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This is TeamViewer.au3 UDF for TeamViewer API. ; #INDEX# ======================================================================== ; Title .........: TeamViewer.au3 ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: A collection of function for use with TeamViewer API ; Author ........: mLipok ; Modified ......: ; URL ...........: ; URL ...........: ; URL ...........: ; URL ...........: ; URL ...........: ; Remarks .......: This UDF was created based on TeamViewer_API_Documentation.pdf v 1.4.1 ; Remarks .......: This UDF is using Free Chilkat component look here ; Remarks .......: Documentation is "work in progress" ; Date ..........: 2017/02/08 ; Version .......: 0.1.1 BETA - Work in progress ; ================================================================================ in TeamViewer_Example.au3 you can see few examples: Func _Example() ; If not exist then create new INI file from template If Not FileExists('TeamViewer_Example.ini') Then FileCopy('TeamViewer_Example — Template.ini', 'TeamViewer_Example.ini') ; Read Access Token from INI Local $sTV_AccessToken = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'Settings', 'AccessToken', '') If $sTV_AccessToken = '' Then ; Your Access Token, can be left empty when OAuth (below) is configured. ; ClientId = <----------------- Create an app in your TeamViewer Management Console and insert the client ID to the INI ; ClientSecret = <------------- Insert your client secret to the INI ; AuthorizationCode = <-------- Visit$i_ClientIdHERE ; Login, grant the permissions (popup) and put the code shown in the AuthorizationCode variable to the INI Local $sTVOAuth_ClientID = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'OAuth2', 'ClientID', '') Local $sTVOAuth_ClientSecret = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'OAuth2', 'ClientSecret', '') _IECreate('' & $sTVOAuth_ClientID) ; Local $sTVOAuth_AuthorizationCode = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'OAuth2', 'authorizationCode', '') Local $sTVOAuth_AuthorizationCode = InputBox('AuthorizationCode', 'Please provide TV OAuth2 AuthorizationCode') If @error Then Return If $sTVOAuth_ClientID Then $sTV_AccessToken = _TVAPI_RequestOAuth2_AccessToken($sTVOAuth_ClientID, $sTVOAuth_ClientSecret, $sTVOAuth_AuthorizationCode) EndIf If $sTV_AccessToken Then _TVAPI_AccessToken($sTV_AccessToken) If _TVAPI_Ping() = True Then ; ping API to check connection and $sTV_AccessToken _Example_TeamViewer__1_Devices_SaveToFile() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__2_Devices_ChangeDetails() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__3_Devices_GetDevicesSingleID() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__4_Reports_GetAllConnections() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__5_Users_GetUserInfomation() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__6_Groups_ListGroups() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__7_Devices_AddDeleteDevice() Else MsgBox(0, '_TVAPI_Ping', "$v_Token or connection problem.") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Example You can download it here: I'm using TeamViewer_Example.ini to store my secret tokens/keys. [Settings] AccessToken= [OAuth2] ClientID= ClientSecret= authorizationCode=
- " With the TeamViewer integrations and the TeamViewer API, TeamViewer integrates seamlessly into your daily workflow. Develop a custom application or integrate pre-built solutions into your working environment, such as ticket systems, CRM or mail applications. " Is there anyone interested in creating a special UDF? EDIT: EDIT: API is REST and JSON based examples are in PowerShell Python and VBScript It can be integrated with Active Directory
Some time ago I start some topic about TeamViewer API '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> Now I have some working example. Here it is: #Include "TeamViewer_Common.au3" ;############## ; Configuration ;############## ; API access $v_Token Local $s_TV_AccessToken= "" ;<-- your access $v_Token, can be left empty when OAuth (below) is configured. ; OAuth: API client id & $s_AuthorizationCode Local $i_ClientId, $s_AuthorizationCode ; if all variables are set here, OAuth will be used to request an access $v_Token $i_ClientId = "" ;<-- Create an app in your TeamViewer Management Console and insert the client ID here. $s_ClientSecret = "" ;<-- Insert your client secret here. $s_AuthorizationCode = "" ;<-- Visit$i_ClientIdHERE ; Login, grant the permissions (popup) and put the code shown in the $s_AuthorizationCode variable here ; export filename Local $s_FileFullPath_ExportFileNameConnections = @ScriptDir & "\exportConnections.csv" ; Keys which are the columns in den exportConnections.csv ; All possible keys are: id, userid, username, deviceid, devicename, groupid, groupname, start_date, end_date, fee, currency, billed, notes Local $s_ConnectionKeys = "username, userid, fee, notes" Local $s_ColumnNames = "User name, User ID, Fee, Notes" Local $s_LineBreakReplacement = " " ;######### ; includes ;######### ;########### ; Functions ;########### ; Writes a given array of dictionaries to a CSV File with the given filename ;#################### ; Main: Export Users as CSV ;#################### ; Set locale to US English because fee values are in this format ;check OAuth requirements If _TV_PingAPI($s_TV_AccessToken) = true Then ;ping API to check connection and $v_Token Local $v_ResultConnections ;fetch all connections $v_ResultConnections = _TV_GetAllConnectionsAPI($s_TV_AccessToken) ;write to csv MsgBox(0, '$v_ResultConnections', $v_ResultConnections) Else MsgBox(0, '', "No data exported. $v_Token or connection problem.") EndIf REQUIRMENTS: AutoIt ++ TeamViewer_Common.au3 (attached below) JSON.au3 Native Windows JSON for Auto IT plus OO HOW TO: setup this variable Local $s_TV_AccessToken= "" and run ....... REMARKS: Still working on it, yet it is only a modest beginning. For now it is only _TV_PingAPI() and _TV_GetAllConnectionsAPI() REMARKS 2: OAuth: not working yet - please use $s_TV_AccessToken EDIT> BTW: I know that for now here is a bit of a mess in the UDF TeamViewer_Common.au3
Version 1.0.0
This is TeamViewer.au3 UDF for TeamViewer API. ; #INDEX# ======================================================================== ; Title .........: TeamViewer.au3 ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: A collection of function for use with TeamViewer API ; Author ........: mLipok ; Modified ......: ; URL ...........: ; URL ...........: ; URL ...........: ; URL ...........: ; URL ...........: ; Remarks .......: This UDF was created based on TeamViewer_API_Documentation.pdf v 1.4.1 ; Remarks .......: This UDF is using Free Chilkat component look here ; Remarks .......: Documentation is "work in progress" ; Date ..........: 2017/02/08 ; Version .......: 0.1.1 BETA - Work in progress ; ================================================================================ I'm using TeamViewer_Example.ini to store my secret tokens/keys. [Settings] AccessToken= [OAuth2] ClientID= ClientSecret= authorizationCode= in TeamViewer_Example.au3 you can see few examples: Func _Example() ; If not exist then create new INI file from template If Not FileExists('TeamViewer_Example.ini') Then FileCopy('TeamViewer_Example — Template.ini', 'TeamViewer_Example.ini') ; Read Access Token from INI Local $sTV_AccessToken = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'Settings', 'AccessToken', '') If $sTV_AccessToken = '' Then ; Your Access Token, can be left empty when OAuth (below) is configured. ; ClientId = <----------------- Create an app in your TeamViewer Management Console and insert the client ID to the INI ; ClientSecret = <------------- Insert your client secret to the INI ; AuthorizationCode = <-------- Visit$i_ClientIdHERE ; Login, grant the permissions (popup) and put the code shown in the AuthorizationCode variable to the INI Local $sTVOAuth_ClientID = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'OAuth2', 'ClientID', '') Local $sTVOAuth_ClientSecret = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'OAuth2', 'ClientSecret', '') _IECreate('' & $sTVOAuth_ClientID) ; Local $sTVOAuth_AuthorizationCode = IniRead('TeamViewer_Example.ini', 'OAuth2', 'authorizationCode', '') Local $sTVOAuth_AuthorizationCode = InputBox('AuthorizationCode', 'Please provide TV OAuth2 AuthorizationCode') If @error Then Return If $sTVOAuth_ClientID Then $sTV_AccessToken = _TVAPI_RequestOAuth2_AccessToken($sTVOAuth_ClientID, $sTVOAuth_ClientSecret, $sTVOAuth_AuthorizationCode) EndIf If $sTV_AccessToken Then _TVAPI_AccessToken($sTV_AccessToken) If _TVAPI_Ping() = True Then ; ping API to check connection and $sTV_AccessToken _Example_TeamViewer__1_Devices_SaveToFile() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__2_Devices_ChangeDetails() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__3_Devices_GetDevicesSingleID() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__4_Reports_GetAllConnections() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__5_Users_GetUserInfomation() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__6_Groups_ListGroups() ;~ _Example_TeamViewer__7_Devices_AddDeleteDevice() Else MsgBox(0, '_TVAPI_Ping', "$v_Token or connection problem.") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Example SUPPORT TOPIC IS HERE: TeamViewer_Example — Template.ini -
Hello everyone, I am writing this article with the purpose of learning, knowledge sharing. Sorry, if my english is bad Here is the code was compiled by me and use many resources on this forum - BASS Function Library (Sound and Music Functions) etc... I call it "Xcry Hacker" because it works through the network and control other computers. To the use of this code, you need to open the port for the modem, the required ports in code you can change if you want. Next, sigup for a ddns ( <snip> /Download <url>,<path> - Download File /GetProcess - Getlist Process /KillProcess - Getlist Process /SendFile - Send file via TCP /DelTree - Delete a file or a folder /RunFile - Run a file in Tree View /Remote - Remote Desktop Victim /Update - Update for client /ReShowList - ReShow list of Connections /ShowDesk - Begin show Desktop /GetSound - Begin Capture sound /ShowChat - Chat with victim /HideChat - End of the Chat /Exit - Exit XcryHacker Else for remote cmd I will show some info late Comment if you have questions I'm concentrating on studying for exams should be able to answer slow! THANK FOR READING!
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- remote desktop
- teamviewer
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Ok, so if I use TeamViewer to remote into a computer, autoit does not run correctly... I haven't the time right now to debug this. If however I remote in using windows(7) Remote Desktop Connection software... it does. But I need to hide the screen as I'm working on the remote pc because its outputting to a HUGE monitor on the factory floor and the higher-ups dont want the employees seeing all the bs on it... blah blah blah whatever, anyways... Is there anyway to do this? maybe turn off the monitor?I'm not sure how TeamViewer does this actually.... ... any ideas??
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- TeamViewer
- TeamViewer Black Screen
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