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  1. I'm trying to get the url's account and password but getting an error when the account contains @. I tried to use _StringBetween() but found that solution quite bad, I don't know how to use REGEX, would love to help:. Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Global Const $hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP = DllOpen("winhttp.dll") Global $httpUserName = "ftpuser@ftp.trong.live" Global $httpPassword = "ftp.trong.live" Global $sURL_Input = 'https://' & $httpUserName & ':' & $httpPassword & '@ftp.trong.live:4438/prv/test.jpg' Local $sURL_Protocol, $sURL_Protocol_Number, $sURL_Domain, $sURL_Port, $sURL_User, $sURL_Password, $sURL_FilePathName, $sURL_FilePATH, $sURL_FileName _WinHttp_SplitURL($sURL_Input, $sURL_Protocol, $sURL_Domain, $sURL_Port, $sURL_User, $sURL_Password, $sURL_FilePathName, $sURL_FilePATH, $sURL_FileName) ConsoleWrite("! URL_Input : " & $sURL_Input & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("- Protocol : " & $sURL_Protocol & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("- Domain : " & $sURL_Domain & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("- Port : " & $sURL_Port & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("- User : " & $sURL_User & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("- Password : " & $sURL_Password & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("- FilePathName: " & $sURL_FilePathName & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("- FilePath : " & $sURL_FilePath & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("- FileName : " & $sURL_FileName & @CRLF) Func _WinHttp_SplitURL($sURL_Input, ByRef $sURL_Protocol, ByRef $sURL_Domain, ByRef $sURL_Port, ByRef $sURL_User, ByRef $sURL_Password, ByRef $sURL_FilePathName, ByRef $sURL_FilePATH, ByRef $sURL_FileName) If StringStripWS($sURL_Input, 8) = '' Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $sURL_Input = StringReplace($sURL_Input, "\", "/") If Not StringInStr($sURL_Input, '://') Then $sURL_Input = 'http://' & $sURL_Input __URL_Split($sURL_Input, $sURL_Protocol, $sURL_Domain, $sURL_FilePATH, $sURL_FileName) StringReplace($sURL_Input, '@', '') If @extended > 1 Then Local $sUser, $aUser = _StringBetween($sURL_Input, $sURL_Protocol & "://", '@') If IsArray($aUser) Then $sUser = $aUser[0] $sURL_Input = StringReplace($sURL_Input, $sURL_Protocol & "://" & $sUser & '@', $sURL_Protocol & "://" & $sUser & '%40') EndIf EndIf Local $aUrl = _WinHttpCrackUrl($sURL_Input) If IsArray($aUrl) Then $sURL_Protocol = ($aUrl[0] == '' ? $sURL_Protocol : $aUrl[0]) $sURL_Domain = ($aUrl[2] == '' ? $sURL_Domain : $aUrl[2]) $sURL_Port = $aUrl[3] $sURL_User = StringReplace($aUrl[4], '%40', '@') $sURL_Password = $aUrl[5] $sURL_FilePathName = ($aUrl[6] == '' ? $sURL_FilePATH & $sURL_FileName : $aUrl[6]) Return $aUrl EndIf Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndFunc ;==>_WinHttp_SplitURL Func __URL_Split($sURL_Input, ByRef $sURL_Protocol, ByRef $sURL_Domain, ByRef $sURL_FilePATH, ByRef $sURL_FileName) Local $sURL_Protocol_Number_Pattern = '^(?s)(?i)(http|ftp|sftp|ftps|https|file)://(.*?/|.*$)(.*/){0,}(.*)$' Local $sURL_Pattern = "^(?i)(?:(?:[a-z]+):\/\/)?" & "(?:(?:(?:[^@:]+))" & "(?::(?:[^@]+))?@)?" & "([^\/:]+)" & "(?::(?:\d+))?" & "(?:\/(?:[^?]+)?)?" & "(?:\?\N+)?" Local $aURL_Pattern = StringRegExp($sURL_Input, $sURL_Protocol_Number_Pattern, 2) If Not IsArray($aURL_Pattern) Or UBound($aURL_Pattern) - 1 <> 4 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If StringRight($aURL_Pattern[2], 1) = '/' Then $aURL_Pattern[2] = StringTrimRight($aURL_Pattern[2], 1) $aURL_Pattern[3] = '/' & $aURL_Pattern[3] EndIf $sURL_Protocol = $aURL_Pattern[1] Local $aHost = StringRegExp($sURL_Input, $sURL_Pattern, 1) If Not @error And IsArray($aHost) Then $sURL_Domain = $aHost[0] Else $sURL_Domain = $aURL_Pattern[2] EndIf $sURL_FilePATH = $aURL_Pattern[3] $sURL_FileName = $aURL_Pattern[4] Return $aURL_Pattern EndFunc ;==>__URL_Split Func _WinHttpCrackUrl($sURL, $iFlag = Default) __WinHttpDefault($iFlag, 0x80000000) Local $tURL_COMPONENTS = DllStructCreate("dword StructSize;" & "ptr SchemeName;" & "dword SchemeNameLength;" & "int Scheme;" & "ptr HostName;" & "dword HostNameLength;" & "word Port;" & "ptr UserName;" & "dword UserNameLength;" & "ptr Password;" & "dword PasswordLength;" & "ptr UrlPath;" & "dword UrlPathLength;" & "ptr ExtraInfo;" & "dword ExtraInfoLength") DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, 1, DllStructGetSize($tURL_COMPONENTS)) Local $tBuffers[6] Local $iURLLen = StringLen($sURL) For $i = 0 To 5 $tBuffers[$i] = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iURLLen + 1 & "]") Next DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "SchemeNameLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "SchemeName", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[0])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "HostNameLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "HostName", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[1])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UserNameLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UserName", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[2])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "PasswordLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "Password", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[3])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UrlPathLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UrlPath", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[4])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "ExtraInfoLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "ExtraInfo", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[5])) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpCrackUrl", "wstr", $sURL, "dword", $iURLLen, "dword", $iFlag, "struct*", $tURL_COMPONENTS) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aRet[8] = [DllStructGetData($tBuffers[0], 1), DllStructGetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "Scheme"), DllStructGetData($tBuffers[1], 1), DllStructGetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "Port"), DllStructGetData($tBuffers[2], 1), DllStructGetData($tBuffers[3], 1), DllStructGetData($tBuffers[4], 1), DllStructGetData($tBuffers[5], 1)] Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>_WinHttpCrackUrl Func __WinHttpDefault(ByRef $vInput, $vOutput) If $vInput = Default Or Number($vInput) = -1 Then $vInput = $vOutput EndFunc ;==>__WinHttpDefault Func _StringBetween($sString, $sStart, $sEnd, $iMode = 0, $bCase = False) $sStart = $sStart ? "\Q" & $sStart & "\E" : "\A" If $iMode <> 1 Then $iMode = 0 If $iMode = 0 Then $sEnd = $sEnd ? "(?=\Q" & $sEnd & "\E)" : "\z" Else $sEnd = $sEnd ? "\Q" & $sEnd & "\E" : "\z" EndIf If $bCase = Default Then $bCase = False EndIf Local $aRet = StringRegExp($sString, "(?s" & (Not $bCase ? "i" : "") & ")" & $sStart & "(.*?)" & $sEnd, 3) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>_StringBetween Debug Ouput: ! URL_Input : https://ftpuser@ftp.trong.live:ftp.trong.live@ftp.trong.live:443/prv/test.jpg - Protocol : https - Domain : ftp.trong.live - Port : 4438 - User : ftpuser@ftp.trong.live - Password : ftp.trong.live - FilePathName: /prv/test.jpg - FilePath : /prv/ - FileName : test.jpg
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