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Found 3 results

  1. Give the script your username on Twitch or Hitbox (empty string to skip) and it'll alert you when the people you are following goes online. $sTwitchUsername = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Section", "Twitch", "") ;NAME ON TWITCH $sHitboxUsername = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Section", "Hitbox", "") ;NAME ON HITBOX $iMinRefresh = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini", "Section", "RefreshMinutes", 5) ;HOW MANY MINUTES BETWEEN EVERY CHECK FOR NEW STREAMSUses Livestreamer for playback if available (highly recommended) otherwise opens in your browser. In comparison to similar scripts that I have seen posted here, this takes your username and pulls the people you are already following instead of having you manually entering everyone again, greatly simplifying things. The Twitch and Hitbox API's were largely implemented by glancing at the python-twitch and Hitboxy python libs. For the future, I'm thinking maybe quality-selector, nicer popup instead of traymenu and balloon tip (maybe some sort of toast thing) and SVPtube-like functionality (play link from clipboard) Uses A Non-Strict JSON UDF. Download from Downloads or GitHub (both source and executable available at both locations). Old attachments had 16 downloads.
  2. Version 1.1


    Add your username for Twitch and/or Hitbox (empty string to skip) to the settings.ini file and it'll alert you when the people you are following goes online. Uses Livestreamer for playback if available (highly recommended) otherwise opens in your browser. In comparison to similar scripts that I have seen posted here, this takes your username and pulls the people you are already following instead of having you manually entering everyone again, greatly simplifying things. The Twitch and Hitbox API's were largely implemented by glancing at the python-twitch and Hitboxy python libs. Forum thread.
  3. Hey there guys. I've got a problem, can somebody tell me how to check if someone said a predefined command on Twitch.tv chat? I am trying to make a info bot for my friend. Example: stream is online as well as the info-bot is running random viewer says "!playlist" and my bot respons with something like "playlist link: blah blah blah" of course, there will be anti-flood protection and so on I just need this one thing, the rest I can guess/find myself :-)
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