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  1. Hey forum! I'm getting close to releasing a beta version of my encrypted p2p messenger I'm coding. One feature I'de really like to implement is audio chat. I've searched through the forum, and can't seem to find any examples of capturing audio from the microphone, without writing it to a file. Capturing it to a file makes the audio very choppy, as bits and pieces get cut out between audio files. I believe at one point I saw a udf that allows capturing audio directly as a stream(that I could then send as packets across the network) Could anyone point me in the right direction, as to how to go about capturing audio as a stream of data that I could then break into packets and send? Thanks! -null Edit: There used to be an example in the BASS UDF, but I can't seem to locate it, or figure out exactly how to go about streaming audio with the included documentation.
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