.22.1\filexxx 1.6\filexxx 1.62\filexxx 1.8alpha\filexxx 1.8beta\filexxx 1.9\filexxx 1.11-beta\filexxx But, what I end up with is this: 1.2\filexxx 1.6\filexxx 1.9\filexxx 1.62\filexxx 1.8beta\filexxx 1.8alpha\filexxx 1.11-beta\filexxx 1.5 alpha.22.1\filexxx 1.5-alpha.2.1\filexxx Here is my test script: #include <Debug.au3> _DebugSetup(@ScriptName & "_debug.txt", False, 5, "") _DebugOut("=============== " & @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " ====================" & @CRLF) #include <Array.au3> #include <String.au3> test() Func test() Local $ar $ar = StringSplit("", "") _ArrayAdd($ar, "1.5 alpha.22.1\filexxx") _ArrayAdd($ar, "1.9\filexxx") _ArrayAdd($ar, "1.8beta\filexxx") _ArrayAdd($ar, "1.8alpha\filexxx") _ArrayAdd($ar, "1.6\filexxx") _ArrayAdd($ar, "1.62\filexxx") _ArrayAdd($ar, "1.5-alpha.2.1\filexxx") _ArrayAdd($ar, "1.2\filexxx") _ArrayAdd($ar, "1.11-beta\filexxx") dumparray($ar, "$ar - initial values") setupVerSort($ar) ; Prepend each item in the array with a formatted version number dumparray($ar, "$ar - after setup") _ArraySort($ar, 0, 1) ; Sort based on the formatted version numbers cleanupVerSort($ar) ; Strip off the formatted version numbers dumparray($ar, "$ar - after cleanup") EndFunc ;==>test ; For each item in the array, extract the version number part, format it for sorting ; and put the formatted version in front of the item string (separated by " + ") Func setupVerSort(ByRef $ar) Local $ndx, $ndx2, $verIN, $verOUT, $vpartIN, $vpartOUT, $parts, $maxdepth $maxdepth = 4 For $ndx = 1 To UBound($ar) - 1 $verIN = StringSplit($ar[$ndx], "\", 2)[0] ; Get the version number $parts = StringSplit($verIN, '.', 2) ; Split the components into the $parts array redim $parts[$maxdepth] ; Only look at $maxdepth version components ; Format each component to be a set character length (8) For $ndx2 = 0 To UBound($parts) - 1 $vpartIN = $parts[$ndx2] If (StringRegExp($vpartIN, "[a-zA-Z]+")) Then $vpartOUT = StringRegExpReplace($vpartIN, "([a-zA-Z])*", "\0") logmsg("$vpartIN ==>" & $vpartIN & "<==, $vpartOUT ==>" & $vpartOUT & "<==") logmsg("") Else $vpartOUT = $vpartIN EndIf $parts[$ndx2] = StringFormat("%8s", $vpartOUT) ; Format this conponent to be 8 characters wide Next $verOUT = _ArrayToString($parts, ".", 0) $ar[$ndx] = $verOUT & " + " & $ar[$ndx] ; Prepend the formatted version Next EndFunc ;==>setupVerSort Func cleanupVerSort(ByRef $ar) Local $x For $ndx = 1 To UBound($ar) - 1 $x = StringInStr($ar[$ndx], " + ") $ar[$ndx] = StringTrimLeft($ar[$ndx], $x + 2) ; Strip off the formatted version Next EndFunc ;==>cleanupVerSort Func logmsg($msg, $lnum = @ScriptLineNumber) Local $str = ":" & $lnum & ": " & $msg ; Caller's line number plus the caller's message ; Send to both the Console and to DebugOut() _DebugOut($str) ConsoleWrite($str & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>logmsg Func dumparray(ByRef $ar, $sTitle, $lnum = @ScriptLineNumber) Local $str = @CRLF & " -" & $lnum & "-" & " Dump of " & $sTitle & @CRLF If (IsArray($ar)) Then For $ndx = 0 To UBound($ar) - 1 $str &= " [" & $ndx & "] " & $ar[$ndx] & @CRLF Next Else $str = "<not an array>" EndIf logmsg($str) EndFunc ;==>dumparray