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I don't know where to post this... I'm trying to get autoit to be able to uploade files larger than 20 mb, if I use my sites default upload script~ if (isset($_POST['_submit'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < $num_files; $i++) { if ($_FILES['_file']['name'][$i] == '') continue; $File = strtr(stripslashes($_FILES['_file']['name'][$i]), ''" |/?!*#', '__________'); $dotpos = strrpos($File, '.'); $length = strlen($File); $ext = strtolower(substr($File, -($length - $dotpos - 1))); $noext = substr($File, 0, -($length - $dotpos - 1)); if (!in_array($ext, $flat_allowed)) { LogErrors("{$txt['extension']} <b>$ext</b> {$txt['not_allowed']}"); continue; } switch($_FILES['_file']['error'][$i]) { case 0: break; case 1: LogErrors($txt['PHP_file_size']); continue 2; break; case 2: LogErrors("$txt[file_size] $txt[exceded_limit]"); continue 2; break; case 3: LogErrors($txt['partial_upload']); continue 2; break; case 4: LogErrors($txt['no_file']); continue 2; break; } if ($_FILES['_file']['size'][$i] > (_MAXSIZE * 1024)) { LogErrors($txt['file_size'].' ('.round($_FILES['_file']['size'][$i]/1024, 2)." $txt[KB]) {$txt['not_allowed']}"); continue; } $fullname = _REALPATH.$File; if (!isset($content)) $content = ''; if (_OVERWRITE == false or !isset($_POST['_overwrite'])) { if (file_exists($fullname)) { LogErrors($txt['file_exists']); continue; } if (isset($allowed['exec']) and in_array($ext, $allowed['exec'])) { if ($ext == 'php' and $highlight_php == true and file_exists(_REALPATH.$noext.'html')) { LogErrors($txt['exec_file_exists']); continue; } elseif (file_exists(_REALPATH.$noext.'txt')) { LogErrors($txt['exec_file_exists']); continue; } } } if(@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['_file']['tmp_name'][$i], $fullname)) { if (isset($allowed['image']) and in_array($ext, $allowed['image'])) is_image(); elseif (isset($allowed['text']) and in_array($ext, $allowed['text'])) is_text(); elseif (isset($allowed['exec']) and in_array($ext, $allowed['exec'])) is_exec(); elseif (isset($allowed['package']) and in_array($ext, $allowed['package'])) $uploaded[] = $File; if ($change_mode == true) @chmod($fullname, $mode)or LogErrors($txt['chmod_fail']); } else { LogErrors($txt['move_failiur'].'<br />'.$txt['try_again']); if (!file_exists(_REALPATH)) echo '<span style="color:red; font-size: 12pt;"><b>'.$txt['doesnot_exist'].'</b></span><br />'; elseif (!is_writable(_REALPATH)) echo '<span style="color:red; font-size: 12pt;"><b>'.$txt['unwritable'].'</b></span><br />'; } } if ($show_error_log == true and isset($errors) and count($errors) > 0) ShowErrorLog($errors); if ($show_uploaded_list == true and isset($uploaded) and count($uploaded) > 0) ShowUploaded($uploaded); if (isset($content)) echo $content; if ($show_upload_form == true) PrintForm(); if ($notify_admin == true) MailUploaded(); if ($log_upload == true) FilesLogging(); } else PrintForm(); clearstatcache(); I can uploade files up to 130+ mb from anywhere. But using this code~ <html><body><form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" type="file" name="file" multiple="multiple" /><input type="hidden" type="submit" /></form><?PHP if($_FILES){move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'],'C:/place/'.basename($_FILES['file']['name']));} ?></body></html> [/HTML] I can't upload anything past 10+ mb except if I'm on the actual machine that hosts the server, what is going on? I was making an app that archive music and uploads it to my server but as I discovered, it wont let me upload anything past 10mb from any of my friends places and I have to make a bunch of smaller archives in order to do it, which is not cool at all.. Edit: Got it too work..