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Found 18 results

  1. What am I missing here? The Help file clearly shows the default for occurrence = 1. But the "Default" keyword seems to be interpreted as -1. ConsoleWrite( "AutoItVersion: " & @AutoItVersion & @CRLF ) Local $S = "ABCDABCD" Local $Start = StringInStr( $S, "AB" ) ConsoleWrite( "$Start = " &...
  2. Hi guys, really need your help. How can i check every 5 min if my text file include String "Markus". Btw i need this function to run on my Logs file that are updated whenever some event is triggered (logs appear in same txt file). So i did test some codding to test isit possible. But somehow, i...
  3. Hey there! I've been developing a artificial intelligence. My first hard task was letting the A.I know when a sentence is found in memory with different words What i tried to do here is simply, get all the words in user sentence that could be used as a identifier...
  4. Hi guys! I have these checkbox that I'm trying to click on. They have the same inner-text string but a different ID. Sometime there can be as many as 4 checkbox with the same string but the ID is always different. I tried a few methods down below but I'm unable to make any real results. Any sug...
  5. Hi everybody, i have a log file with several entries like the following one: INFO [26.04.2017 11:37:48] [main] XML-Data: <online-activation> <general> <userid>XYZ</userid> <mac-address/> <OU>VG-DE</OU> <ROLE>KDT</ROLE> <FOA>PRO;FC;DOM;MDD</FOA> <BRD>XYZ;IMP</BRD>...
  6. I have a good handle on how to read a file line by line, and search for a given string. Basically using, FileOpen, FileReadLine, and StringInStr. I have been trying to figure out why my search keeps coming back with no match. For example, if my string line was "Where is Waldy", and I...
  7. Hello, I want to be able to search for multiple strings and if any of the strings are found I want it returned which one it is. I've been able to search for multiple strings using the OR command, but I'm not sure how I am supposed to make it return which of my strings is found. I've given an example...
  8. #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Local $path="C:\Users\rootx\Desktop\Nuova cartella",$mask = "*.jpg;*.png;*.ico",$Pos $FileArr = _FileListToArrayRec($path,$mask,1,1,1,2) For $x = 1 to UBound($FileArr)-1 If $Pos = StringInStr($FileArr[$x],"-") Then Console...
  9. Hello, As always, sorry for my bad english. here is the code i have #include <File.au3> #include <String.au3> $file1 = "d:\doppioniautoit\international.txt" FileOpen($file1, 0) $file2 = "d:\doppioniautoit\standard.txt" FileOpen($file2, 0) For $i = 1 to _FileCountLines($file1) $line = FileReadL...
  10. Good Morning All, I'm hoping someone here can work their AutoIT magic I'm doing a pretty "simple" string search in a HUGE variable. But I'm doing the basics almost straight out of the Help File... ( sorry, I'm leaving out my main code for privacy reasons ) Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $...
  11. #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <array.au3> $File = FileOpen(@DesktopDir & "\email addresses 11-17-2015.txt") $aArray = FileReadToArray($File) For $i=0 To UBound($aArray)-1 Local $x = StringInStr($aArray[$i],"@") If @error Then MsgBox(0,0,$aArray[$i] & " on line " & $i+1 & " is not a...
  12. I was working on something last night and decided to use StringRegExpReplace() for a config file, I never noticed that you cant just "overwrite" the file with the update so easily it required a few more pieces of code to work properly. Is this the simplest way (what I used) and while I searched for...
  13. When I am searching a word from a sentence through StringInStr, it is not giving exact match but it is giving the word if the letters in the word are included in it. Ex: If I am searching for a word Sun in a sentence below. Sun is hot today. --> Here it is working as expected. But it is returning...
  14. I am trying to getan exact word match in searching a substring using function StringInStr. Like my search word is oFSO sentence may contain oFSO or OFSO= and not case-sensitive.so I created conditional syntax as $sentence is the complete sentence and $searchword contains the searching word. If Strin...
  15. Hi guys, I didn't find an answer to my problem in other do until topics, that's why I am here. I need to pause my script until the text in a static control changes to something like "File prepared" or "New image". Here is what I tried: Do Sleep(500) $Status = ControlGetText("Prepare and...
  16. Hi, im struggling with this issue, StringInStr could do the trick, but it doesn't seem to support 3 different strings to compare, StringRegExp is messy, i tried some ways, help was no help, so i hope you can. So this will exemplify what i need: $StrDropCheckFolder = StringInStr($__aGUIDropFiles[...
  17. I've bumped on next problem: I have txt file with bunch of mails, and I want to write script that search for specific one and put it in other txt file. Example: Email1@gmail.com Email2@gmail.com Email3@yahoo.com Email4@hotmail.com Now what I want is to search if domain is @gmail and out...
  18. Hello, i'm making this tool to convert "English" letters To "Arabic" letters but i have some problems in reading "input1" Notice: it isn't translator!! here's the script: #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3>...
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