This script will get all Scheduled tasks as defined on a system
There are basically 3 functions in this small udf:
_TaskGetFolders() will return an array of all folders as from a given Scheduler Library folder, recursively. $aFolders will have to be declared before the function is called, I am not sure if there is a better method to avoid having to declare the array outside of _TaskGetFolders()...
_TaskListAllDetailed() will return a detailed array of all tasks in a given task folder, recursively. This function is using _TaskGetFolders() for the recurse option.
_TaskListToText() will create a formatted output of scheduled tasks as returned to the above array.
The script is complementary to taskplanerCOM.au3 by Allow2010.
The example shows
all folders in the Scheduler Library
All scheduled tasks in root (with formatted output)
All scheduled tasks on the system
Scheduled tasks Windows Defender if available