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  1. 1. Description. Udf working with MSDN System.Collections.ArrayList. Allow you to make fast operations on huge arrays, speed is even x10 better than basic _ArrayAdd. Not prefered for small arrays < 600 items. 2. Requirements .NET Framework 1.1 - 4.5 (on this version Microsoft destroy old rules) System Windows 3. Possibilities. ;=============================================================================================================== ; UDF Name: List.au3 ; ; Date: 2018-02-17, 10:52 ; Description: Simple udf to create System Collections as ArrayList and make multiple actions on them. ; ; Function(s): _ListCreate -> Creates a new list ; _ListCapacity -> Gets a list size in bytes ; _ListCount -> Gets items count in list ; _ListIsFixedSize -> Get bool if list if fixed size ; _ListIsReadOnly -> Get bool if list is read only ; _ListIsSynchronized -> Get bool if list is synchronized ; _ListGetItem -> Get item on index ; _ListSetItem -> Set item on index ; ; _ListAdd -> Add item at end of list ; _ListClear -> Remove all list items ; _ListClone -> Duplicate list in new var ; _ListContains -> Get bool if item is in list ; _ListGetHashCode -> Get hash code for list ; _ListGetRange -> Get list with items between indexs ; _ListIndexOf -> Get index of item ; _ListInsert -> Insert a new item on index ; _ListInsertRange -> Insert list into list on index ; _ListLastIndexOf -> Get index last of item ; _ListRemove -> Remove first found item ; _ListRemoveAt -> Remove item in index ; _ListRemoveRange -> Remove items between indexs ; _ListReverse -> Reverse all items in list ; _ListSetRange -> Set new value for items in range ; _ListSort -> Sort items in list (speed of reading) ; _ListToString -> Get list object name ; _ListTrimToSize -> Remove unused space in list ; ; Author(s): Ascer ;=============================================================================================================== 4. Downloads List.au3 5. Examples SpeedTest _ArrayAdd vs ListAdd SpeedTest ArraySearch vs ListIndexOf Basic usage - crating guild with members
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