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  1. Hello everyone, I decided to rewrite/convert some autohotkey scripts to autoit. I know Ahk pretty well, but I'm obviously new at autoit. I've done my best with this one and the problem I'm getting now is the error message "Error: Unknown function name". Forgive me if it's something simple, but like I said, I'm completely new at this (been at it for one day, while ahk for years). Here is the autoit script: #RequireAdmin If WinExists(@ScriptName) Then Exit AutoItWinSetTitle(@ScriptName) $slowness = IniRead ("extra.ini", "slownesss", slowness, "0") $slowdelay = IniRead ("extra.ini", "slownesss", slowdelay, "0") Global $Paused HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") HotKeySet("{DELETE}", "Terminate") $track = 0 while 1 global $pos2 = mousegetpos() Local $coord1 = PixelSearch (511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30) If Not @error Then exitloop EndIf wend For $redloop = 1 to 10 step 1 global $pos2 = mousegetpos() local $coord2 = PixelSearch (511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30) If Not @error Then $track = 1 EndIf If @error Then ExitLoop EndIf If $redloop > 0 Then $fade = $redloop / 100 EndIf $move = $slowness + fade if $track = 1 Then global $pos1 = mousegetpos() $newx1 = $pos1-$xpos2 $newx2 = $pos2-$xpos1 $movex = $newx2/move _MouseMovePlus($movex,0) global $pos2 = mousegetpos() $track = 0 EndIf Next while 1 sleep 1 local $coord3 = PixelSearch (511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30) If @error Then exitloop EndIf WEnd Func TogglePause() $Paused = NOT $Paused While $Paused sleep(100) WEnd EndFunc ; mousemove------------------------------------------ Func _MouseMovePlus($X, $Y,$absolute = 0) global $MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = 1 Local $MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = 32768 DllCall("user32.dll", "none", "mouse_event", _ "long", $MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE + ($absolute*$MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE), _ "long", $X, _ "long", $Y, _ "long", 0, _ "long", 0) EndFunc Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc And here is the original Ahk script which I wrote (and works perfectly) : #SingleInstance force CoordMode, pixel,screen CoordMode, mouse,screen SetBatchLines -1 IniRead, slowness, extra.ini, slownesss, slowness IniRead, slowdelay, extra.ini, slownesss, slowdelay mouseXY(x,y) { DllCall("mouse_event",uint,1,int,x,int,y,uint,0,int,0) } track = 0 loop { mousegetpos, xpos2, ypos2 PixelSearch, Px, Py, 511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30, fast RGB if errorlevel = 0 { sleep slowdelay gosub, red } } red: loop, 10 { mousegetpos, xpos2, ypos2 PixelSearch, Px, Py, 511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30, fast RGB if errorlevel = 0 track = 1 if errorlevel = 1 break if (a_index > 0) fade := (a_index / 100) move := (slowness + fade) if track = 1 { MouseGetPos, xpos1, ypos1 newx1 := (xpos1-xpos2) newx2 := (xpos2-xpos1) mousexy(newx2/move, 0) mousegetpos, xpos2, ypos2 track = 0 } } loop { sleep 1 PixelSearch, Px, Py, 511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30, fast RGB if errorlevel = 1 return } return Any help about the error is greatly appreciated and perhaps something else you may spot. Thanks in advance
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