Hi all,
Im trying to replace a string with only relevant information. My first thought was the stringreplace function.
The string i wish to cutdown:
HospitalInfo.set2("HospitalInfoCash", "<b>Cash</b> - ","€ 1,270,876");
The information i would like to keep is the cash amount:
From the helpfile:
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
; Replace a blank space (' ') with a - (minus) character.
Local $sString = StringReplace("This is a sentence with whitespace.", " ", "-")
Local $iReplacements = @extended
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", $iReplacements & " replacements were made and the new string is:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $sString)
Now after some research i found out u cant use double quotes. So i searched the forum and found out u should wrap the double quotes into single quotes.
So i tried to search on this for the replacement:
HospitalInfo.set2('"'HospitalInfoCash'"', '"'<b>Cash</b> - '"','"'€ 1,270,876");
Sadly, i am still getting a syntax error. Could someone point me in the right direction.