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This is a simple TTS-UDF. If you like it, please leave me a comment, also if you have any suggestions to make it better or if you found bugs. TTS UDF.au3
TalkTock is a talking clock. It's configurable via the opening screen, an .ini file, or the command line. The .ini offers the widest range of options, including language preferences. The package includes sample .ini files for Italian- and Russian-language clocks. Links: ReadMe contains .exe, .ini files, ReadMe and ListVoices.exe (TTS utility) Source: #cs -------------------------------------- TalkTock.au3 -- Talking Clock CLD rev.2021-01-18-a (freeware -- no warranties expressed or implied) Usages (1) TalkTock [/I #] [/C 12|24] [/V #] [/R #] [/S ["]voice name["]|hint] [/U S|M|H|D|W|T|Y=#] [/Q|/QQ] /I = Interval between time announcements (in minutes) /C = Clock style (12- or 24-hour) /V = Volume (range 1 to 100) /R = speaking Rate (range -10 to 10) /S "voice name"|hint (hint = unique substring of voice name) /T = Say time only (no prefix or postfix) /U S|M|H|D|W|T|Y=# = clock stops after # Secs|Mins|Hrs|Days|Wks|monThs|Yrs /Q = Quiet (time displayed on screen, not spoken) /QQ = NOT Quiet (overrides Quiet=1 setting in TalkTock.ini) User-selected values are saved in TalkTock.ini. Language preferences and other settings can be changed by editing TalkTock.ini in any text editor. (2) TalkTock /?|?H|/SayHelp|/Kill /?|/H = Display on-screen help /SayHelp = Speak the help screen /Kill = Kill ALL running TalkTock.exe processes (3) TalkTock /L List available voices (4) TalkTock /UseFile [d:\path\]INI_filename Take settings from a specified settings file (must have TalkTock.ini format) (5) TalkTock /RESET Create new TalkTock.ini with default settings (existing TalkTock.ini is backed up to TalkTock.IN_) (6) TalkTock /SOURCE View AutoIt source code -------------------------------------- #ce #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <TrayConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Opt("TrayAutoPause", 0) Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ; Icon by Ampeross (free for non-commercial use) ; FileInstall("X:\Ampeross-Qetto-2-Timer.ico", @TempDir, 1) FileInstall("X:\ausource.txt", @TempDir, 1) Global $sCMline = $CmdLineRaw Global $sCurWin = WinGetTitle("[active]") ; Warning on multiple TalkTock processes If ProcessList(@ScriptName)[0][0] > 1 Then If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Or ( StringInStr($sCMline, "kill") + StringInStr($sCMline, "reset") + StringInStr($sCMline, "source") + StringInStr($sCMline, "/?") + StringInStr($sCMline, "-?") + StringInStr($sCMline, "/h") + StringInStr($sCMline, "-h") + StringInStr($sCMline, "/L") + StringInStr($sCMline, "-L") = 0 ) Then ReStartTT() EndIf ; Default interval, 12|24, volume, talk rate settings, etc. Global $idFreq = 15 ; Default interval every 15 minutes Global $vdT12or24 = 12 ; 12- or 24-hour time (Clock style) Global $sdVoice = "" ; TTS voice (""=use default voice) Global $idVol = 80 ; Volume (range 0 to 100) Global $idRate = 0 ; Speaking rate (range -10 to 10) Global $idStop = 0 ; Clock stops = 0 (Never) Global $sdUnits = "H" ; Stop clock units (default = H = hours) Global $bdQuiet = 0 ; Quiet operation (time shown on screen) Global $idDisplay = 2 ; Duration of on-screen time display in secs. ; ; (has effect only if $bQuiet = 1) ; --------------------------------------------------------------- Global $bCanned = 1 ; "Canned" or custom interval Global $bdTimeOnly = 0 ; Say time only (no prefix|postfix) Global $bArgs = 0 ; If args, do not update .INI ; ; Default phrases Global $sdHi = "Welcome to TalkTock, the Talking Clock" Global $sdPause = "TalkTock paused" Global $sdResume = "TalkTock resumed" Global $sdStopSay = "Goodbye" Global $sdIntro = "The time will be announced every" Global $sdPrefix = "It's" Global $sdPrefix1 = "" Global $bdSayAMPM = 1 Global $sdHowFreq1 = "minnit" ; spelling altered to aid pronunciation Global $sdHowFreq5 = "5 minutes at the 5-minute mark" Global $sdHowFreq10 = "10 minutes at the 10-minute mark" Global $sdHowFreq15 = "15 minutes on the quarter hour" Global $sdHowFreq30 = "30 minutes on the half hour" Global $sdHowFreq60 = "'our on the hour"; pronunciation Global $sdHowFreqCustom = "minutes" Global $sdMidnight = "midnight" Global $sdMidday = "noon" Global $sdBye = "Goodbye" #cs ; Default phrases Global $sdHi = "" Global $sdPause = "" Global $sdResume = "" Global $sdStopSay = "" Global $sdIntro = "" Global $sdPrefix = "" Global $sdPrefix1 = "" Global $bdSayAMPM = 1 Global $sdHowFreq1 = "" Global $sdHowFreq5 = "" Global $sdHowFreq10 = "" Global $sdHowFreq15 = "" Global $sdHowFreq30 = "" Global $sdHowFreq60 = "" Global $sdHowFreqCustom = "" Global $sdBye = "" #ce ; Default GUI labels Global $sgdTitle = "TalkTock - Talking Clock" Global $sgdTop = "Say the time every" Global $sgdMinute = "minute" Global $sgdMinutes = "minutes" Global $sgdQuarterHour = "quarter hour" Global $sgdHalfHour = "half hour" Global $sgdHour = "hour" Global $sgdHours = "hours" Global $sgdCustom = "Custom" Global $sgdClock = "Clock style" Global $sgd12hr_Label = "12-hour" Global $sgd24hr_label = "24-hour" Global $sgdQuiet_label = "Time is: " Global $sgdSpeak_label = "spoken" Global $sgdDisplay_label = "displayed" Global $sgdExpires = "Clock stops " Global $sgdExpNever = " Never" Global $sgdExpAfter = " After " Global $sgdExpSecs = "secs" Global $sgdExpMins = "mins" Global $sgdExpHours = "hours" Global $sgdExpDays = "days" Global $sgdExpWeeks = "weeks" Global $sgdExpMons = "months" Global $sgdExpYears = "years" Global $sgdVolume_label = "Volume" Global $sgdStart_button = "Start" Global $sgdCancel_button = "Cancel" Global $sgdPause = "Pause" Global $sgdResume = "Resume" Global $sgdExit = "Stop" ; Failsafe assignments Global $sVoice = $sdVoice Global $iFreq = $idFreq Global $vT12or24 = $vdT12or24 If $vT12or24 <> 24 Then $vT12or24 = 12 Global $iVol = $idVol Global $iRate = $idRate Global $bQuiet = $bdQuiet Global $iDisplay = $idDisplay Global $iStop = $idStop Global $iIter = -1 Global $sUnits = $sdUnits Global $sStopFn = "" Global $sHi = $sdHi Global $sPause = $sdPause Global $sResume = $sdResume Global $sStopSay = $sdStopSay Global $sIntro = $sdIntro Global $sPrefix = $sdPrefix Global $sPrefix1 = $sdPrefix1 Global $bSayAMPM = $bdSayAMPM If $vT12or24 = 24 Then $bSayAMPM = 0 Global $sHowFreq1 = $sdHowFreq1 Global $sHowFreq5 = $sdHowFreq5 Global $sHowFreq10 = $sdHowFreq10 Global $sHowFreq15 = $sdHowFreq15 Global $sHowFreq30 = $sdHowFreq30 Global $sHowFreq60 = $sdHowFreq60 Global $sHowFreqCustom = $sdHowFreqCustom Global $sMidnight = $sdMidnight Global $sMidday = $sdMidday Global $sBye = $sdBye ; GUI Labels Global $sgPause = $sgdPause Global $sgResume = $sgdResume Global $sgExit = $sgdExit Global $sgTitle = $sgdTitle Global $sgTop = $sgdTop Global $sgMinute = $sgdMinute Global $sgMinutes = $sgdMinutes Global $sgQuarterHour = $sgdQuarterHour Global $sgHalfHour = $sgdHalfHour Global $sgHour = $sgdHour Global $sgHours = $sgdHours Global $sgCustom = $sgdCustom Global $sgClock = $sgdClock Global $sg12hr_label = $sgd12hr_Label Global $sg24hr_label = $sgd24hr_label Global $sgQuiet_label = $sgdQuiet_label Global $sgSpeak_label = $sgdSpeak_label Global $sgDisplay_label = $sgdDisplay_label Global $sgExpires = $sgdExpires Global $sgExpNever = $sgdExpNever Global $sgExpAfter = $sgdExpAfter Global $sgExpSecs = $sgdExpSecs Global $sgExpMins = $sgdExpMins Global $sgExpHours = $sgdExpHours Global $sgExpDays = $sgdExpDays Global $sgExpWeeks = $sgdExpWeeks Global $sgExpMons = $sgdExpMons Global $sgExpYears = $sgdExpYears Global $sgVolume_label = $sgdVolume_label Global $sgStart_button = $sgdStart_button Global $sgCancel_button = $sgdCancel_button Global $sPad = " "; | & $sPad | Global $sHelp = "TalkTock -- The Talking Clock" & @CRLF & "CLD rev.2021-01-18 (freeware -- no warranties expressed or implied)" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Usage:" & @CRLF & "(1) TalkTock.exe" & @CRLF & $sPad & "Choose options, then click ""Start""" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "(2) TalkTock.exe [/I #] [/C 12|24] [/V #]] [/R #] [/S [""]voice name[""]|hint] [/U S|M|H|D|W|T|Y=#] [/Q|/QQ]" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/I = Interval between time announcements (in minutes)" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/C = Clock style (12- or 24-hour)" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/V = Volume (range 1 to 100)" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/R = speaking Rate (range -10 to 10)" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/S ""voice name""|hint (hint = unique substring of voice name)" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/T = Say time only, no prefix or postfix (instant compatibility with any language)" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/U S|M|H|D|W|T|Y=# = clock stops after # Secs|Mins|Hrs|Days|Wks|monThs|Yrs" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/Q = Quiet (time displayed on screen, not spoken)" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/QQ = NOT Quiet (overrides Quiet=1 setting in TalkTock.ini)" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "User-selected values are saved in TalkTock.ini." & @CRLF & "Language preferences and other settings can be changed by editing" & @CRLF & " TalkTock.ini in any text editor." & @CRLF & "" & @CRLF & "(3) TalkTock /?|/H|/SayHelp|/Kill" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/?|/H = Display on-screen help" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/SayHelp = Spoken command-line usage" & @CRLF & $sPad & "/Kill = Kill ALL running TalkTock.exe processes" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "(4) TalkTock /L" & @CRLF & $sPad & "List available voices" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "(5) TalkTock /UseFile [d:\path\]INI_filename" & @CRLF & $sPad & "Take settings from a specified settings file" & @CRLF & $sPad & "(must have TalkTock.ini format)" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "(6) TalkTock /RESET" & @CRLF & $sPad & "Create new TalkTock.ini with default settings" & @CRLF & $sPad & "(existing TalkTock.ini is backed up to TalkTock.IN_)" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "(7) TalkTock /SOURCE" & @CRLF & $sPad & "View AutoIt source code" & @CRLF ; Create TalkTock.ini (if not already present) Global $sFini = @ScriptName Global $sFini2 = ""; alternate .INI file If StringInStr($sFini, ".") Then $sFini = StringTrimRight($sFini, StringLen($sFini) - StringInStr($sFini, ".", 0, -1) + 1) $sFini = @ScriptDir & "\" & $sFini & ".ini" ;Create new (default) TalkTock.ini If $CmdLine[0] = 1 Then If StringInStr(StringUpper($CmdLine[1]), "RESET") Then If FileExists($sFini) Then FileCopy($sFini, @ScriptDir & "\TalkTock.IN_", $FC_OVERWRITE) FileDelete($sFini) EndIf EndIf EndIf ; Take settings from file not TalkTock.ini If $CmdLine[0] = 2 Then If StringUpper($CmdLine[1]) = "/USEFILE" Or StringUpper($CmdLine[1]) = "-USEFILE" Then $sFini2 = $CmdLine[2] If FileExists($sFini2) Then $sFini = $sFini2 EndIf EndIf If Not FileExists($sFini) Then Global $hIni = FileOpen($sFini, $FO_OVERWRITE + $FO_UTF8) If $hIni > -1 Then Global $sIniC = "Settings file for TalkTock.exe, Talking Clock" & @CRLF & ";" & @CRLF & "[TalkTock]" & @CRLF & ";; Interval between time announcements, in minutes" & @CRLF & "Interval=" & $idFreq & @CRLF & ";; 12- or 24-hour clock" & @CRLF & "ClockStyle=" & $vdT12or24 & @CRLF& ";; Say AM/PM? 1=Yes 0=No; applies to 12-hour clock only" & @CRLF & "SayAMPM=" & $bdSayAMPM & @CRLF& ";; TTS voice" & @CRLF & "Voice=default" & @CRLF & ";Voice=Microsoft George" & @CRLF& ";; Volume, range 1 to 100" & @CRLF & "Volume=" & $idVol & @CRLF& ";; Speaking rate, range -10 to 10" & @CRLF & "TalkRate=" & $idRate & @CRLF & ";; Clock stop timer units" & @CRLF & ";; S=secs M=mins H=hours D=days W=weeks T=months Y=years" & @CRLF & "ClockTimerUnits=" & $sdUnits & @CRLF& ";; Clock stops after how many timer units? (0 = clock never stops)" & @CRLF & "ClockStops=0" & @CRLF & ";; Quiet operation, time shown on screen (1=yes 0=no)" & @CRLF & "Quiet=0" & @CRLF & ";; Duration, in seconds, of on-screen time display" & @CRLF & ";; Fractional (decimal) values are allowed (e.g., Display=3.5)" & @CRLF & "Display=2.5" & @CRLF & @CRLF $sIniC &= "[Language]" & @CRLF & ";; Translate the phrases and labels below into your chosen language." & @CRLF & ";; Any language with a TTS function (a ""Voice"") in its language pack" & @CRLF & ";; should work. To use other languages, edit TalkTock.ini using the" & @CRLF & ";; UTF-8 character set" & @CRLF & ";" & @CRLF & ";; TimeOnly: 1=Yes (phrases set below will NOT be spoken); 0=No" & @CRLF & "TimeOnly=0" & @CRLF & ";" & @CRLF & "; Welcome and Intro messages" & @CRLF & ";; Comment out (prepend "";"") to suppress these messages" & @CRLF & "onStart=" & $sdHI & @CRLF & "Intro=" & $sdIntro & @CRLF & ";" & @CRLF & "; Interval descriptions" & @CRLF & "Freq1=" & $sdHowFreq1 & @CRLF & "Freq5=" & $sdHowFreq5 & @CRLF & "Freq10=" & $sdHowFreq10 & @CRLF & "Freq15=" & $sdHowFreq15 & @CRLF & "Freq30=" & $sdHowFreq30 & @CRLF & "Freq60=" & $sdHowFreq60 & @CRLF & "FreqCustom=" & $sdHowFreqCustom & @CRLF & ";; Spoken prefix" & @CRLF & "Prefix=" & $sdPrefix & @CRLF & ";; No prefix (just announce the time):" & @CRLF & ";Prefix=" & @CRLF & ";Prefix=It's" & @CRLF & ";Prefix=It's now" & @CRLF & ";Prefix=The time is" & @CRLF & ";; Singular prefix: Prefix1 defines the singular inflection" & @CRLF & ";; for ""one o'clock"" in applicable languages, e.g., Italian" & @CRLF & ";Prefix1=" & @CRLF & ";; Postfix at midnight (0000 hours) and midday (1200 hours)" & @CRLF & ";; See also Postfix pairs, below" & @CRLF & "At0000Say=" & $sdMidnight & @CRLF & "At1200Say=" & $sdMidday & @CRLF & ";" & @CRLF $sIniC &= ";; Postfix pairs (optional)" & @CRLF & ";; ------------------------" & @CRLF & ";; Alternatives to saying ""AM/PM"" (or equivalent) after the time" & @CRLF & ";; If time falls within Range, TalkTock says" & @CRLF & ";; Phrase after saying the time" & @CRLF & ";; You can set as many, or as few, of these pairs as you like" & @CRLF & ";; Note: Range# settings must have content (a time range hhmm-hhmm)" & @CRLF & ";; Phrase# settings can be a phrase or empty (say nothing)" & @CRLF & ";Range1=0000-0000" & @CRLF & ";Phrase1=Midnight" & @CRLF& ";Range2=0001-0329" & @CRLF & ";Phrase2=A.M." & @CRLF& ";Range3=0330-1159" & @CRLF & ";Phrase3=in the morning" & @CRLF& ";Range4=1200-1200" & @CRLF & ";Phrase4=Noon" & @CRLF& ";Range5=1201-1659" & @CRLF & ";Phrase5=in the afternoon" & @CRLF& ";Range6=1700-1959" & @CRLF & ";Phrase6=in the evening" & @CRLF & ";Range7=2000-2359" & @CRLF & ";Phrase7=at night" & @CRLF & ";; ------------------------" & @CRLF & ";" & @CRLF & "; Pause/Resume/Stop" & @CRLF & ";; Comment out (prepend "";"") to suppress these messages" & @CRLF & "onPause=" & $sdPause & @CRLF & "onResume=" & $sdResume & @CRLF & "onStop=" & $sdBye & @CRLF & @CRLF $sIniC &= "[GUI_Labels]" & @CRLF & "Title=" & $sgdTitle & @CRLF & "Top=" & $sgdTop & @CRLF & "Minute=" & $sgdMinute & @CRLF & "Minutes=" & $sgdMinutes & @CRLF & "QuarterHour=" & $sgdQuarterHour & @CRLF & "HalfHour=" & $sgdHalfHour & @CRLF & "Hour=" & $sgdHour & @CRLF & "Hours=" & $sgdHours & @CRLF & "CustomLabel=" & $sgdCustom & @CRLF & "ClockStyle=" & $sgdClock & @CRLF & "12-hour_Label=" & $sgd12hr_Label & @CRLF & "24-hour_Label=" & $sgd24hr_label & @CRLF & "Quiet_label=" & $sgdQuiet_label & @CRLF & "Speak_label=" & $sgdSpeak_label & @CRLF & "Display_label=" & $sgdDisplay_label & @CRLF & "ClockStop_Label=" & $sgdExpires & @CRLF & "ClockStopsNever_Label=" & $sgdExpNever & @CRLF & "ClockStopsAfter_Label=" & $sgdExpAfter & @CRLF & "ClockStopsAfterSecs_Label=" & $sgExpSecs & @CRLF & "ClockStopsAfterMins_Label=" & $sgExpMins & @CRLF & "ClockStopsAfterHours_Label=" & $sgExpHours & @CRLF & "ClockStopsAfterDays_Label=" & $sgdExpDays & @CRLF & "ClockStopsAfterWeeks_Label=" & $sgdExpWeeks & @CRLF & "ClockStopsAfterMons_Label=" & $sgdExpMons & @CRLF & "ClockStopsAfterYears_Label=" & $sgdExpYears & @CRLF & "Volume_Label=" & $sgdVolume_label & @CRLF & "ClockStop_Label=Clock stops" & @CRLF & "ClockStopsAfter_Label=After" & @CRLF & "ClockStopsHours_Label=hours" & @CRLF & "ClockStopsNever_Label=Never" & @CRLF & "Start_button=Start" & @CRLF & "Cancel_button=Cancel" & @CRLF & "Tray_pause=Pause" & @CRLF & "Tray_resume=Resume" & @CRLF & "Tray_exit=Stop" & @CRLF If Not FileWrite($hIni, $sIniC) Then MsgBox($MB_ICONWARNING, @ScriptName, "Error writing " & $sFini, 3) FileClose($hIni) EndIf EndIf Global $sFiniV = _IniFileReadFile($sFini) If Not $sFiniV Then _ExitErr("Error reading " & $sFini) ; Read values from TalkTock.ini/alternate .ini $iFreq = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "TalkTock", "Interval", $idFreq) $vT12or24 = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "TalkTock", "ClockStyle", $vdT12or24) $bSayAMPM = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "TalkTock", "SayAMPM", $bdSayAMPM) $sVoice = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "TalkTock", "Voice", $sdVoice) If StringUpper($sVoice) = "DEFAULT" Then $sVoice = "" $iVol = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "TalkTock", "Volume", $idVol) $iRate = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "TalkTock", "TalkRate", $idRate) $iStop = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "TalkTock", "ClockStops", $idStop) $sUnits = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "TalkTock", "ClockTimerUnits", $sdUnits) $bQuiet = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "TalkTock", "Quiet", $bdQuiet) $iDisplay = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "TalkTock", "Display", $idDisplay) Global $bTimeOnly = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "onStart", $bdTimeOnly) $sHi = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "onStart", "") $sIntro = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "Intro", "") $sHowFreq1 = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "Freq1", $sdHowFreq1) $sHowFreq5 = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "Freq5", $sdHowFreq5) $sHowFreq10 = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "Freq10", $sdHowFreq10) $sHowFreq15 = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "Freq15", $sdHowFreq15) $sHowFreq30 = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "Freq30", $sdHowFreq30) $sHowFreq60 = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "Freq60", $sdHowFreq60) $sHowFreqCustom = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "FreqCustom", $sdHowFreqCustom) $sPrefix = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "Prefix", "") $sPrefix1 = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "Prefix1", $sdPrefix1) $sPause = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "onPause", "") $sResume = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "onResume", "") $sStopSay = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "onStop", "") $sBye = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "onStop", "") ; GUI_Labels $sgTitle = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Title", $sgdTitle) $sgTop = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Top", $sgdTop) $sgMinute = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Minute", $sgdMinute) $sgMinutes = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Minutes", $sgdMinutes) $sgQuarterHour = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "QuarterHour", $sgdHour) $sgHalfHour = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "HalfHour", $sgdHours) $sgHour = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Hour", $sgdHour) $sgHours = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Hours", $sgdHours) $sgCustom = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "CustomLabel", $sgdCustom) $sgClock = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "ClockStyle", $sgdClock) $sg12hr_label = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "12-hour_Label", $sgd12hr_Label) $sg24hr_label = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "24-hour_Label", $sgd24hr_label) $sgQuiet_label = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Quiet_label", $sgdQuiet_label) $sgSpeak_label = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Speak_label", $sgdSpeak_label) $sgDisplay_label = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Display_label", $sgdDisplay_label) ; $sgExpires = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "ClockStop_Label", $sgdExpires) $sgExpNever = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "ClockStopsNever_Label", $sgdExpNever) $sgExpAfter = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "ClockStopsAfter_Label", $sgdExpAfter) $sgExpSecs = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "ClockStopsAfterSecs_Label", $sgdExpSecs) $sgExpMins = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "ClockStopsAfterMins_Label", $sgdExpMins) $sgExpHours = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "ClockStopsAfterHours_Label", $sgdExpHours) $sgExpDays = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "ClockStopsAfterDays_Label", $sgdExpDays) $sgExpWeeks = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "ClockStopsAfterWeeks_Label", $sgdExpWeeks) $sgExpMons = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "ClockStopsAfterMons_Label", $sgdExpMons) $sgExpYears = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "ClockStopsAfterYears_Label", $sgdExpYears) ; Global $sgVolume = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Volume_Label", $sgdVolume_label) $sgStart_button = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Start_button", $sgdStart_button) $sgCancel_button = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Cancel_button", $sgdCancel_button) $sgPause = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Tray_pause", $sgdPause) $sgResume = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Tray_resume", $sgdResume) $sgExit = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "GUI_Labels", "Tray_exit", $sgdExit) ; Global $hTrayPA = TrayCreateItem($sgPause, -1, 0) Global $hTrayEX = TrayCreateItem($sgExit, -1, 1) TraySetClick(1) TraySetState($TRAY_ICONSTATE_SHOW) TrayItemSetOnEvent($hTrayPA, "_TrayPause") TrayItemSetOnEvent($hTrayEX, "_TrayExit") ; Postfix pairs: get values Global $aParts[100][2], $aFParts[100][2] $aParts[0][0] = 0 If $bTimeOnly = 0 Then $aParts = PostfixPairsRead() $sFiniV = "" Global $oVox = ObjCreate("SAPI.spVoice") If @error Then _ExitErr("SAPI error") $oVox.Volume = $iVol $oVox.Rate = $iRate ; Args so skip the GUI (except if arg = RESET) If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then $bArgs = 1 If StringInStr($sCMline, "/s") Then $sVoice = _GetArgValue("/s") If StringInStr($sCMline, "-s") Then $sVoice = _GetArgValue("-s") Global $oVoices If $sVoice Then $oVoices = $oVox.GetVoices() For $vName in $oVoices If StringInStr($vName.GetDescription(), $sVoice) Then $oVox.Voice = $vName ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf If StringInStr(StringUpper($CmdLine[1]), "RESET") Then Exit MsgBox($MB_OK, @ScriptName, "Default settings restored in " & $sFini) Else Exit MAIN() EndIf EndIf ; GUI interface ; ------------- Global $hgTT = GUICreate($sgTitle, 638, 365, -1, -1, $WS_EX_APPWINDOW) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hgTT) ;#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=TT1.kxf ;$GroupBox1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -8, -32, 526, 822) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) Global $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sgTop & ":", 8, 16, 137, 24) Global $hgA = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sgMinute, 16, 48, 113, 17) If $iFreq = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgA, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgA, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf Global $hgB = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("5 " & $sgMinutes, 16, 72, 113, 17) If $iFreq = 5 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgB, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgB, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf Global $hgC = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("10 " & $sgMinutes, 16, 96, 113, 17) If $iFreq = 10 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgC, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgC, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf Global $hgD = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sgQuarterHour, 16, 120, 113, 17) If $iFreq = 15 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgD, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgD, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf Global $hgE = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sgHalfHour, 16, 144, 113, 17) If $iFreq = 30 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgE, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgE, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf Global $hgF = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sgHour, 16, 168, 113, 17) If $iFreq = 60 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgF, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgF, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf Global $hgX = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sgCustom & ":", 16, 192, 80, 17) Global $hgXt = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 96, 192, 41, 28) Global $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel(" " & $sgMinutes, 144, 192, 60, 24) If Not StringInStr("|1|5|10|15|30|60|", "|" & $iFreq & "|") Then GUICtrlSetState($hgX, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgX, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgXt, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($hgXt, $iFreq) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgX, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgXt, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Global $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sgClock & ":", 180, 16, 79, 24) Global $hgK = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sg12hr_label, 182, 48, 97, 17) If $vT12or24 = 12 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgK, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgK, $GUI_UNCHECKED) $bSayAMPM = 0 EndIf Global $hgL = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sg24hr_label, 182, 72, 97, 17) If $vT12or24 = 24 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgL, $GUI_CHECKED) $bSayAMPM = 0 Else GUICtrlSetState($hgL, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf Global $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sgQuiet_label, 182, 130) Global $hgSpeak = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sgSpeak_label, 265, 130, 205, 17) GUICtrlSetState($hgSpeak, $GUI_ENABLE) Global $hgDisplay = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sgDisplay_label, 265, 155, 205, 17) GUICtrlSetState($hgDisplay, $GUI_ENABLE) If $bQuiet = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgSpeak, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgDisplay, $GUI_UNCHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgSpeak, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgDisplay, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf ; Clock stops Global $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sgExpires & ":", 390, 16, 90, 24) Global $hgExpNever = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sgExpNever, 392, 48, 97, 17) If $iStop = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgExpNever, $GUI_CHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgExpNever, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Global $hgExp = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sgExpAfter, 398, 72, 65, 17) If $iStop > 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgExp, $GUI_CHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgExp, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Global $hgExpAft = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 456, 64, 41, 28) If $iStop > 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($hgExpAft, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($hgExpAft, $iStop) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgExpAft, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Global $hgExpUsecs = GUICtrlCreateRadio($sgExpSecs, 414, 96, 113, 17) If $iStop > 0 And $sUnits = "S" Then GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUsecs, $GUI_CHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUsecs, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Global $hgExpUmins = GUICtrlCreateRadio($sgExpMins, 414, 120, 113, 17) If $iStop > 0 And $sUnits = "M" Then GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUmins, $GUI_CHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUmins, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Global $hgExpUhours = GUICtrlCreateRadio($sgExpHours, 414, 144, 113, 17) If $iStop > 0 And $sUnits = "H" Then GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUhours, $GUI_CHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUhours, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Global $hgExpUdays = GUICtrlCreateRadio($sgExpDays, 414, 168, 113, 17) If $iStop > 0 And $sUnits = "D" Then GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUdays, $GUI_CHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUdays, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Global $hgExpUweeks = GUICtrlCreateRadio($sgExpWeeks, 414, 192, 113, 17) If $iStop > 0 And $sUnits = "W" Then GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUweeks, $GUI_CHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUweeks, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Global $hgExpUmons = GUICtrlCreateRadio($sgExpMons, 414, 216, 113, 17) If $iStop > 0 And $sUnits = "T" Then GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUmons, $GUI_CHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUmons, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Global $hgExpUyears = GUICtrlCreateRadio($sgExpYears, 414, 240, 113, 17) If $iStop > 0 And $sUnits = "Y" Then GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUyears, $GUI_CHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUyears, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Global $iX = 8 GUICtrlCreateLabel($sgVolume_label, 8, 230+12) Global $hgV = GUICtrlCreateSlider(8, 255+12, 360) GUICtrlSetLimit($hgV, 100, 1) GUICtrlSetData($hgV, $iVol) GUICtrlSetState($hgV, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlCreateLabel("0", $iX, 280, 360) GUICtrlCreateLabel("20", $iX + 1*71, 280, 360) GUICtrlCreateLabel("40", $iX + 2*70, 280, 360) GUICtrlCreateLabel("60", $iX + 1 + 3*70, 280, 360) GUICtrlCreateLabel("80", $iX - 2 + 4*69, 280, 360) GUICtrlCreateLabel("100", $iX - 2 + 5*69, 280, 360) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) Global $hgStart = GUICtrlCreateButton($sgStart_button, 534, 22, 92, 30, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlSetState($hgStart, $GUI_FOCUS) Global $hgCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton($sgCancel_button, 534, 62, 92, 31) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### If $bQuiet = 0 Then If $sHi Then _SayTxt($sHi) EndIf WHILE 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $hgA $iFreq = 1 GUICtrlSetState($hgA, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgB, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgC, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgD, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgE, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgF, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgX, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgXt, $GUI_DISABLE) Case $hgB $iFreq = 5 GUICtrlSetState($hgA, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgB, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgC, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgD, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgE, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgF, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgX, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgXt, $GUI_DISABLE) Case $hgC $iFreq = 10 GUICtrlSetState($hgA, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgB, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgC, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgD, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgE, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgF, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgX, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgXt, $GUI_DISABLE) Case $hgD $iFreq = 15 GUICtrlSetState($hgA, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgB, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgC, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgD, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgE, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgF, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgX, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgXt, $GUI_DISABLE) Case $hgE $iFreq = 30 GUICtrlSetState($hgA, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgB, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgC, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgD, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgE, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgF, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgX, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgXt, $GUI_DISABLE) Case $hgF $iFreq = 60 GUICtrlSetState($hgA, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgB, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgC, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgD, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgE, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgF, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgX, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgXt, $GUI_DISABLE) Case $hgX $bCanned = 0 GUICtrlSetState($hgA, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgB, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgC, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgD, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgE, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgF, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgX, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgXt, $GUI_ENABLE) Case $hgXt $bCanned = 0 $iFreq = GUICtrlRead($hgXt) Case $hgK $vT12or24 = 12 $bSayAMPM = 0 GUICtrlSetState($hgK, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgL, $GUI_UNCHECKED) Case $hgL $vT12or24 = 24 $bSayAMPM = 0 GUICtrlSetState($hgK, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgL, $GUI_CHECKED) Case $hgDisplay $bQuiet = 1 GUICtrlSetState($hgSpeak, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgDisplay, $GUI_CHECKED) Case $hgSpeak $bQuiet = 0 GUICtrlSetState($hgSpeak, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgDisplay, $GUI_UNCHECKED) Case $hgV $iVol = GUICtrlRead($hgV) GUICtrlSetState($hgV, $GUI_ENABLE) Global $aCartesian = MouseGetPos() ToolTip($iVol, $aCartesian[0], $aCartesian[1], "", 0, 2) Sleep(500) ToolTip("") GUICtrlSetState($hgV, $GUI_CHECKED) Case $hgExp GUICtrlSetState($hgExp, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpNever, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpAft, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUsecs, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUmins, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUhours, $GUI_CHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUdays, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUweeks, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUmons, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUyears, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE) Case $hgExpAft $iStop = GUICtrlRead($hgExpAft) If Not StringIsDigit($iStop) Then $iStop = 0 Case $hgExpUsecs $sUnits = "S" Case $hgExpUmins $sUnits = "M" Case $hgExpUhours $sUnits = "H" Case $hgExpUdays $sUnits = "D" Case $hgExpUweeks $sUnits = "W" Case $hgExpUmons $sUnits = "T" Case $hgExpUyears $sUnits = "Y" Case $hgExpNever $iStop = 0 GUICtrlSetState($hgExpNever, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgExp, $GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpAft, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUsecs, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUmins, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUhours, $GUI_CHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUdays, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUweeks, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUmons, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hgExpUyears, $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_DISABLE) Case $hgStart GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hgTT) MAIN() Case $hgCancel ContinueCase Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ; _SayTxt($sBye) If Not $sFini2 Then WriteTTini() Exit EndSwitch WEND ; Function definitions ; -------------------- Func MAIN() ; TalkTock If $sFini2 = "" And $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then ; ---------------------------------------- If StringInStr($CmdLine[1], "/L") Then Exit MsgBox($MB_OK, @ScriptName, _ListVoices()) If StringInStr($CmdLine[1], "/source") Then Exit _ShowSource("txt") If StringInStr($CmdLine[1], "/?") = 1 Or StringInStr($CmdLine[1], "-?") = 1 Or StringInStr($CmdLine[1], "/h") = 1 Or StringInStr($CmdLine[1], "-h") = 1 Then Exit _ShowHelp() If StringInStr($CmdLine[1], "sayhelp") Then Exit _SayHelp() If StringInStr($CmdLine[1], "kill") Then Local $aP = ProcessList(@ScriptName) Local $iP = $aP[0][0] - 1 If $iP > 0 Then ; Local $sT = "Killing " & $iP & @ScriptName ; _Splash($sT & " process(es)") _Splash("Killing " & StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4)) Sleep(1000) SplashOff() While ProcessClose(@ScriptName) Sleep(100) WEnd Exit Else _ExitErr("No running " & StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) & " processes") EndIf EndIf If StringInStr($sCMline, "/i") Then $iFreq = _GetArgValue("/i") If StringInStr($sCMline, "-i") Then $iFreq = _GetArgValue("-i") If StringInStr($sCMline, "/c") Then $vT12or24 = _GetArgValue("/c") If StringInStr($sCMline, "-c") Then $vT12or24 = _GetArgValue("-c") If StringInStr($sCMline, "/v") Then $iVol = _GetArgValue("/v") If StringInStr($sCMline, "-v") Then $iVol = _GetArgValue("-v") If StringInStr($sCMline, "/q") Or StringInStr($sCMline, "-q") Then $bQuiet = 1 If StringInStr($sCMline, "/qq") Or StringInStr($sCMline, "-qq") Then $bQuiet = 0 If StringInStr($sCMline, "/t") Or StringInStr($sCMline, "-t") Then $bTimeOnly = 1 $bSayAMPM = 0 EndIf If StringInStr($sCMline, "/r") Then $iRate = _GetArgValue("/r") If StringInStr($sCMline, "-r") Then $iRate = _GetArgValue("-r") Local $sU = "H" If StringInStr($sCMline, "/u ") Then $sU = _GetArgValue("/u") If StringInStr($sCMline, "-u ") Then $sU = _GetArgValue("-u") If StringInStr($sU, "=") Then Local $aU = StringSplit($sU, "=") $sUnits = $aU[1] If $aU[0] > 1 Then $iStop = $aU[2] If Not $iStop Then $iStop = 0 Switch $sU Case "S" $sUnits = "seconds" Case "M" $sUnits = "minutes" Case "H" $sUnits = "hours" Case "D" $sUnits = "days" Case "W" $sUnits = "weeks" Case "T" $sUnits = "months" Case "Y" $sUnits = "years" EndSwitch EndIf If StringInStr($sCMline, "/usefile") Then $sFini = _GetArgValue("/usefile") If StringInStr($sCMline, "-usefile") Then $sFini = _GetArgValue("-usefile") EndIf ; -------------------- If $bTimeOnly = 1 Then $sHi = "" #cs $sIntro = "" $sHowFreq1 = "" $sHowFreq5 = "" $sHowFreq10 = "" $sHowFreq15 = "" $sHowFreq30 = "" $sHowFreq60 = "" $sHowFreqCustom = "" #ce $sPrefix = "" $sPrefix1 = "" $sMidnight = "" $sMidday = "" $sPause = "" $sResume = "" $sStopSay = "" $sBye = "" EndIf #cs; debug ;Exit MsgBox(0,"", _ MsgBox(0,"", _ "$bTimeOnly = " & $bTimeOnly & @CRLF & _ "$iFreq = " & $iFreq & @CRLF & _ "$vT12or24 = " & $vT12or24 & @CRLF & _ "$sVoice = " & $sVoice & @CRLF & _ "$iVol = " & $iVol & @CRLF & _ "$iRate = " & $iRate & @CRLF & _ "$iStop = " & $iStop & @CRLF & _ "$sUnits = " & $sUnits & @CRLF & _ "$bQuiet = " & $bQuiet & @CRLF & _ "$iDisplay = " & $iDisplay & @CRLF) #ce; debug ; Failsafe defaults If Not StringIsDigit(String($iFreq)) Then $iFreq = 15 If Not $vT12or24 = "24" Then $vT12or24 = 12 If Not StringIsDigit(String($iVol)) Then $iVol = 80 If $iVol > 100 Then $iVol = 100 If String(Abs($iRate)) <> String($iRate) Then $iRate = 0 If $iRate < -10 Or $iRate > 10 Then $iRate = 0 If Not StringIsDigit(String($iStop)) Then $iStop = 0 If Not StringInStr("|S|M|H|D|W|T|Y|", ("|" & $sUnits & "|")) Then $sUnits = "H" Local $sAllFreqs = "|1|5|10|15|30|60|", $sHowFreq = "" If StringInStr($sAllFreqs, "|" & $iFreq & "|") < 1 Then $bCanned = 0 If Not $bCanned Then If StringIsDigit(String($iFreq)) Then $iFreq = Int($iFreq) If $iFreq < 1 Then Exit _ShowHelp() Else EndIf EndIf If $bCanned Then Switch $iFreq Case 1 $sHowFreq = $sHowFreq1 Case 5 $sHowFreq = $sHowFreq5 Case 10 $sHowFreq = $sHowFreq10 Case 15 $sHowFreq = $sHowFreq15 Case 30 $sHowFreq = $sHowFreq30 Case 60 $sHowFreq = $sHowFreq60 EndSwitch Else $sHowFreq = $iFreq & " " & $sHowFreqCustom EndIf If Not $sFini2 Then If Not $bArgs Then WriteTTini() EndIf If $bQuiet = 0 Then If $sIntro Then _SayTxt($sIntro & " " & $sHowFreq) Else $sHowFreq = StringReplace($sHowFreq, "minnit", " minute") $sHowFreq = StringReplace($sHowFreq, "'", "h") If StringLen($sHowFreq) > 10 Then $sHowFreq = @CRLF & $sHowFreq If $sHowFreq Then If $sIntro Then _Splash($sIntro & " " & $sHowFreq) EndIf Sleep(2000) SplashOff() EndIf If $iStop > 0 Then $iIter = _SetTimer($iStop, $sUnits) If $bCanned Then While 1 Do Sleep(200) Until @SEC = 00 And Mod(@MIN, $iFreq) = 0 _SayTime($vT12or24) _CheckTimer() Sleep(45000) WEnd Else ; Custom interval Local $iMin, $iNext While 1 $iMin = @MIN _CheckTimer() If $iFreq = 60 Then Sleep(60500) $iNext = StringFormat("%02i", Mod($iMin + $iFreq, 60)) Do Sleep(100) Until Int(@MIN) = Int($iNext) And Int(@SEC) = 0 _SayTime($vT12or24) WEnd EndIf EndFunc ;==>MAIN ; --------------- Func _GetArgValue($sArg) ; Get value (if any) following /SWitch (arg) Local $sVal = "" If $CmdLine[0] > 1 Then For $i = 1 To $CmdLine[0] If $sArg = $CmdLine[$i] Then If $CmdLine[0] > $i Then $sVal = StringStripWS($CmdLine[$i + 1], 1) If StringInStr($sVal, "/") = 1 Or StringInStr($sVal, "-") = 1 Then If StringInStr($sArg, "r") = 2 And StringInStr($sVal, "-") And StringIsDigit(StringTrimLeft($sVal, 1)) Then Return $sVal Else Return "" EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Next EndIf Return $sVal EndFunc ;==>_GetArgValue Func _SetTimer($iN, $sUnits = "H") If StringLen($sUnits) > 1 Then $sUnits = StringLeft($sUnits, 3) If $sUnits = "mon" Then $sUnits = "T" $sUnits = StringUpper(StringLeft($sUnits, 1)) EndIf Local $iM = 0 Switch $sUnits Case "S" $iM = 0.16 Case "M" $iM = 1 Case "H" $iM = 60 Case "D" $iM = 1440 Case "W" $iM = 10080 Case "T" $iM = 43200 Case "Y" $iM = 525600 EndSwitch Return Ceiling(($iM * $iN) / $iFreq) EndFunc ;==>_SetTimer Func _CheckTimer() If $iIter > -1 Then $iIter -= 1 If $iIter = 0 Then Exit MsgBox($MB_OK, StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4), StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) & " quitting...", 5) Return EndFunc ;==>_CheckTimer Func _ExitErr($sMg, $iSecs = 0) Exit MsgBox($MB_OK + $MB_ICONERROR, @ScriptName, $sMg, $iSecs) EndFunc ;==>_ExitErr Func _IniFileRead($sVarName, $sSection, $sKey, $sDefault) #cs; ----------------------------------------------- IniRead with default text encoding @error codes: 1 = Variable $sVarName Not Declared 2 = Error reading contents of $sVarName 3 = Section not found 4 = Key not found 5 = Key not found in section #ce; ----------------------------------------------- If Not IsDeclared($sVarName) Then If $sDefault Then Return $sDefault Else Return SetError(1, "Variable " & $sVarName & " is not declared", "") EndIf EndIf Local $sFc = Eval($sVarName) If Not $sFc Then If $sDefault Then Return $sDefault Else Return SetError(2, "Error reading INI file contents", "") EndIf EndIf Local $sCrLf = @LF $sFc = StringReplace($sFc, @CRLF, $sCrLf) Local $iXsec = StringInStr(StringUpper($sFc), $sCrLf & "[" & StringUpper($sSection) & "]") If $iXsec < 1 Then If $sDefault Then Return $sDefault Else Return SetError(3, "Section not found", "") EndIf EndIf $iXsec += StringLen($sCrLf & "[" & StringUpper($sSection) & "]") Local $sSecC = $sCrLf & StringTrimLeft($sFc, $iXsec) If StringInStr($sSecC, $sCrLf & "[") And StringInStr($sSecC, "]" & $sCrLf) > StringInStr($sSecC, $sCrLf & "[") Then _ $sSecC = StringTrimRight($sSecC, StringLen($sSecC) - StringInStr($sSecC, $sCrLf & "[")) If Not StringInStr(StringUpper($sSecC), StringUpper($sKey) & "=") Then If $sDefault Then Return $sDefault Else Return SetError(4, "Key not found", "") EndIf EndIf Local $sVal0 = StringTrimLeft($sSecC, StringInStr($sSecC, $sCrLf & $sKey & "=")) $sVal0 = StringTrimRight($sVal0, 1 + StringLen($sVal0) - StringInStr($sVal0, String($sCrLf))) Local $sValue = StringTrimLeft($sVal0, StringInStr($sVal0, "=")) If Not $sValue Then $sValue = $sDefault Return SetError(0, 0, $sValue) EndFunc ;==>_IniFileRead Func _IniFileReadFile($sFn) #cs; ------------------------------------------------ Read INI file contents into a (string) variable @error codes: 1 = $sVarName Is Not Declared 2 = Error reading $sVarName 3 = Section does not exit 4 = Key does not exit #ce; ------------------------------------------------ If Not FileExists($sFn) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $h = FileOpen($sFn) If $h = -1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Local $sFc = FileRead($h) If Not FileClose($h) Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") If StringRight($sFc, 1) = Chr(26) Then $sFc = StringTrimRight($sFc, 1) Return @CRLF & $sFc EndFunc ;==>_IniFileReadFile Func _ListVoices() $oVox = ObjCreate("SAPI.spVoice") If @error Then Exit _ExitErr("Error creating SAPI object", 10) $oVoices = $oVox.GetVoices() Local $sVlist = "" For $vName in $oVoices $sVlist &= $vName.GetDescription() & @CRLF Next Return $sVlist EndFunc ;==>_ListVoices Func _PauseVoice($iBeats = 1) If StringIsDigit(String($iBeats)) Then $iBeats = Int($iBeats) Sleep($iBeats * 100) EndIf Return EndFunc ;==>_PauseVoice Func _SayHelp() _SayTxt("Welcome to TalkTock, The Talking Clock.") _PauseVoice(1) _SayTxt("To get started, command START, space, forward slash, M,I,N, space, TalkTock, Enter. Choose your settings, and click Start.") _PauseVoice(1) _SayTxt("For command-line help, command TalkTock, space, forward slash, question mark, and hit Enter.") _PauseVoice(1) _SayTxt("To view and customize all available TalkTock settings, open TalkTock dot I,N,I, in any text editor.") _PauseVoice(1) _SayTxt("I hope you enjoy TalkTock!") Return EndFunc ;==>_SayHelp Func _SayTime($vTime12or24 = 12) Local $h = Int(@HOUR) Local $sAMPM = "" Local $sPostfix = PostfixPairsSet() If $vTime12or24 = "12" Then If $bSayAMPM Then Select Case $h = 0 If @MIN = "00" Then $sAMPM = $sMidnight Else $sAMPM = "AM" EndIf Case $h < 12 $sAMPM = "AM" Case $h = 12 If @MIN = "00" Then $sAMPM = $sMidday Else $sAMPM = "PM" EndIf Case Else $sAMPM = "PM" EndSelect EndIf If $h > 11 Then $h = Mod($h, 12) If $h = 0 Then $h = 12 EndIf If $sPrefix1 And Int($h) = 1 Then $sPrefix = $sPrefix1 If Not $sPostfix Then $sPostfix = $sAMPM Local $sTime = $sPrefix & " " & $h & ":" & @MIN & " " & $sPostfix If $bQuiet > 0 Then _Splash($sTime) If $iDisplay < 1 Then $iDisplay = 1 Sleep(Int(1000 * $iDisplay)) SplashOff() Else _SayTxt($sTime) EndIf Return EndFunc ;==>_SayTime Func _SayTxt($sIn) ; Text-to-Speech Local $iRC = -1 If $sIn Then $oVox.Speak($sIn) $iRC = StringLen($sIn) EndIf Return $iRC EndFunc ;==>_SayTxt Func _ShowHelp() MsgBox($MB_OK, @ScriptName & " - Talking Clock", $sHelp) EndFunc ;==>_ShowHelp Func _ShowSource($postfx) ; Show source code Local $Ext If Not $postfx Then $Ext = "txt" Else $Ext = $postfx EndIf Local $TmpFile = @TempDir & "\ausource." & $Ext If FileExists($TmpFile) Then If FileGetAttrib($TmpFile) = "R" Then FileSetAttrib($TmpFile, "-R") EndIf Select Case $Ext = "txt" FileInstall("X:\ausource.txt", $TmpFile, 1) Case $Ext = "pdf" ;FileInstall("X:\ausource.pdf", $TmpFile, 1) EndSelect Sleep(50) ShellExecute($TmpFile, "", @TempDir, "open") EndFunc ;==>_ShowSource Func _Splash($sTxt) SplashTextOn(@ScriptName, $sTxt, 650, 150, -1, -1, 32, "", 14, 600) Return EndFunc ;==>_Splash Func _TmpFile($sDir = @TempDir, $sExt = "tmp", $iLen = 8, $sPre = "") ; Generate a non-existent 8.3 filename ; Returns null string on failure Local $aA = StringSplit("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789", "") Local $sX = "nul", $itr = 0 If $sPre Then $iLen -= StringLen($sPre) While FileExists($sX) $itr += 1 $sX = $sPre For $i = 1 To $iLen $sX &= $aA[Random(1, $aA[0])] Next $sX = $sDir & "\" & $sX & "." & $sExt If $itr > 50 Then $sX = "" ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Return $sX EndFunc ;==>_TmpFile Func _TrayPause() If TrayItemGetText($hTrayPA) = $sgPause Then TrayItemSetText($hTrayPA, $sgResume) If $bQuiet = 0 Then _SayTxt($sPause) Else _Splash($sPause) Sleep(1500) SplashOff() EndIf Else TrayItemSetText($hTrayPA, $sgPause) If $bQuiet = 0 Then _SayTxt($sResume) Else _Splash($sResume) Sleep(1500) SplashOff() EndIf Return EndIf Do Sleep(200) Until TrayItemGetState($hTrayPA) Or TrayItemGetState($hTrayEX) EndFunc ;==>_TrayPause Func _TrayExit() If Not $sFini2 Then If Not $bArgs Then WriteTTini() EndIf If $bQuiet = 0 Then _SayTxt($sBye) Else _Splash($sBye) Sleep(1000) SplashOff() EndIf Exit EndFunc ;==>_TrayExit Func PostfixPairsRead() $aFParts[0][0] = 0 Local $sValPt = "", $sValSp = "" For $n = 1 To 99 $sValPt = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "Range" & $n, "") If $sValPt Then $sValSp = _IniFileRead("sFiniV", "Language", "Phrase" & $n, "") $aFParts[$n][0] = $sValPt $aFParts[$n][1] = $sValSp Else $aFParts[0][0] = $n - 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $aFParts EndFunc ;==>PostfixPairsRead Func PostfixPairsSet() Local $vTime = String(@HOUR & @MIN) Local $sPostfix = "", $aPtt If $bTimeOnly = 0 And $aParts[0][0] > 0 Then For $z = 1 To $aParts[0][0] $aPtt = StringSplit($aParts[$z][0], "-") If $vTime >= $aPtt[1] And $vTime <= $aPtt[2] Then ExitLoop Next $sPostfix = $aParts[$z][1] EndIf Return $sPostfix EndFunc ;==>PostfixPairsSet Func WriteTTini() IniWrite($sFini, "TalkTock", "Interval", $iFreq) IniWrite($sFini, "TalkTock", "ClockStyle", $vT12or24) IniWrite($sFini, "TalkTock", "SayAMPM", $bSayAMPM) If $sVoice = "" Then $sVoice = "default" IniWrite($sFini, "TalkTock", "Voice", $sVoice) IniWrite($sFini, "TalkTock", "Volume", $iVol) IniWrite($sFini, "TalkTock", "TalkRate", $iRate) IniWrite($sFini, "TalkTock", "ClockStops", $iStop) IniWrite($sFini, "TalkTock", "ClockTimerUnits", $sUnits) IniWrite($sFini, "TalkTock", "Quiet", $bQuiet) IniWrite($sFini, "TalkTock", "Display", $iDisplay) EndFunc ;==>WriteTTini Func RestartTT() Local $hgRE = GUICreate(@ScriptName, 350, 150, -1, -1, $ES_CENTER) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hgRE) GUICtrlCreateLabel(@ScriptName & " is running. What would you like to do?", 18, 22, 337, 24) Local $hgREStart = GUICtrlCreateButton("Restart", 20, 55, 70, -1, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) Local $hgREQuit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Quit", 105, 55, 70, -1, -1) Local $hgRECancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 190, 55, 70, -1, -1) ;---------- Local $aTTp = ProcessList(@ScriptName) Local $iThis = @AutoItPID GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hgRE) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg($hgRE) Case $hgREStart For $q = 1 To $aTTp[0][0] If $aTTp[$q][1] <> $iThis Then ProcessClose($aTTp[$q][1]) Next GUIDelete($hgRE) ExitLoop Case $hgREQuit For $q = 1 To $aTTp[0][0] If $aTTp[$q][1] <> $iThis Then ProcessClose($aTTp[$q][1]) Next ContinueCase Case $hgRECancel ContinueCase Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd ;---------- EndFunc ;==>ReStartTT Settings file (TalkTock.ini): Settings file for TalkTock.exe, Talking Clock ; [TalkTock] ;; Interval between time announcements, in minutes Interval=15 ;; 12- or 24-hour clock ClockStyle=12 ;; Say AM/PM? 1=Yes 0=No; applies to 12-hour clock only SayAMPM=1 ;; TTS voice Voice=default ;Voice=Microsoft George ;; Volume, range 1 to 100 Volume=80 ;; Speaking rate, range -10 to 10 TalkRate=0 ;; Clock stop timer units ;; S=secs M=mins H=hours D=days W=weeks T=months Y=years ClockTimerUnits=H ;; Clock stops after how many timer units? (0 = clock never stops) ClockStops=0 ;; Quiet operation, time shown on screen (1=yes 0=no) Quiet=0 ;; Duration, in seconds, of on-screen time display ;; Fractional (decimal) values are allowed (e.g., Display=3.5) Display=2.5 [Language] ;; Translate the phrases and labels below into your chosen language. ;; Any language with a TTS function (a "Voice") in its language pack ;; should work. To use other languages, edit TalkTock.ini using the ;; UTF-8 character set ; ;; TimeOnly: 1=Yes (phrases set below will NOT be spoken); 0=No TimeOnly=0 ; ; Welcome and Intro messages ;; Comment out (prepend ";") to suppress these messages onStart=Welcome to TalkTock, the Talking Clock Intro=The time will be announced every ; ; Interval descriptions Freq1=minnit Freq5=5 minutes at the 5-minute mark Freq10=10 minutes at the 10-minute mark Freq15=15 minutes on the quarter hour Freq30=30 minutes on the half hour Freq60='our on the hour FreqCustom=minutes ;; Spoken prefix Prefix=It's ;; No prefix (just announce the time): ;Prefix= ;Prefix=It's ;Prefix=It's now ;Prefix=The time is ;; Singular prefix: Prefix1 defines the singular inflection ;; for "one o'clock" in applicable languages, e.g., Italian ;Prefix1= ;; Postfix at midnight (0000 hours) and midday (1200 hours) ;; See also Postfix pairs, below At0000Say=midnight At1200Say=noon ; ;; Postfix pairs (optional) ;; ------------------------ ;; Alternatives to saying "AM/PM" (or equivalent) after the time ;; If time falls within Range, TalkTock says ;; Phrase after saying the time ;; You can set as many, or as few, of these pairs as you like ;; Note: Range# settings must have content (a time range hhmm-hhmm) ;; Phrase# settings can be a phrase or empty (say nothing) ;Range1=0000-0000 ;Phrase1=Midnight ;Range2=0001-0329 ;Phrase2=A.M. ;Range3=0330-1159 ;Phrase3=in the morning ;Range4=1200-1200 ;Phrase4=Noon ;Range5=1201-1659 ;Phrase5=in the afternoon ;Range6=1700-1959 ;Phrase6=in the evening ;Range7=2000-2359 ;Phrase7=at night ;; ------------------------ ; ; Pause/Resume/Stop ;; Comment out (prepend ";") to suppress these messages onPause=TalkTock paused onResume=TalkTock resumed onStop=Goodbye [GUI_Labels] Title=TalkTock - Talking Clock Top=Say the time every Minute=minute Minutes=minutes QuarterHour=quarter hour HalfHour=half hour Hour=hour Hours=hours CustomLabel=Custom ClockStyle=Clock style 12-hour_Label=12-hour 24-hour_Label=24-hour Quiet_label=Time is: Speak_label=spoken Display_label=displayed ClockStop_Label=Clock stops ClockStopsNever_Label= Never ClockStopsAfter_Label= After ClockStopsAfterSecs_Label=secs ClockStopsAfterMins_Label=mins ClockStopsAfterHours_Label=hours ClockStopsAfterDays_Label=days ClockStopsAfterWeeks_Label=weeks ClockStopsAfterMons_Label=months ClockStopsAfterYears_Label=years Volume_Label=Volume ClockStop_Label=Clock stops ClockStopsAfter_Label=After ClockStopsHours_Label=hours ClockStopsNever_Label=Never Start_button=Start Cancel_button=Cancel Tray_pause=Pause Tray_resume=Resume Tray_exit=Stop Enjoy!
This small UDF helps you save any text to speech to a .wav file. UDF: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7 #include-once ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: _TTStoWav() ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Author(s) .....: natedog102 ; Modifiers .....: ; Forum link ....: ; Description ...: TTS to .wav file using SAPI ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _TTStoWav ; Description ...: TTS to .wav file using SAPI ; Syntax.........: _TTStoWav($sText, $sLocation[, $iRate = 1[, $iVolume = 100]]) ; Parameters ....: $sText - String you want converted to a .wav ; $sLocation - Save location + file name, example: "C:\folder\sample.wav" ; $iRate - TTS speak rate between -10 and 10 ; $iVolume - Volume of the TTS between 0 and 100 ; Return values .: Success - Returns one ; Failure - Returns zero ; Author ........: natedog102 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _TTStoWav($sText, $sLocation, $iRate = 1, $iVolume = 100) $oFileStream = ObjCreate("SAPI.SpFileStream") If @error Then Return 0 EndIf $oFileStream.Format.Type = 39 $oFileStream.Open($sLocation, 3) $oSpeech = ObjCreate('SAPI.SpVoice') If @error Then Return 0 EndIf $oSpeech.AudioOutputStream = $oFileStream $oSpeech.Rate = $iRate $oSpeech.Volume = $iVolume $oSpeech.Speak($sText, 3) $oSpeech.WaitUntilDone(10000) $oFileStream.Close() Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_TTStoWav And here's example usage: _TTStoWav("This is a test", "C:\folder-must-exist\sample2.wav") I have never made a UDF before so I don't know if I coded it correctly or if I followed all the recommended guidelines. Apologies if I haven't. DOWNLOAD: _TTStoWav.au3