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  1. Hi guys, I often need zipping\unzipping function within my scripts, so I've decided to do a systematic research about it to understand which options I had. I'm sharing with you these results because I think it can save some time to somobody Autoit coders produced much material from 2005 till now, most of it consists of UDF wrappers of 3rd parts libraries, but there are some exception. Let's start: ZIP from scratch UDF: written by joakim. You can retrieve some info from a zip file, but it is just a PoC script, as I can see. LZ UDF: written by trancexx: another exception. It use native windows compression, so it doesn't need anything. It can work with memory, it doesn't work with files. LZMA UDF: written by Ward. He writes a dll which can be directly included or can be embedded within an au3 file. It can work with memory, it doesn't work with files. [it needs LZMA.dll or LZMA.dll.au3](link missing) Package UDF: written by Yashied. It is useful for dealing with package (.pkr) file. ZIP UDF: written by Wraithdu (yet torels UDF): the exception! Based on zipfldr.dll, a native library of Windows, so it does not need to include an external library into the script. It is its strenght, but its weak point too: if zipfldr.dll is corrupted or is missing, your script will not do what you expect. gZip UDF: written by Zinthose. Based on the parsing of gZip.exe output. It can work with memory, it doesn't work with files. [it needs gZip.exe] ZLib UDF: written by monoceres. Based on ZLib.dll. It can compress\uncompress data in memory, it doesn't work with files. [it needs ZLib.dll] pZip UDF: written by asdf8. Based on ZLib.dll. It can extract\add\overwrite file into archives. [it needs pZip.dll] ZLib and gZip UDF: written by Ward. Based on ZLib.dll but it does not need the dll file, because it is written directly in the UDF! It can compress\uncompress data in memory, and it can work with files. It works with gZip format too. (link missing) XZip UDF: written by eltorro, KXM and erifash. Based on XZip.dll, a COM dll. [it needs XZip.dll] XZip UDF: written by mLipok. Based on XZip.dll, a COM dll. A more complete alternative to previous UDF. [it needs XZip.dll] unRAR UDF: written by rasim. Based on unRAR.dll. You can just uncompress rar files with this one (the only method for new v5 RAR files). [it needs unRAR.dll] Parsing unRAR.exe output: you can just uncompress rar files in this way (the only method for new v5 RAR files). [it needs unRAR.exe] 7Zip: I spent a lot of time with it, because I think it is the most useful, there are different approaches: Parsing 7za.exe output, it is the simplest (and in my opinion the best) way, some UDFs can help with it, as jennico UDF (thanks to Screen Scrape script by Valik, it seems it doesn't work in Windows 10) [it needs 7za.exe] Using 3rd part dll, as rasim UDF (yet jak UDF). He rewrites a dll which can be simply invoked by his UDF [it needs 7-zip32.dll and\or 7-zip64.dll]. With Decipher UDF you doesn't need to include the dll in your project, because it is compiled into the script and loaded in memory directly at runtime. Invoking 7za.dll. This is the most complicated approach because the library doesn't use standard COM interfaces. Anyway dany, Starg, milky, trancexx, Mugen and finally Biatu had spent some time with it and they reach a sort of partial result. [it needs 7za.dll] Comment here to add suggestions\links\UDF I forgot and I'll update this post with them!
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