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  1. Hello, I'm a college student, and I have a Surface Book 2. Currently Microsoft has a stick up their ass and Windows Surface Books, after the 1903 windows update, have issues where the graphics card disconnects from the computer for no reason. (They still haven't fixed it) I have the Surface Book 2 13.5 Inch with a 1050 graphics card. I was looking for a fix online and decided to code something to try and fix it. I found that if I scan for hardware changes on the Device Manager then the graphics card will reappear. *Face Palm* I went and downloaded Devcon.exe last night and looked for example code online on how to check if a device no longer exists and if it doesn't then do "devcon rescan" and I'm going to assume this works. If anyone has any better ideas, please post some. I've checked Reddit on how to fix this, and I've installed the Surface Book 2 Drivers. No Luck. Any recommendations would be helpful Things I've tried: Updating Windows to the Skip Beta version Reinstalling the Drivers multiple times with many different scenarios Checking for Updates (A lot) Uninstalling Software Running software as Administrator Cleaning the Devices Metal connector with Isopropyl alcohol 91% (Someone recommended it on Reddit) Installing the new NVIDIA graphic drivers (this just made it worse) Current Drivers: NVIDIA Update NVIDIA Graphics Driver 391.40 Uninstalling the Graphic Drivers in Safe Mode with DDU Uninstaller #include "DeviceAPI.au3" $DeviceName = "NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1050" $DeviceClass = "Display adapters" ;$objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:" & $strComputer & "rootCIMV2") ;$m_MediaConnectWatcher = $objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery("SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_DiskDrive'") Do ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Checking for [" & $DeviceName & "]...") Sleep(5000) Until HWDevice_Detect($DeviceName, $DeviceClass) = True Func HWDevice_Detect($devicename, $classname) Local $DeviceListed = False Local $aClasses = _DeviceAPI_GetClassArray() For $X = 0 to Ubound($aClasses)-1 If $aClasses[$X][2] = $classname Then Local $aDevices = _DeviceAPI_GetDeviceArray($aClasses[$X][0]) For $Y = 0 to Ubound($aDevices)-1 If $aDevices[$Y][1] = $devicename Then $DeviceListed = True EndIf Next EndIf Next If $DeviceListed = True Then Sleep(1000) Else Run(@Comspec & " /c " & "devcon rescan") EndIf EndFunc This is the code i found and i tried to edit it but it doesn't work for what i need. It exits after it's true. I need it to constantly scan (and not cause high CPU usage) if that's possible. I was thinking scan every 15min? Proof of issue: Link Here to Microsoft
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