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Here is two apps I've been working on to track the changes I make to scripts as I create them. One is for monitoring your script changes, the other is view/restore all the changes that have been made. RevMonitor RevMonitor works by reciving shell change notifications from windows. For every .au3 file thats within a directory being monitored, 2 files will eventually be created ( as changes happen). One file is a dictionary file that holds all unique lines from the script. The second file is the revisons file that holds all revisons made to the script. A revison entry is a string of line numbers from the dictionary that make up the script. The entry also contains the Date and Time, plus weather it passed au3check at the time. (Date | Au3Check | Revision) For an example take the following script: #include <array.au3> Global $aArray1[1] Func _ShowArray(ByRef $aArray) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) _ArrayDisplay($aArray) If @error Then Return SetError(1) EndFunc Func _ShowArray2(ByRef $aArray) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) _ArrayDisplay($aArray) If @error Then Return SetError(2) EndFunc The dictionary for the file would look like this: #include <array.au3> Global $aArray1[1] Func _ShowArray(ByRef $aArray) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) _ArrayDisplay($aArray) If @error Then Return SetError(1) EndFunc Func _ShowArray2(ByRef $aArray) If @error Then Return SetError(2) A entry from the revison file would look like this: 11/29/2013 01:09:23 AM|0| RevRestore RevRestore is used for restoring a file. Each dictionary/revison file that gets created for a script being monitored will always get created in a "backup" directory located in the same directory as the script (same way tidy makes backups). To view a revison file, you select the script (not the actual revison file). I wrote it this way to make the revison file easy to open from scite. To add to SciTE, simply open the users options file (Tools->"Open User Options File") and add something similar to the following lines: # 45 Open Revisions File command.45.$(au3)="C:\RevTracker\RevRestore.exe" "$(FilePath)"$(au3)=Restore Revision command.shortcut.45.$(au3)=Ctrl+Shift+R ScreenShots: Credits - Thank you to all: Melba23 - Toast, GuiFrame Ward - QuickLZ Yashied - Restart Download: Revision Tracker.html Note: The .html link is just to help me keep track of downloads. Open the .html file and a download dialog will display.
hello guys i really need help in this first at all sorry about my english my request is : i want my script to checkout if my PC is connected with Specific network protocol the script should work like this app but i want my script only to checkout if my PC connected with these sites by any app and Display a message box telling me with which one my PC was connected i hope you understand this