So, I made this console app--using TreeWalkers of course to walk the UI Tree-- that starts at the root and looks for enabled, active controls--and in piping that to a file, I got this (edited, lots of controls in that list), above. LOL, so, those commands that are stored in memory are control elements! Sweet. this UIAutomation stuff is awesome. @junkew got me into this, blame his IUIAutomation kit. So there is this OLD vb OCX that is super ornery, but his kit can manipulate it, even if it is just SendKeys, So I must build a C# wrapper of my own... LOL this stuff is so cool. I have tried TestStack.White and MANY other wrappers, they seriously suck, no support either.
I used canned Microsoft example code too for the most part. This is an extreme for me though, our modern stuff I can test easily enough, but I want my own kit to use to discover and poke around with. I like to use the IUIAutomation tool as a sanity check too, it's very useful.