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I have a table that'd I'd like to lookup things in my script based on the input. Searching this forum I found some old posts about _ExcelReadSheetToArray(). After not getting it to work, I realized that is no longer in the UDF and _Excel_Range_Read is to be used instead. I also read the _Excel_RangeFind is another method to lookup data in a table. This method seems to use Excel to run these functions, whereas _Excel_Range_Read loads the entire range as an array and autoit does the work. I'm looking at loading a 30k row csv with 3 columns. Does anyone know if either this methods are better with this amount of data? Pros/cons? I'm leaning towards the _Excel_RangeFind so Excel can just run in the background and be the "database" vs. my script holding all that data in a massive array. Or maybe there's a completely different method? Let me know your thoughts!
This is for extraction of data from HTML tables to an array. It uses an raw html source file as input, and does not relies on any browser. You can get the source of the html using commands like InetGet(), InetRead(), _INetGetSource(), _IEDocReadHTML() for example, or load an html file from disc as well. It also takes care of the data position in the table due to rowspan and colspan trying to keep the same layout in the generated array. It has the option to fill the cells in the array corresponding with the "span" zones all with the same value of the first "span" cell of the corresponding area. ; save this as _HtmlTable2Array.au3 #include-once #include <array.au3> ; ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _HtmlTableGetList ; Description ...: Finds and enumerates all the html tables contained in an html listing (even if nested). ; if the optional parameter $i_index is passed, then only that table is returned ; Syntax ........: _HtmlTableGetList($sHtml[, $i_index = -1]) ; Parameters ....: $sHtml - A string value containing an html page listing ; $i_index - [optional] An integer value indicating the number of the table to be returned (1 based) ; with the default value of -1 an array with all found tables is returned ; Return values .: Success; Returns an 1D 1 based array containing all or single html table found in the html. ; element [0] (and @extended as well) contains the number of tables found (or 0 if no tables are returned) ; if an error occurs then an ampty string is returned and the following @error code is setted ; @error: 1 - no tables are present in the passed HTML ; 2 - error while parsing tables, (opening and closing tags are not balanced) ; 3 - error while parsing tables, (open/close mismatch error) ; 4 - invalid table index request (requested table nr. is out of boundaries) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _HtmlTableGetList($sHtml, $i_index = -1) Local $aTables = _ParseTags($sHtml, "<table", "</table>") If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") ElseIf $i_index = -1 Then Return SetError(0, $aTables[0], $aTables) Else If $i_index > 0 And $i_index <= $aTables[0] Then Local $aTemp[2] = [1, $aTables[$i_index]] Return SetError(0, 1, $aTemp) Else Return SetError(4, 0, "") ; bad index EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_HtmlTableGetList ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _HtmlTableWriteToArray ; Description ...: It writes values from an html table to a 2D array. It tries to take care of the rowspan and colspan formats ; Syntax ........: _HtmlTableWriteToArray($sHtmlTable[, $bFillSpan = False[, $iFilter = 0]]) ; Parameters ....: $sHtmlTable - A string value containing the html code of the table to be parsed ; $bFillSpan - [optional] Default is False. If span areas have to be filled by repeating the data ; contained in the first cell of the span area ; $iFilter - [optional] Default is 0 (no filters) data extracted from cells is returned unchanged. ; - 0 = no filter ; - 1 = removes non ascii characters ; - 2 = removes all double whitespaces ; - 4 = removes all double linefeeds ; - 8 = removes all html-tags ; - 16 = simple html-tag / entities convertor ; Return values .: Success: 2D array containing data from the html table ; Faillure: An empty strimg and sets @error as following: ; @error: 1 - no table content is present in the passed HTML ; 2 - error while parsing rows and/or columns, (opening and closing tags are not balanced) ; 3 - error while parsing rows and/or columns, (open/close mismatch error) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _HtmlTableWriteToArray($sHtmlTable, $bFillSpan = False, $iFilter = 0) $sHtmlTable = StringReplace(StringReplace($sHtmlTable, "<th", "<td"), "</th>", "</td>") ; th becomes td ; rows of the wanted table Local $iError, $aTempEmptyRow[2] = [1, ""] Local $aRows = _ParseTags($sHtmlTable, "<tr", "</tr>") ; $aRows[0] = nr. of rows If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") Local $aCols[$aRows[0] + 1], $aTemp For $i = 1 To $aRows[0] $aTemp = _ParseTags($aRows[$i], "<td", "</td>") $iError = @error If $iError = 1 Then ; check if it's an empty row $aTemp = $aTempEmptyRow ; Empty Row Else If $iError Then Return SetError($iError, 0, "") EndIf If $aCols[0] < $aTemp[0] Then $aCols[0] = $aTemp[0] ; $aTemp[0] = max nr. of columns in table $aCols[$i] = $aTemp Next Local $aResult[$aRows[0]][$aCols[0]], $iStart, $iEnd, $aRowspan, $aColspan, $iSpanY, $iSpanX, $iSpanRow, $iSpanCol, $iMarkerCode, $sCellContent Local $aMirror = $aResult For $i = 1 To $aRows[0] ; scan all rows in this table $aTemp = $aCols[$i] ; <td ..> xx </td> ..... For $ii = 1 To $aTemp[0] ; scan all cells in this row $iSpanY = 0 $iSpanX = 0 $iY = $i - 1 ; zero base index for vertical ref $iX = $ii - 1 ; zero based indexes for horizontal ref ; following RegExp kindly provided by SadBunny in this post: ; $aRowspan = StringRegExp($aTemp[$ii], "(?i)rowspan\s*=\s*[""']?\s*(\d+)", 1) ; check presence of rowspan If IsArray($aRowspan) Then $iSpanY = $aRowspan[0] - 1 If $iSpanY + $iY > $aRows[0] Then $iSpanY -= $iSpanY + $iY - $aRows[0] + 1 EndIf EndIf ; $aColspan = StringRegExp($aTemp[$ii], "(?i)colspan\s*=\s*[""']?\s*(\d+)", 1) ; check presence of colspan If IsArray($aColspan) Then $iSpanX = $aColspan[0] - 1 ; $iMarkerCode += 1 ; code to mark this span area or single cell If $iSpanY Or $iSpanX Then $iX1 = $iX For $iSpY = 0 To $iSpanY For $iSpX = 0 To $iSpanX $iSpanRow = $iY + $iSpY If $iSpanRow > UBound($aMirror, 1) - 1 Then $iSpanRow = UBound($aMirror, 1) - 1 EndIf $iSpanCol = $iX1 + $iSpX If $iSpanCol > UBound($aMirror, 2) - 1 Then ReDim $aResult[$aRows[0]][UBound($aResult, 2) + 1] ReDim $aMirror[$aRows[0]][UBound($aMirror, 2) + 1] EndIf ; While $aMirror[$iSpanRow][$iX1 + $iSpX] ; search first free column $iX1 += 1 ; $iSpanCol += 1 If $iX1 + $iSpX > UBound($aMirror, 2) - 1 Then ReDim $aResult[$aRows[0]][UBound($aResult, 2) + 1] ReDim $aMirror[$aRows[0]][UBound($aMirror, 2) + 1] EndIf WEnd Next Next EndIf ; $iX1 = $iX ; following RegExp kindly provided by mikell in this post: ; $sCellContent = StringRegExpReplace($aTemp[$ii], '<[^>]+>', "") If $iFilter Then $sCellContent = _HTML_Filter($sCellContent, $iFilter) For $iSpX = 0 To $iSpanX For $iSpY = 0 To $iSpanY $iSpanRow = $iY + $iSpY If $iSpanRow > UBound($aMirror, 1) - 1 Then $iSpanRow = UBound($aMirror, 1) - 1 EndIf While $aMirror[$iSpanRow][$iX1 + $iSpX] $iX1 += 1 If $iX1 + $iSpX > UBound($aMirror, 2) - 1 Then ReDim $aResult[$aRows[0]][$iX1 + $iSpX + 1] ReDim $aMirror[$aRows[0]][$iX1 + $iSpX + 1] EndIf WEnd $aMirror[$iSpanRow][$iX1 + $iSpX] = $iMarkerCode ; 1 If $bFillSpan Then $aResult[$iSpanRow][$iX1 + $iSpX] = $sCellContent Next $aResult[$iY][$iX1] = $sCellContent Next Next Next ; _ArrayDisplay($aMirror, "Debug") Return SetError(0, $aResult[0][0], $aResult) EndFunc ;==>_HtmlTableWriteToArray ; ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _HtmlTableGetWriteToArray ; Description ...: extract the html code of the required table from the html listing and copy the data of the table to a 2D array ; Syntax ........: _HtmlTableGetWriteToArray($sHtml[, $iWantedTable = 1[, $bFillSpan = False[, $iFilter = 0]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sHtml - A string value containing the html listing ; $iWantedTable - [optional] An integer value. The nr. of the table to be parsed (default is first table) ; $bFillSpan - [optional] Default is False. If all span areas have to be filled by repeating the data ; contained in the first cell of the span area ; $iFilter - [optional] Default is 0 (no filters) data extracted from cells is returned unchanged. ; - 0 = no filter ; - 1 = removes non ascii characters ; - 2 = removes all double whitespaces ; - 4 = removes all double linefeeds ; - 8 = removes all html-tags ; - 16 = simple html-tag / entities convertor ; Return values .: success: 2D array containing data from the wanted html table. ; faillure: An empty string and sets @error as following: ; @error: 1 - no tables are present in the passed HTML ; 2 - error while parsing tables, (opening and closing tags are not balanced) ; 3 - error while parsing tables, (open/close mismatch error) ; 4 - invalid table index request (requested table nr. is out of boundaries) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _HtmlTableGetWriteToArray($sHtml, $iWantedTable = 1, $bFillSpan = False, $iFilter = 0) Local $aSingleTable = _HtmlTableGetList($sHtml, $iWantedTable) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") Local $aTableData = _HtmlTableWriteToArray($aSingleTable[1], $bFillSpan, $iFilter) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") Return SetError(0, $aTableData[0][0], $aTableData) EndFunc ;==>_HtmlTableGetWriteToArray ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _ParseTags ; Description ...: searches and extract all portions of html code within opening and closing tags inclusive. ; Returns an array containing a collection of <tag ...... </tag> lines. one in each element (even if are nested) ; Syntax ........: _ParseTags($sHtml, $sOpening, $sClosing) ; Parameters ....: $sHtml - A string value containing the html listing ; $sOpening - A string value indicating the opening tag ; $sClosing - A string value indicating the closing tag ; Return values .: success: an 1D 1 based array containing all the portions of html code representing the element ; element [0] af the array (and @extended as well) contains the counter of found elements ; faillure: An empty string and sets @error as following: ; @error: 1 - no tables are present in the passed HTML ; 2 - error while parsing tables, (opening and closing tags are not balanced) ; 3 - error while parsing tables, (open/close mismatch error) ; 4 - invalid table index request (requested table nr. is out of boundaries) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _ParseTags($sHtml, $sOpening, $sClosing) ; example: $sOpening = '<table', $sClosing = '</table>' ; it finds how many of such tags are on the HTML page StringReplace($sHtml, $sOpening, $sOpening) ; in @xtended nr. of occurences Local $iNrOfThisTag = @extended ; I assume that opening <tag and closing </tag> tags are balanced (as should be) ; (so NO check is made to see if they are actually balanced) If $iNrOfThisTag Then ; if there is at least one of this tag ; $aThisTagsPositions array will contain the positions of the ; starting <tag and ending </tag> tags within the HTML Local $aThisTagsPositions[$iNrOfThisTag * 2 + 1][3] ; 1 based (make room for all open and close tags) ; 2) find in the HTML the positions of the $sOpening <tag and $sClosing </tag> tags For $i = 1 To $iNrOfThisTag $aThisTagsPositions[$i][0] = StringInStr($sHtml, $sOpening, 0, $i) ; start position of $i occurrence of <tag opening tag $aThisTagsPositions[$i][1] = $sOpening ; it marks which kind of tag is this $aThisTagsPositions[$i][2] = $i ; nr of this tag $aThisTagsPositions[$iNrOfThisTag + $i][0] = StringInStr($sHtml, $sClosing, 0, $i) + StringLen($sClosing) - 1 ; end position of $i^ occurrence of </tag> closing tag $aThisTagsPositions[$iNrOfThisTag + $i][1] = $sClosing ; it marks which kind of tag is this Next _ArraySort($aThisTagsPositions, 0, 1) ; now all opening and closing tags are in the same sequence as them appears in the HTML Local $aStack[UBound($aThisTagsPositions)][2] Local $aTags[Ceiling(UBound($aThisTagsPositions) / 2)] ; will contains the collection of <tag ..... </tag> from the html For $i = 1 To UBound($aThisTagsPositions) - 1 If $aThisTagsPositions[$i][1] = $sOpening Then ; opening <tag $aStack[0][0] += 1 ; nr of tags in html $aStack[$aStack[0][0]][0] = $sOpening $aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1] = $i ElseIf $aThisTagsPositions[$i][1] = $sClosing Then ; a closing </tag> was found If Not $aStack[0][0] Or Not ($aStack[$aStack[0][0]][0] = $sOpening And $aThisTagsPositions[$i][1] = $sClosing) Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") ; Open/Close mismatch error Else ; pair detected (the reciprocal tag) ; now get coordinates of the 2 tags ; 1) extract this tag <tag ..... </tag> from the html to the array $aTags[$aThisTagsPositions[$aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1]][2]] = StringMid($sHtml, $aThisTagsPositions[$aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1]][0], 1 + $aThisTagsPositions[$i][0] - $aThisTagsPositions[$aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1]][0]) ; 2) remove that tag <tag ..... </tag> from the html $sHtml = StringLeft($sHtml, $aThisTagsPositions[$aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1]][0] - 1) & StringMid($sHtml, $aThisTagsPositions[$i][0] + 1) ; 3) adjust the references to the new positions of remaining tags For $ii = $i To UBound($aThisTagsPositions) - 1 $aThisTagsPositions[$ii][0] -= StringLen($aTags[$aThisTagsPositions[$aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1]][2]]) Next $aStack[0][0] -= 1 ; nr of tags still in html EndIf EndIf Next If Not $aStack[0][0] Then ; all tags where parsed correctly $aTags[0] = $iNrOfThisTag Return SetError(0, $iNrOfThisTag, $aTags) ; OK Else Return SetError(2, 0, "") ; opening and closing tags are not balanced EndIf Else Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; there are no of such tags on this HTML page EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ParseTags ; #============================================================================= ; Name ..........: _HTML_Filter ; Description ...: Filter for strings ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.0.0 ; Syntax ........: _HTML_Filter(ByRef $sString[, $iMode = 0]) ; Parameter(s): .: $sString - String to filter ; $iMode - Optional: (Default = 0) : removes nothing ; - 0 = no filter ; - 1 = removes non ascii characters ; - 2 = removes all double whitespaces ; - 4 = removes all double linefeeds ; - 8 = removes all html-tags ; - 16 = simple html-tag / entities convertor ; Return Value ..: Success - Filterd String ; Failure - Input String ; Author(s) .....: Thorsten Willert, Stephen Podhajecki {gehossafats at netmdc. com} _ConvertEntities ; Date ..........: Wed Jan 27 20:49:59 CET 2010 ; modified ......: by Chimp Removed a double " " entities declaration, ; replace it with char(160) instead of chr(32), ; declaration of the $aEntities array as Static instead of just Local ; ============================================================================== Func _HTML_Filter(ByRef $sString, $iMode = 0) If $iMode = 0 Then Return $sString ;16 simple HTML tag / entities converter If $iMode >= 16 And $iMode < 32 Then Static Local $aEntities[95][2] = [[""", 34],["&", 38],["<", 60],[">", 62],[" ", 160] _ ,["¡", 161],["¢", 162],["£", 163],["¤", 164],["¥", 165],["¦", 166] _ ,["§", 167],["¨", 168],["©", 169],["ª", 170],["¬", 172],["­", 173] _ ,["®", 174],["¯", 175],["°", 176],["±", 177],["²", 178],["³", 179] _ ,["´", 180],["µ", 181],["¶", 182],["·", 183],["¸", 184],["¹", 185] _ ,["º", 186],["»", 187],["¼", 188],["½", 189],["¾", 190],["¿", 191] _ ,["À", 192],["Á", 193],["Ã", 195],["Ä", 196],["Å", 197],["Æ", 198] _ ,["Ç", 199],["È", 200],["É", 201],["Ê", 202],["Ì", 204],["Í", 205] _ ,["Î", 206],["Ï", 207],["Ð", 208],["Ñ", 209],["Ò", 210],["Ó", 211] _ ,["Ô", 212],["Õ", 213],["Ö", 214],["×", 215],["Ø", 216],["Ù", 217] _ ,["Ú", 218],["Û", 219],["Ü", 220],["Ý", 221],["Þ", 222],["ß", 223] _ ,["à", 224],["á", 225],["â", 226],["ã", 227],["ä", 228],["å", 229] _ ,["æ", 230],["ç", 231],["è", 232],["é", 233],["ê", 234],["ë", 235] _ ,["ì", 236],["í", 237],["î", 238],["ï", 239],["ð", 240],["ñ", 241] _ ,["ò", 242],["ó", 243],["ô", 244],["õ", 245],["ö", 246],["÷", 247] _ ,["ø", 248],["ù", 249],["ú", 250],["û", 251],["ü", 252],["þ", 254]] $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(?i)<p.*?>', @CRLF & @CRLF) $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(?i)<br>', @CRLF) Local $iE = UBound($aEntities) - 1 For $x = 0 To $iE $sString = StringReplace($sString, $aEntities[$x][0], Chr($aEntities[$x][1]), 0, 2) Next For $x = 32 To 255 $sString = StringReplace($sString, "&#" & $x & ";", Chr($x)) Next $iMode -= 16 EndIf ;8 Tag filter If $iMode >= 8 And $iMode < 16 Then ;$sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '<script.*?>.*?</script>', "") $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "<[^>]*>", "") $iMode -= 8 EndIf ; 4 remove all double cr, lf If $iMode >= 4 And $iMode < 8 Then $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "([ \t]*[\n\r]+[ \t]*)", @CRLF) $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[\n\r]+", @CRLF) $iMode -= 4 EndIf ; 2 remove all double withespaces If $iMode = 2 Or $iMode = 3 Then $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[[:blank:]]+", " ") $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "\n[[:blank:]]+", @CRLF) $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[[:blank:]]+\n", "") $iMode -= 2 EndIf ; 1 remove all non ASCII (remove all chars with ascii code > 127) If $iMode = 1 Then $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[^\x00-\x7F]", " ") EndIf Return $sString EndFunc ;==>_HTML_Filter This simple demo allow to test those functions, showing what it can extract from the html tables in a web page of your choice or loading the html file from the disc. ; #include <_HtmlTable2Array.au3> ; <--- udf already included (hard coded) at bottom of this demo #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> ; needed for _FileWriteFromArray() #include <array.au3> #include <IE.au3> Local $oIE1 = _IECreateEmbedded(), $oIE2 = _IECreateEmbedded(), $iFilter = 0 Local $sHtml_File, $iIndex, $aTable, $aMyArray, $sFilePath GUICreate("Html tables to array demo", 1000, 450, (@DesktopWidth - 1000) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 450) / 2 _ , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS + $WS_CLIPCHILDREN) GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE1, 010, 10, 480, 360) ; left browser GUICtrlCreateTab(500, 10, 480, 360) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("view table") GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE2, 502, 33, 474, 335) ; right browser GUICtrlCreateTabItem("view html") Local $idLabel_HtmlTable = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 502, 33, 474, 335, $ES_MULTILINE + $ES_AUTOVSCROLL) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 0, 0, "Courier new") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") Local $idInputUrl = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 380, 440, 20) Local $idButton_Go = GUICtrlCreateButton("Go", 455, 380, 25, 20) Local $idButton_Load = GUICtrlCreateButton("Load html from disk", 10, 410, 480, 30) Local $idButton_Prev = GUICtrlCreateButton("Prev <-", 510, 375, 50, 30) Local $idLabel_NunTable = GUICtrlCreateLabel("00 / 00", 570, 375, 40, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 700) Local $idButton_Next = GUICtrlCreateButton("Next ->", 620, 375, 50, 30) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Fill Span", 680, 370, 80, 40) Local $iFillSpan = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", 715, 388, 15, 15) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group Local $idButton_Array0 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Preview array", 770, 375, 100, 30) Local $idButton_Array1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Write array to file", 880, 375, 100, 30) ; options for filtering GUICtrlCreateGroup("Filters", 510, 410, 470, 35) Local $iFilter01 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("non ascii", 520, 425, 85, 15) Local $iFilter02 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("double spaces", 610, 425, 85, 15) Local $iFilter04 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("double @LF", 700, 425, 85, 15) Local $iFilter08 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("html-tags", 790, 425, 85, 15) Local $iFilter16 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("tags to entities", 880, 425, 85, 15) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;Show GUI ; _IEDocWriteHTML($oIE2, "<HTML></HTML>") GUICtrlSetData($idInputUrl, "") ; GUICtrlSetData($idInputUrl, "") ; example page ControlClick("", "", $idButton_Go) ; _IEAction($oIE1, "stop") Do; Waiting for user to close the window $iMsg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $iMsg = $idButton_Go _IENavigate($oIE1, GUICtrlRead($idInputUrl)) ; _IEAction($oIE1, "stop") $aTables = _HtmlTableGetList(_IEBodyReadHTML($oIE1)) If Not @error Then ; _ArrayDisplay($aTables, "Tables contained in this html") $iIndex = 1 _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE2, "<html>" & $aTables[$iIndex] & "</html>") ControlClick("", "", $idButton_Prev) _IEAction($oIE2, "stop") Else MsgBox(0, 0, "@error " & @error) EndIf Case $iMsg = $idButton_Load ConsoleWrite("$idButton_Load" & @CRLF) $sHtml_File = FileOpenDialog("Choose an html file", @ScriptDir & "\", "html page (*.htm;*.html)") If Not @error Then GUICtrlSetData($idInputUrl, $sHtml_File) ControlClick("", "", $idButton_Go) EndIf Case $iMsg = $idButton_Next If IsArray($aTables) Then $iIndex += $iIndex < $aTables[0] GUICtrlSetData($idLabel_NunTable, "Table" & @CRLF & $iIndex & " / " & $aTables[0]) GUICtrlSetData($idLabel_HtmlTable, $aTables[$iIndex]) _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE2, "<html>" & $aTables[$iIndex] & "</html>") _IEAction($oIE2, "stop") EndIf Case $iMsg = $idButton_Prev If IsArray($aTables) Then $iIndex -= $iIndex > 1 GUICtrlSetData($idLabel_NunTable, "Table" & @CRLF & $iIndex & " / " & $aTables[0]) GUICtrlSetData($idLabel_HtmlTable, $aTables[$iIndex]) _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE2, "<html>" & $aTables[$iIndex] & "</html>") _IEAction($oIE2, "stop") EndIf Case $iMsg = $idButton_Array0 ; Preview Array If IsArray($aTables) Then $iFilter = 1 * _IsChecked($iFilter01) + 2 * _IsChecked($iFilter02) + 4 * _IsChecked($iFilter04) + 8 * _IsChecked($iFilter08) + 16 * _IsChecked($iFilter16) $aMyArray = _HtmlTableWriteToArray($aTables[$iIndex], _IsChecked($iFillSpan), $iFilter) If Not @error Then _ArrayDisplay($aMyArray) EndIf Case $iMsg = $idButton_Array1 ; Saves the array in a csv file of your choice If IsArray($aTables) Then $iFilter = 1 * _IsChecked($iFilter01) + 2 * _IsChecked($iFilter02) + 4 * _IsChecked($iFilter04) + 8 * _IsChecked($iFilter08) + 16 * _IsChecked($iFilter16) $aMyArray = _HtmlTableWriteToArray($aTables[$iIndex], _IsChecked($iFillSpan), $iFilter) If Not @error Then $sFilePath = FileSaveDialog("Choose a file to save to", @ScriptDir, "(*.csv)") If $sFilePath <> "" Then If Not _FileWriteFromArray($sFilePath, $aMyArray, 0, Default, ",") Then MsgBox(0, "Error on file write", "Error code is " & @error & @CRLF & @CRLF & "@error meaning:" & @CRLF & _ "1 - Error opening specified file" & @CRLF & _ "2 - $aArray is not an array" & @CRLF & _ "3 - Error writing to file" & @CRLF & _ "4 - $aArray is not a 1D or 2D array" & @CRLF & _ "5 - Start index is greater than the $iUbound parameter") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndSelect Until $iMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() ; returns 1 if CheckBox is checked Func _IsChecked($idControlID) ; $GUI_CHECKED = 1 Return GUICtrlRead($idControlID) = $GUI_CHECKED EndFunc ;==>_IsChecked ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Following code should be included by the #include <_HtmlTable2Array.au3> ; hard coded here for easy load an run to try the example ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include-once #include <array.au3> ; ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _HtmlTableGetList ; Description ...: Finds and enumerates all the html tables contained in an html listing (even if nested). ; if the optional parameter $i_index is passed, then only that table is returned ; Syntax ........: _HtmlTableGetList($sHtml[, $i_index = -1]) ; Parameters ....: $sHtml - A string value containing an html page listing ; $i_index - [optional] An integer value indicating the number of the table to be returned (1 based) ; with the default value of -1 an array with all found tables is returned ; Return values .: Success; Returns an 1D 1 based array containing all or single html table found in the html. ; element [0] (and @extended as well) contains the number of tables found (or 0 if no tables are returned) ; if an error occurs then an ampty string is returned and the following @error code is setted ; @error: 1 - no tables are present in the passed HTML ; 2 - error while parsing tables, (opening and closing tags are not balanced) ; 3 - error while parsing tables, (open/close mismatch error) ; 4 - invalid table index request (requested table nr. is out of boundaries) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _HtmlTableGetList($sHtml, $i_index = -1) Local $aTables = _ParseTags($sHtml, "<table", "</table>") If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") ElseIf $i_index = -1 Then Return SetError(0, $aTables[0], $aTables) Else If $i_index > 0 And $i_index <= $aTables[0] Then Local $aTemp[2] = [1, $aTables[$i_index]] Return SetError(0, 1, $aTemp) Else Return SetError(4, 0, "") ; bad index EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_HtmlTableGetList ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _HtmlTableWriteToArray ; Description ...: It writes values from an html table to a 2D array. It tries to take care of the rowspan and colspan formats ; Syntax ........: _HtmlTableWriteToArray($sHtmlTable[, $bFillSpan = False[, $iFilter = 0]]) ; Parameters ....: $sHtmlTable - A string value containing the html code of the table to be parsed ; $bFillSpan - [optional] Default is False. If span areas have to be filled by repeating the data ; contained in the first cell of the span area ; $iFilter - [optional] Default is 0 (no filters) data extracted from cells is returned unchanged. ; - 0 = no filter ; - 1 = removes non ascii characters ; - 2 = removes all double whitespaces ; - 4 = removes all double linefeeds ; - 8 = removes all html-tags ; - 16 = simple html-tag / entities convertor ; Return values .: Success: 2D array containing data from the html table ; Faillure: An empty strimg and sets @error as following: ; @error: 1 - no table content is present in the passed HTML ; 2 - error while parsing rows and/or columns, (opening and closing tags are not balanced) ; 3 - error while parsing rows and/or columns, (open/close mismatch error) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _HtmlTableWriteToArray($sHtmlTable, $bFillSpan = False, $iFilter = 0) $sHtmlTable = StringReplace(StringReplace($sHtmlTable, "<th", "<td"), "</th>", "</td>") ; th becomes td ; rows of the wanted table Local $iError, $aTempEmptyRow[2] = [1, ""] Local $aRows = _ParseTags($sHtmlTable, "<tr", "</tr>") ; $aRows[0] = nr. of rows If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") Local $aCols[$aRows[0] + 1], $aTemp For $i = 1 To $aRows[0] $aTemp = _ParseTags($aRows[$i], "<td", "</td>") $iError = @error If $iError = 1 Then ; check if it's an empty row $aTemp = $aTempEmptyRow ; Empty Row Else If $iError Then Return SetError($iError, 0, "") EndIf If $aCols[0] < $aTemp[0] Then $aCols[0] = $aTemp[0] ; $aTemp[0] = max nr. of columns in table $aCols[$i] = $aTemp Next Local $aResult[$aRows[0]][$aCols[0]], $iStart, $iEnd, $aRowspan, $aColspan, $iSpanY, $iSpanX, $iSpanRow, $iSpanCol, $iMarkerCode, $sCellContent Local $aMirror = $aResult For $i = 1 To $aRows[0] ; scan all rows in this table $aTemp = $aCols[$i] ; <td ..> xx </td> ..... For $ii = 1 To $aTemp[0] ; scan all cells in this row $iSpanY = 0 $iSpanX = 0 $iY = $i - 1 ; zero base index for vertical ref $iX = $ii - 1 ; zero based indexes for horizontal ref ; following RegExp kindly provided by SadBunny in this post: ; $aRowspan = StringRegExp($aTemp[$ii], "(?i)rowspan\s*=\s*[""']?\s*(\d+)", 1) ; check presence of rowspan If IsArray($aRowspan) Then $iSpanY = $aRowspan[0] - 1 If $iSpanY + $iY > $aRows[0] Then $iSpanY -= $iSpanY + $iY - $aRows[0] + 1 EndIf EndIf ; $aColspan = StringRegExp($aTemp[$ii], "(?i)colspan\s*=\s*[""']?\s*(\d+)", 1) ; check presence of colspan If IsArray($aColspan) Then $iSpanX = $aColspan[0] - 1 ; $iMarkerCode += 1 ; code to mark this span area or single cell If $iSpanY Or $iSpanX Then $iX1 = $iX For $iSpY = 0 To $iSpanY For $iSpX = 0 To $iSpanX $iSpanRow = $iY + $iSpY If $iSpanRow > UBound($aMirror, 1) - 1 Then $iSpanRow = UBound($aMirror, 1) - 1 EndIf $iSpanCol = $iX1 + $iSpX If $iSpanCol > UBound($aMirror, 2) - 1 Then ReDim $aResult[$aRows[0]][UBound($aResult, 2) + 1] ReDim $aMirror[$aRows[0]][UBound($aMirror, 2) + 1] EndIf ; While $aMirror[$iSpanRow][$iX1 + $iSpX] ; search first free column $iX1 += 1 ; $iSpanCol += 1 If $iX1 + $iSpX > UBound($aMirror, 2) - 1 Then ReDim $aResult[$aRows[0]][UBound($aResult, 2) + 1] ReDim $aMirror[$aRows[0]][UBound($aMirror, 2) + 1] EndIf WEnd Next Next EndIf ; $iX1 = $iX ; following RegExp kindly provided by mikell in this post: ; $sCellContent = StringRegExpReplace($aTemp[$ii], '<[^>]+>', "") If $iFilter Then $sCellContent = _HTML_Filter($sCellContent, $iFilter) For $iSpX = 0 To $iSpanX For $iSpY = 0 To $iSpanY $iSpanRow = $iY + $iSpY If $iSpanRow > UBound($aMirror, 1) - 1 Then $iSpanRow = UBound($aMirror, 1) - 1 EndIf While $aMirror[$iSpanRow][$iX1 + $iSpX] $iX1 += 1 If $iX1 + $iSpX > UBound($aMirror, 2) - 1 Then ReDim $aResult[$aRows[0]][$iX1 + $iSpX + 1] ReDim $aMirror[$aRows[0]][$iX1 + $iSpX + 1] EndIf WEnd $aMirror[$iSpanRow][$iX1 + $iSpX] = $iMarkerCode ; 1 If $bFillSpan Then $aResult[$iSpanRow][$iX1 + $iSpX] = $sCellContent Next $aResult[$iY][$iX1] = $sCellContent Next Next Next ; _ArrayDisplay($aMirror, "Debug") Return SetError(0, $aResult[0][0], $aResult) EndFunc ;==>_HtmlTableWriteToArray ; ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _HtmlTableGetWriteToArray ; Description ...: extract the html code of the required table from the html listing and copy the data of the table to a 2D array ; Syntax ........: _HtmlTableGetWriteToArray($sHtml[, $iWantedTable = 1[, $bFillSpan = False[, $iFilter = 0]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sHtml - A string value containing the html listing ; $iWantedTable - [optional] An integer value. The nr. of the table to be parsed (default is first table) ; $bFillSpan - [optional] Default is False. If all span areas have to be filled by repeating the data ; contained in the first cell of the span area ; $iFilter - [optional] Default is 0 (no filters) data extracted from cells is returned unchanged. ; - 0 = no filter ; - 1 = removes non ascii characters ; - 2 = removes all double whitespaces ; - 4 = removes all double linefeeds ; - 8 = removes all html-tags ; - 16 = simple html-tag / entities convertor ; Return values .: success: 2D array containing data from the wanted html table. ; faillure: An empty string and sets @error as following: ; @error: 1 - no tables are present in the passed HTML ; 2 - error while parsing tables, (opening and closing tags are not balanced) ; 3 - error while parsing tables, (open/close mismatch error) ; 4 - invalid table index request (requested table nr. is out of boundaries) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _HtmlTableGetWriteToArray($sHtml, $iWantedTable = 1, $bFillSpan = False, $iFilter = 0) Local $aSingleTable = _HtmlTableGetList($sHtml, $iWantedTable) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") Local $aTableData = _HtmlTableWriteToArray($aSingleTable[1], $bFillSpan, $iFilter) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, "") Return SetError(0, $aTableData[0][0], $aTableData) EndFunc ;==>_HtmlTableGetWriteToArray ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _ParseTags ; Description ...: searches and extract all portions of html code within opening and closing tags inclusive. ; Returns an array containing a collection of <tag ...... </tag> lines. one in each element (even if are nested) ; Syntax ........: _ParseTags($sHtml, $sOpening, $sClosing) ; Parameters ....: $sHtml - A string value containing the html listing ; $sOpening - A string value indicating the opening tag ; $sClosing - A string value indicating the closing tag ; Return values .: success: an 1D 1 based array containing all the portions of html code representing the element ; element [0] af the array (and @extended as well) contains the counter of found elements ; faillure: An empty string and sets @error as following: ; @error: 1 - no tables are present in the passed HTML ; 2 - error while parsing tables, (opening and closing tags are not balanced) ; 3 - error while parsing tables, (open/close mismatch error) ; 4 - invalid table index request (requested table nr. is out of boundaries) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _ParseTags($sHtml, $sOpening, $sClosing) ; example: $sOpening = '<table', $sClosing = '</table>' ; it finds how many of such tags are on the HTML page StringReplace($sHtml, $sOpening, $sOpening) ; in @xtended nr. of occurences Local $iNrOfThisTag = @extended ; I assume that opening <tag and closing </tag> tags are balanced (as should be) ; (so NO check is made to see if they are actually balanced) If $iNrOfThisTag Then ; if there is at least one of this tag ; $aThisTagsPositions array will contain the positions of the ; starting <tag and ending </tag> tags within the HTML Local $aThisTagsPositions[$iNrOfThisTag * 2 + 1][3] ; 1 based (make room for all open and close tags) ; 2) find in the HTML the positions of the $sOpening <tag and $sClosing </tag> tags For $i = 1 To $iNrOfThisTag $aThisTagsPositions[$i][0] = StringInStr($sHtml, $sOpening, 0, $i) ; start position of $i occurrence of <tag opening tag $aThisTagsPositions[$i][1] = $sOpening ; it marks which kind of tag is this $aThisTagsPositions[$i][2] = $i ; nr of this tag $aThisTagsPositions[$iNrOfThisTag + $i][0] = StringInStr($sHtml, $sClosing, 0, $i) + StringLen($sClosing) - 1 ; end position of $i^ occurrence of </tag> closing tag $aThisTagsPositions[$iNrOfThisTag + $i][1] = $sClosing ; it marks which kind of tag is this Next _ArraySort($aThisTagsPositions, 0, 1) ; now all opening and closing tags are in the same sequence as them appears in the HTML Local $aStack[UBound($aThisTagsPositions)][2] Local $aTags[Ceiling(UBound($aThisTagsPositions) / 2)] ; will contains the collection of <tag ..... </tag> from the html For $i = 1 To UBound($aThisTagsPositions) - 1 If $aThisTagsPositions[$i][1] = $sOpening Then ; opening <tag $aStack[0][0] += 1 ; nr of tags in html $aStack[$aStack[0][0]][0] = $sOpening $aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1] = $i ElseIf $aThisTagsPositions[$i][1] = $sClosing Then ; a closing </tag> was found If Not $aStack[0][0] Or Not ($aStack[$aStack[0][0]][0] = $sOpening And $aThisTagsPositions[$i][1] = $sClosing) Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") ; Open/Close mismatch error Else ; pair detected (the reciprocal tag) ; now get coordinates of the 2 tags ; 1) extract this tag <tag ..... </tag> from the html to the array $aTags[$aThisTagsPositions[$aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1]][2]] = StringMid($sHtml, $aThisTagsPositions[$aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1]][0], 1 + $aThisTagsPositions[$i][0] - $aThisTagsPositions[$aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1]][0]) ; 2) remove that tag <tag ..... </tag> from the html $sHtml = StringLeft($sHtml, $aThisTagsPositions[$aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1]][0] - 1) & StringMid($sHtml, $aThisTagsPositions[$i][0] + 1) ; 3) adjust the references to the new positions of remaining tags For $ii = $i To UBound($aThisTagsPositions) - 1 $aThisTagsPositions[$ii][0] -= StringLen($aTags[$aThisTagsPositions[$aStack[$aStack[0][0]][1]][2]]) Next $aStack[0][0] -= 1 ; nr of tags still in html EndIf EndIf Next If Not $aStack[0][0] Then ; all tags where parsed correctly $aTags[0] = $iNrOfThisTag Return SetError(0, $iNrOfThisTag, $aTags) ; OK Else Return SetError(2, 0, "") ; opening and closing tags are not balanced EndIf Else Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; there are no of such tags on this HTML page EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ParseTags ; #============================================================================= ; Name ..........: _HTML_Filter ; Description ...: Filter for strings ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.0.0 ; Syntax ........: _HTML_Filter(ByRef $sString[, $iMode = 0]) ; Parameter(s): .: $sString - String to filter ; $iMode - Optional: (Default = 0) : removes nothing ; - 0 = no filter ; - 1 = removes non ascii characters ; - 2 = removes all double whitespaces ; - 4 = removes all double linefeeds ; - 8 = removes all html-tags ; - 16 = simple html-tag / entities convertor ; Return Value ..: Success - Filterd String ; Failure - Input String ; Author(s) .....: Thorsten Willert, Stephen Podhajecki {gehossafats at netmdc. com} _ConvertEntities ; Date ..........: Wed Jan 27 20:49:59 CET 2010 ; modified ......: by Chimp Removed a double " " entities declaration, ; replace it with char(160) instead of chr(32), ; declaration of the $aEntities array as Static instead of just Local ; ============================================================================== Func _HTML_Filter(ByRef $sString, $iMode = 0) If $iMode = 0 Then Return $sString ;16 simple HTML tag / entities converter If $iMode >= 16 And $iMode < 32 Then Static Local $aEntities[95][2] = [[""", 34],["&", 38],["<", 60],[">", 62],[" ", 160] _ ,["¡", 161],["¢", 162],["£", 163],["¤", 164],["¥", 165],["¦", 166] _ ,["§", 167],["¨", 168],["©", 169],["ª", 170],["¬", 172],["­", 173] _ ,["®", 174],["¯", 175],["°", 176],["±", 177],["²", 178],["³", 179] _ ,["´", 180],["µ", 181],["¶", 182],["·", 183],["¸", 184],["¹", 185] _ ,["º", 186],["»", 187],["¼", 188],["½", 189],["¾", 190],["¿", 191] _ ,["À", 192],["Á", 193],["Ã", 195],["Ä", 196],["Å", 197],["Æ", 198] _ ,["Ç", 199],["È", 200],["É", 201],["Ê", 202],["Ì", 204],["Í", 205] _ ,["Î", 206],["Ï", 207],["Ð", 208],["Ñ", 209],["Ò", 210],["Ó", 211] _ ,["Ô", 212],["Õ", 213],["Ö", 214],["×", 215],["Ø", 216],["Ù", 217] _ ,["Ú", 218],["Û", 219],["Ü", 220],["Ý", 221],["Þ", 222],["ß", 223] _ ,["à", 224],["á", 225],["â", 226],["ã", 227],["ä", 228],["å", 229] _ ,["æ", 230],["ç", 231],["è", 232],["é", 233],["ê", 234],["ë", 235] _ ,["ì", 236],["í", 237],["î", 238],["ï", 239],["ð", 240],["ñ", 241] _ ,["ò", 242],["ó", 243],["ô", 244],["õ", 245],["ö", 246],["÷", 247] _ ,["ø", 248],["ù", 249],["ú", 250],["û", 251],["ü", 252],["þ", 254]] $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(?i)<p.*?>', @CRLF & @CRLF) $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '(?i)<br>', @CRLF) Local $iE = UBound($aEntities) - 1 For $x = 0 To $iE $sString = StringReplace($sString, $aEntities[$x][0], Chr($aEntities[$x][1]), 0, 2) Next For $x = 32 To 255 $sString = StringReplace($sString, "&#" & $x & ";", Chr($x)) Next $iMode -= 16 EndIf ;8 Tag filter If $iMode >= 8 And $iMode < 16 Then ;$sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, '<script.*?>.*?</script>', "") $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "<[^>]*>", "") $iMode -= 8 EndIf ; 4 remove all double cr, lf If $iMode >= 4 And $iMode < 8 Then $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "([ \t]*[\n\r]+[ \t]*)", @CRLF) $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[\n\r]+", @CRLF) $iMode -= 4 EndIf ; 2 remove all double withespaces If $iMode = 2 Or $iMode = 3 Then $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[[:blank:]]+", " ") $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "\n[[:blank:]]+", @CRLF) $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[[:blank:]]+\n", "") $iMode -= 2 EndIf ; 1 remove all non ASCII (remove all chars with ascii code > 127) If $iMode = 1 Then $sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[^\x00-\x7F]", " ") EndIf Return $sString EndFunc ;==>_HTML_Filter Any error reports or suggestions for enhancements are welcome
Hi everybody Currently I need to tick a checkbox that runs on IE. But I can't click on it. Although the correct object has been specified. Here is my code: #include <IE.au3> $oIE = _IEAttach("WEB") $oLinks = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, 'span') For $oLink In $oLinks $a = String($oLink.classname) == 'x-column-header-text' $b = StringLeft(String($, 10) == 'gridcolumn' If $a And $b Then _IEAction($oLink, "click") ConsoleWrite("Founded" & @CRLF) ExitLoop Else ConsoleWrite("Not Found" & @CRLF) EndIf Next After inspecting the element it shows only 1 line of code: <div class="x-column-header x-column-header-checkbox x-column-header-align-left x-box-item x-column-header-default x-unselectable x-column-header-first x-grid-hd-checker-on" id="gridcolumn-1588" style="margin: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 24px; right: auto; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px;"> <div class="x-column-header-inner" id="gridcolumn-1588-titleEl"> <span class="x-column-header-text" id="gridcolumn-1588-textEl"></span> </div> </div> Here is an image of the checkbox: I used more ways to check: - _IEGetObjById => IEAction($oLink, "click") not working - _IETableGetCollection => _IETableWriteToArray gives an error - _IEImageClick All are not working. Hope to get a response from everyone. Thank you very much.
Hello. I have IETable, Get by this code $oTable = _IETableGetCollection ($oIE, 1) $aTableData = _IETableWriteToArray ($oTable) Local Const $iArrayNumberOfCols = UBound($aTableData, $UBOUND_COLUMNS) Local Const $iArrayNumberOfRows = UBound($aTableData, $UBOUND_ROWS) Local $aArraySubstringsRow[$iArrayNumberOfCols] ;~ Local $aExtract = _ArrayExtract ($aTableData, 1, 1, 1, -1) ;~ MsgBox(0, "", $iArrayNumberOfCols) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aExtract) Local Const $iArrayRowIndex = 1 Local $sSubstring For $i = 0 To $iArrayNumberOfCols - 1 $sSubstring = StringLeft($aTableData[$iArrayRowIndex][$i], 2) $aArraySubstringsRow[$i] = $sSubstring Next _ArrayDisplay($aArraySubstringsRow, "This is a row") and i want to use cell (52, 82, 18, 9,...10) one by one for selecting dropdown box in internet explorer. So, How to show/get/extract cell one by one (in msgbox)?
Hi, first of all thanks to all the guys who always help people in the forums, I wouldn't be able to do anything if wasn't for your help, even if I don't ask it myself. I've created this code to get some info on a monitoring network on my work. It relays on _IETableGetCollection and _IETableWriteToArray. It works well, but take around 3:25 minutes to get the info from 28 pages (some of them are large and take longer to load, but most of them are small and fast). My question is if you see a way to get the program to go faster... I've tried to make it easy for you to understand and edited somethings with sensitive info. (Some of the pages doesn't have the black divider with MIRA in the end, so I need to search if it is there or not.) #include <IE.au3> #include <array.au3> Local $oIE = _IECreate("about:blank", 0, 0) Local $paginas[28] = [89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 96, 105, 113, 119, 125, 126, 129, 131, 133, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 158, 159] Local $Datos_array[0][2] Local $oTable Local $tabla Local $aux_x = 1 Local $ar = 1 Local $Numtables_datos = 0 MsgBox(0, "asd", "asd") For $pag = 0 To UBound($paginas) - 1 Step 1 _IENavigate($oIE, "<WEBSITE URL>" & $paginas[$pag]) ; <<< the pages to load are always the same except for the last digits. _ArrayAdd($Datos_array, $paginas[$pag] & "|" & "Entrante", 0, "|") ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< adds the page number toarray [0, 0] ;############################################ START counts amount of tables with traffic $oTable = _IETableGetCollection($oIE) Local $iNumTables = @extended For $i = 3 To $iNumTables - 2 Step 1 $oTable = _IETableGetCollection($oIE, $i) $nomb_tabla2 = _IETableWriteToArray($oTable) ; <<<<<<<< TABLE TO ARRAY. $string2 = StringStripWS($nomb_tabla2[1][0], 8) If $string2 <> "MIRA" Then $Numtables_datos = $Numtables_datos + 1 Next $tabla_End = $iNumTables - $Numtables_datos ;############################################ FIN $tabla_Start = 4 $tabla_trafico = 2 For $for = 1 To $Numtables_datos Step 1 $oTable = _IETableGetCollection($oIE, $tabla_Start - 1) ; <<<<<<<<<<< NAME OF THE TABLE; row2 = mira $nomb_tabla = _IETableWriteToArray($oTable) ; <<<<<<<< TABLE TO ARRAY ;########################################### ADDS the traffic number into the row $string = StringStripWS($nomb_tabla[1][0], 8) If $string == "MIRA" Then ;si o si pasa por aca 1 vez _ArrayAdd($Datos_array, $nomb_tabla[0][0]) $nomb_aux = $nomb_tabla[0][0] $aux_x = 1 $tabla_trafico = $tabla_trafico + 2 Else ;esto deberia ser por row _ArrayAdd($Datos_array, $nomb_aux & " " & $aux_x) $aux_x = $aux_x + 1 $tabla_trafico = $tabla_trafico + 1 EndIf $oTable = _IETableGetCollection($oIE, $tabla_trafico) Local $aTableData = _IETableWriteToArray($oTable) $bps = _ArrayToString($aTableData, "|", 0, 0, @CRLF, 0, 0) $bps = StringRight($bps, 5) $bps = StringLeft($bps, 4) $trafico_actual = _ArrayToString($aTableData, "|", 0, 0, @CRLF, 2, 2) If $bps == "Gbps" Then $trafico_actual = $trafico_actual * 1000 If $bps == "Kbps" Then $trafico_actual = $trafico_actual / 1000 $Datos_array[$ar][1] = $trafico_actual $ar = $ar + 1 If $string == "MIRA" Then $tabla_Start = $tabla_Start + 2 Else $tabla_Start = $tabla_Start + 1 EndIf Next $ar = $ar + 1 ;~ ############# CAÍDA ############ ;~ If $actual_entrante = 0 Then ;~ $xxx = 0 ;~ Do ;~ MsgBox(0, "Tráfico Caído", $paginas[$i], 5) ;~ $xxx = $xxx + 1 ;~ Until $xxx = 10 ;~ EndIf ;~ ############# CAÍDA ############. Local $Numtables_datos = 0 Next _ArrayDisplay($Datos_array, "Array display") _IEQuit($oIE) Thanks!! monitoria.html
I have a Word document containing a 9-column table where row 1 is the column headers. My goal is to read the table into a 2d array, remove some rows, update some fields, and add a few rows to the end. The resulting array will likely be a different length. Next, I want to write the data back into the table. If it's easier, I can write the data to a new document from a template containing the same table header with a blank 2nd row. Here's my early attempt: Local $oWord = _Word_Create() Local $oDoc = _Word_DocOpen($oWord, $sFile) Local $aData = _Word_DocTableRead($oDoc, 1) $aData[3][5] = "Something else" Local $oRange = _Word_DocRangeSet($oDoc, 0) $oRange = _Word_DocRangeSet($oDoc, $oRange, $wdCell, 9) _Word_DocTableWrite($oRange,$aData) This, unfortunately, writes the entire array into the first cell of row 2. What am I doing wrong?
1. Description. Udf working with MSDN System.Collections.ArrayList. Allow you to make fast operations on huge arrays, speed is even x10 better than basic _ArrayAdd. Not prefered for small arrays < 600 items. 2. Requirements .NET Framework 1.1 - 4.5 (on this version Microsoft destroy old rules) System Windows 3. Possibilities. ;=============================================================================================================== ; UDF Name: List.au3 ; ; Date: 2018-02-17, 10:52 ; Description: Simple udf to create System Collections as ArrayList and make multiple actions on them. ; ; Function(s): _ListCreate -> Creates a new list ; _ListCapacity -> Gets a list size in bytes ; _ListCount -> Gets items count in list ; _ListIsFixedSize -> Get bool if list if fixed size ; _ListIsReadOnly -> Get bool if list is read only ; _ListIsSynchronized -> Get bool if list is synchronized ; _ListGetItem -> Get item on index ; _ListSetItem -> Set item on index ; ; _ListAdd -> Add item at end of list ; _ListClear -> Remove all list items ; _ListClone -> Duplicate list in new var ; _ListContains -> Get bool if item is in list ; _ListGetHashCode -> Get hash code for list ; _ListGetRange -> Get list with items between indexs ; _ListIndexOf -> Get index of item ; _ListInsert -> Insert a new item on index ; _ListInsertRange -> Insert list into list on index ; _ListLastIndexOf -> Get index last of item ; _ListRemove -> Remove first found item ; _ListRemoveAt -> Remove item in index ; _ListRemoveRange -> Remove items between indexs ; _ListReverse -> Reverse all items in list ; _ListSetRange -> Set new value for items in range ; _ListSort -> Sort items in list (speed of reading) ; _ListToString -> Get list object name ; _ListTrimToSize -> Remove unused space in list ; ; Author(s): Ascer ;=============================================================================================================== 4. Downloads List.au3 5. Examples SpeedTest _ArrayAdd vs ListAdd SpeedTest ArraySearch vs ListIndexOf Basic usage - crating guild with members
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- system.collections.arraylist
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Hi all i am currently trying to click on an element in a HTML Table, but just can get it to work. i am able to click the top of the table so it changes to sort but just can't click on the element in the table. an i need to click on element to continue in the site. i have attached the code so far and pictures of the table element want to click plus the source of the table. i am able to get data in the table with $oTable = _IETableGetCollection($oIE, 2) but not able to click on them. Help is very much appreciated #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: myName Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here #include <IE.au3> #include "DOM.au3" #include <Array.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Global $oIE = _IECreate("*") _IELoadWait($oIE) Sleep(2000) _PageLogin($oIE) _PageLoadWait() _PageNewReq($oIE) _PageLoadWait() _InputModelInf($oIE) _PageLoadWait() Sleep(1000) $aTableLink = BGe_IEGetDOMObjByXPathWithAttributes($oIE, "//table/tbody/tr/td[.='Name Of user']", 2000) ;~ $aTableLink = BGe_IEGetDOMObjByXPathWithAttributes($oIE, "//table/tbody/tr", 2000) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aTableLink,"$aTableLink") If IsArray($aTableLink) Then ConsoleWrite("Able to BGe_IEGetDOMObjByXPathWithAttributes($oIE, //table/tbody/tr/td[.='Name Of user'])" & @CRLF) For $i = 0 To UBound($aTableLink)-1 ConsoleWrite(" OuterHTML : " & $aTableLink[$i].outerHTML & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" Parentnode : " & $aTableLink[$i].parentnode & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" : " & $aTableLink[$i].parentnode.fireEvent("onclick","click") & @CRLF) $objClick = $aTableLink[$i].parentnode ;~ _IEAction($aTableLink[$i] , "focus") _IEAction($objClick , "focus") ;~ If _IEAction($aTableLink[$i], "click") Then If _IEAction($objClick, "click") Then ConsoleWrite("Able to _IEAction($aForumLink[0], 'click')" & @CRLF) _IELoadWait($oIE) Else ConsoleWrite("UNable to _IEAction($aForumLink[0], 'click')" & @CRLF) Exit 3 EndIf Next Else ConsoleWrite("Unable to BGe_IEGetDOMObjByXPathWithAttributes($oIE, //table/tbody/tr/td[.='Name Of user'])" & @CRLF) Exit 2 EndIf _PageLoadWait() Func _InputModelInf($oTmpIE) ; Add Var for Model & Serial in Func $oModelInput = _IEGetObjById($oTmpIE,"model") _IEAction($oModelInput,"focus") _IEDocInsertText($oModelInput, "*") $oSerialInput = _IEGetObjById($oTmpIE,"serial") _IEAction($oModelInput,"focus") _IEDocInsertText($oSerialInput, "*") $links = $oTmpIE.document.getElementsByClassName("btn btn-primary ng-scope") For $link In $links If $link.innertext = "Søg" Or $link.innertext = "Search" Then $ ExitLoop EndIf Next Return True EndFunc Func _PageNewReq($oTmpIE) $links = $oTmpIE.document.getElementsByClassName("ng-scope k-link") For $link In $links If $link.innertext = "Send ny fejlmelding" Or $link.innertext = "Submit a New Service Request" Then $ ExitLoop EndIf Next Return True EndFunc Func _PageLogin($oTmpIE) $oUserInput = _IEGetObjById($oTmpIE,"loginid") _IEDocInsertText($oUserInput, "*") $oPasswordInput = _IEGetObjById($oTmpIE,"password") _IEDocInsertText($oPasswordInput, "*") $links = $oTmpIE.document.getElementsByClassName("btn btn-primary login ng-scope") For $link In $links If $link.innertext = "Sign in" Then $ ExitLoop EndIf Next Return True EndFunc Func _PageLoadWait() Local $PageLoadWait = False ;~ nav navbar-nav navbar-right ng-hide ;~ nav navbar-nav navbar-right $tags = $oIE.document.GetElementsByTagName("ul") For $tag in $tags $class_value = $tag.GetAttribute("class") If $class_value = "nav navbar-nav navbar-right" Then ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : Webpage loading :) ' & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console $PageLoadWait = True ExitLoop EndIf Next Do sleep(250) For $tag in $tags $class_value = $tag.GetAttribute("class") If $class_value = "nav navbar-nav navbar-right ng-hide" Then ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : Webpage load finished :)'& @CRLF) ;### Debug Console $PageLoadWait = False ExitLoop EndIf Next Until $PageLoadWait = False EndFunc Thanks in advance
Hello everyone, I'm trying to pass values to elements in a website. The elements are present within a table, which is again present within a table, which is inside a form. I tried to read the form, tables, etc., but with no results. It appears to me that the elements, tables, form, etc., were not read at all. The following is what I tried. Please guide me. ;I tried the following to read the tables into arrays #include <IE.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Local $oIE = _IECreate() _IENavigate($oIE, "---- URL HERE ----") _IELoadWait($oIE) $o_Table = _IETableGetCollection ($oIE) $i_NumTables = @extended For $i = 0 To $i_NumTables - 1 Step 1 $o_Table_Temp2 = _IETableGetCollection ($oIE, $i) $a_TableData = _IETableWriteToArray ($o_Table_Temp2) _ArrayDisplay($a_TableData) Next ;I tried the following code to pass value to the field #include <IE.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Local $oIE = _IECreate() _IENavigate($oIE, "---- URL HERE ----", 0) _IELoadWait($oIE) Local $oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "default") Local $oField = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "tGroup") _IEFormElementSetValue($oField, "---- VALUE HERE ----") The following is the html view of the website and the highlighted field is the one that I want to pass values to. Since this is an official website, I can't share the exact url.
I could only extract the first 20 from table into Microsoft Excel by using Array Extract but I want to extract until the end what I mean is until the second page. How to do it? Please revert. Thanks.
- 15 replies
Hello, Im using GUICtrlCreateListView to make table with items. But when it is new item with same first column a want just update allready existing row. Its posible? I cant figure it, if its better use other funkcion pls. tell me. Thank
Hello, I want get the items of a table. The table is in a window of an deskpot application. I hava upload a image of the table. I want read the values of all items and columns for I select the item that I am finding. I have used ListBox and ListView methods and I get the number of items but I can't get the text of columns and I can`t select one item. Can you help me? Thank you.
I have taken a look at GUICtrlCreateListView and the Table.UDF created by AndyBiochem (great job). I can't see any sign or mention of whether or not there is any way to build a table or grid view where the data in the boxes can be updated. I also don't see anywhere that says they are read only, so I am not sure. Thanks to anyone who can confirm my assumption that it's not possible to edit any grid or table view in AutoIt.
I'm doing parsing of HTML file with <table>. I need to go through rows and columns of table, ideally to get two dimensional array. I use this way with simple two levels of calling StrinRegExp() for rows and columns: ;~ $html = FileRead('table.html') $html = '<tr><td>r1c1</td> <td>r1c2</td></tr> <tr><td>r2c1</td> <td>r2c2</td></tr> <tr><td>r3c1</td> <td>r3c2</td></tr>' $rows = StringRegExp($html, '(?s)(?i)<tr>(.*?)</tr>', 3) For $i = 0 to UBound($rows) - 1 $row = $rows[$i] ConsoleWrite("Row " & $i & ': ' & $row & @CRLF) $cols = StringRegExp($row, '(?s)(?i)<td>(.*?)</td>', 3) For $j = 0 to UBound($cols) - 1 $col = $cols[$j] ConsoleWrite(" Col " & $j & ': ' & $col & @CRLF) Next Next Output: In my example there is called StringRegExp() for each row of table which is ineffective for many rows. It works fine, but my question is if there is better and more effective approach, maybe some clever the only one RegExp pattern? Or maybe using StringRegExp with option=4? I 'm not experienced with this option (array in array) and example in helpfile is not very clear to me so I don't know if this option=4 can be used also for HTML table parsing.
Atom Table UDF Local and Global Atom Table Since I've had this collecting dust on my computer, I figured I'd release it to see if anyone can find some use for it. About Atom Tables - MSDN Example Global Atom Table Listing Basically, a bunch of strings can be stored locally (at program level) or globally (at O/S level) with unique numerical identifiers. This UDF lets you add, find, delete, and query these atoms. Description from the top of the AtomFunctions UDF: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for accesing Local and Global Atom Tables, which contain strings up to 255 characters long The Atom tables are used for multiple types of Windows data including Window Classes (RegisterClass/Ex), Clipboard formats (RegisterClipboardFormat), Hotkeys (RegisterHotKey), and Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) which is a form of interprocess communication. (Some of the above may use a Local rather than the Global Atom table) Other uses can include storing program strings to lookup by a 16-bit value and interprocess communication "RegisterHotKey function" @ MSDN states this: "An application must specify an id value in the range 0x0000 through 0xBFFF. A shared DLL must specify a value in the range 0xC000 through 0xFFFF (the range returned by the GlobalAddAtom function). To avoid conflicts with hot-key identifiers defined by other shared DLLs, a DLL should use the GlobalAddAtom function to obtain the hot-key identifier." Kernel Note: The Atom Table is a separate entity from Kernel Objects like Events, Mutexes, Files, etc. However, the Atom Table is (separately) accessible from within the Kernel, so its like a Kernish object? Notes on Atom Tables: Stringlimit is 255 characters NOT including a null-terminator. This is unfortunately not enough for a MAX_PATH string, which is 259+null-term. However, stripping off root-drive prefix get you within 1 character of the length (259 - 3 ["C:"] = 256] which may be enough - but using IPC, one can store 4 - 6 (8-12 in x64) extra chars in wParam/lParam.. See <AtomExample_IPC.au3> for an implementation of this There is both a Local and Global Atom Table. The Local one is local to this Process, and the Global one is available/accessible to/from all Processes. Atoms numbered 0 - 49151 (0xBFFF) are not actually part of the Atom Table. Querying these values will return a string representation of the number as an unsigned integer Example: 1234 is translated to "#1234" Adding atom strings that start with a "#" will return an unsigned integer if the numbers following "#" are an integer less than 49152 (1 - 49151 [0xBFFF]). Examples: "#1" => 1, "#49151" => 49151 Atoms numbered from 49152 - 65535 (from 0xC000 - 0xFFFF) DO reference the Atom Table strings Maximum Atom string length is 255 characters (not including a null-terminator) Functions: ; Local: ; _AtomTableInit() ; Initializes Local Atom Table. Optional [37 hash buckets allocated by default] ; _AtomAddLocal() ; Adds a string to the Local Atom table, returns # identifier [increments reference if already exists] ; _AtomGetNameLocal() ; Gets the Local Atom string associated with a numerical identifier ; _AtomDeleteLocal() ; Decrements the reference count of Local Atom, deletes when reaches 0 ; _AtomFindLocal() ; Finds # identifier for a string in the Local Atom table ; _AtomGetAllLocal() ; Returns all found Local atoms in an array ; Global: ; _AtomAddGlobal() ; Adds a string to the Global Atom table, returns # identifier [increments reference if already exists] ; _AtomGetNameGlobal() ; Gets the Global Atom string associated with a numerical identifier ; _AtomDeleteGlobal() ; Decrements the reference count of Global Atom, deletes when reaches 0 ; _AtomFindGlobal() ; Finds # identifier for a string in the Global Atom table ; _AtomGetAllGlobal() ; Returns all found Global atoms in an array ; 'Undocumented': ; _AtomGetGlobalTableUD() ; Using 'undocumented' function calls, gets info on all Global Atoms ; _AtomGetInfoUD() ; Returns reference count, pinned status, as well as Atom Name ---------------------------------------------------------------- There are a few 'undocumented' functions used for getting information on the Atom Table included (I can't help myself). In addition to the core UDF, there's 2 example files: AtomTableExample.au3 - This demonstrates various use - adding, deleting, and querying information in the Local and Global atom tables. (Extended info comes from 'undocumented' functions) AtomExample_IPC.au3 - This demonstrates how the Atom Table could be used in InterProcess Communication. A rather rough sketch, but shows how you could squeeze MAX_PATH pathnames into IPC messages combined with Atom tables. It's all a bit light on the documentation, but I just wanted to prevent this thing from collecting more dust Might prove useful to someone! History:: ~prev Downloads: 29
I saw in the Help File, the UDF for managing Excel 2013 and on Windows 7, but I can't manage how can I add silently a specific value in a specific cell in a specific Excel file Pls help me And yes I updated to the last version of Autoit...
I made a function, it does as the name implies. It will make an Autoit array into a HTML table. I looked around on the forms but could not find anything I liked so I made one. You can change the colors via Hex colors and can also turn off the headers. The function returns the string for a HTML doc and the table. Let me know what ya'll think. Update 4/8/14: Added <p> tag to make table centered, Just seemed to make more sence. ;#FUNCTION#============================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _Array2HTMLTable() ; Description ...: Returns HTML string with a table created from a Autoit array ; Syntax.........: ($aArray, $BodyBGColor = "#ffffff", $HighlightBGColor = "#F0F9FF", $HeaderBGColor = "#007EE5", $BodyTxtColor = "#000000", $HeaderTxtColor = "#ffffff", $HeadersOn = 1) ; Parameters ....: $aArray - The Array to use ; $BodyBGColor - [optional] The Hex color for the table body background. ; $HighlightBGColor - [optional] The Hex color for the highlight background. ; $HeaderBGColor - [optional] The Hex color for the table header background. ; $BodyTxtColor - [optional] The Hex color for the table body Text. ; $HeaderTxtColor - [optional] The Hex color for the table header Text. ; $HeadersOn - [optional] Turns off the header. Headers are the contents found on the first row of the Autoit array if this feature is turned off then ; the frist row of the autoit array is placed into the table body. ; Return values .: Success - The HTML string ; Failure - -1 or -2 depending on the problem ; Author ........: XThrax aka uncommon ; Remarks .......: CSS and JavaScript are use to make the table look nice. If you know a lot more about either you can add to it or manipulate it. I used the code I found on this website. ; ; Related .......: _IETableWriteToArray() ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; No ; ===================================================================================================================== Func _Array2HTMLTable($aArray, $BodyBGColor = "#ffffff", $HighlightBGColor = "#F0F9FF", $HeaderBGColor = "#007EE5", $BodyTxtColor = "#000000", $HeaderTxtColor = "#ffffff", $HeadersOn = 1) If IsArray($aArray) = 0 Then Return -1 Local $aTRlines = '' Local $aTHlines = '' Local $aTDlines = '' Local $BodyStart = 1 Local $TotalRows = UBound($aArray);rows Local $TotalColumns = UBound($aArray, 2);columns Local $CSS = 'table {margin: 1em; border-collapse: collapse; }' & @CRLF & _ 'td, th {padding: .3em; border: 1px #ccc solid; }' & @CRLF & _ 'thead {background: ' & $HeaderBGColor & '; }' & @CRLF & _ 'thead {color:' & $HeaderTxtColor & ';}' & @CRLF & _ 'tbody {background: ' & $BodyBGColor & '; }' & @CRLF & _ 'tbody {color: ' & $BodyTxtColor & '; }' & @CRLF & _ '#highlight tr.hilight { background: ' & $HighlightBGColor & '; } ' Local $JavaScript = "function tableHighlightRow() {" & @CRLF & _ " if (document.getElementById && document.createTextNode) {" & @CRLF & _ " var tables=document.getElementsByTagName('table');" & @CRLF & _ " for (var i=0;i<tables.length;i++)" & @CRLF & _ " {" & @CRLF & _ " if(tables[i].className=='hilite') {" & @CRLF & _ " var trs=tables[i].getElementsByTagName('tr');" & @CRLF & _ " for(var j=0;j<trs.length;j++)" & @CRLF & _ " {" & @CRLF & _ " if(trs[j].parentNode.nodeName=='TBODY') {" & @CRLF & _ " trs[j].onmouseover=function(){this.className='hilight';return false}" & @CRLF & _ " trs[j].onmouseout=function(){this.className='';return false}" & @CRLF & _ " }" & @CRLF & _ " }" & @CRLF & _ " }" & @CRLF & _ " }" & @CRLF & _ " }" & @CRLF & _ "}" & @CRLF & _ "window.onload=function(){tableHighlightRow();}" If $HeadersOn <> 1 Then $BodyStart = 0 Else If $TotalRows < 2 Then Return -2;there needs to be at least two rows if headers are on For $x = 0 To $TotalColumns - 1 $aTHlines = $aTHlines & ' <th>' & $aArray[0][$x] & '</th>' & @CRLF Next EndIf For $x = $BodyStart To $TotalRows - 1 $aTDlines = '' For $i = 0 To $TotalColumns - 1 $aTDlines = $aTDlines & ' <td>' & $aArray[$x][$i] & '</td>' & @CRLF Next $aTRlines = $aTRlines & '<tr>' & @CRLF & _ $aTDlines & _ '</tr>' & @CRLF Next $HTML = '<!DOCTYPE html><html>' & @CRLF & _ '<head> ' & @CRLF & _ '<Style>' & @CRLF & _ $CSS & @CRLF & _ '</Style>' & @CRLF & _ '<script>' & @CRLF & _ $JavaScript & @CRLF & _ '</script>' & @CRLF & _ '</head>' & @CRLF & _ '<body><p align="center"><table class="hilite" id="highlight" style="width:60%">' & @CRLF & _ '<thead>' & @CRLF & _ '<tr>' & @CRLF & _ $aTHlines & _ '</tr>' & @CRLF & _ '</thead>' & @CRLF & _ '</p><tbody>' & @CRLF & _ $aTRlines & _ '</tbody>' & @CRLF & _ '</table></body></html>' Return $HTML EndFunc ;==>_Array2HTMLTable _Array2HTMLTable.au3