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  1. ciao I have a Delphi compiled program that I use for work and I can read some logs with this function: Func __ReadExternalListBox() Local $hListBox, $iItemCount $hListBox = ControlGetHandle("Software Setup", "", "[CLASS:TListBox; INSTANCE:1]") ConsoleWrite("$hListBox = " & $hListBox & @CRLF) $iItemCount = _GUICtrlListBox_GetCount($hListBox) For $i = $iStart To $iItemCount - 1 ConsoleWrite(GUICtrlListBox_GetText($hListBox,$i) & @CRLF) Next EndFunc ;==>__ReadExternalListBox I can find pid and full path of the process. The problem is when I must open another process: I can't read the new ListBox because the title of the window to read is the same and the function $hListBox = ControlGetHandle("Software Setup", "", "[CLASS:TListBox; INSTANCE:1]") return me only one handle. With Autoinfo I can read handle: is, for this instance, 0x0001099C and is $hListBox But I need to automize some function and I can't always change in runtime this values. Ideas? Is there e method to read this title windows associated to a determined pid? PS: I don't need the handle from the pid windows application, but from its control if I use _WinAPI_EnumProcessWindows() the function return me window handle, not Control handle I In this case Windows Handle is 0x001007DA but I need Control Handle that is 0x0001099C Thankyou Marco
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