I need to perform a subtotal in excel and I would like to automate this process using Autoit if possible like always any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
I can not find a good example but the two from Microsoft. Here is one of the two from msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vba/excel-vba/articles/range-subtotal-method-excel
I do not really understand how to translate this into AutoIt, but I gave it a try and here is what I have.
$OpenRange = "A1:E200"
$xlSum = -4157
$Added_Array[2] = [2, 3]
$OpenRange.Subtotal("B1", $xlSum, $Added_Array, True, False, True)
I just need to perform a subtotal on a range based on a header called department, and then perform a sum on the results.