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Hi, I am trying to connect to a remote SQL Server. But it return the error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Cannot open database "data base" requested by the login. The login failed. I could connect to the remote server and view the database and tables through MS SQL Server management studio using the server name and credentials. Please help. $objErr = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") $sServer = 'server_name' $sDatabase = 'databse_name' $sUID = 'user' $sPWD = 'pwd' $oConn = ObjCreate ("ADODB.Connection") $DSN = 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=' & $sServer & ';DATABASE=' & $sDatabase & ';UID=' & $sUID &';PWD=' & $sPWD & ';' $oConn.ConnectionTimeout = 10 ; default is 15 s (must be supported by data provider DSN) $oConn.Open($DSN) If @error Then Exit $oConn.Close MsgBox(64, 'OK', 'Finished') Func MyErrFunc() MsgBox(48, 'COM Error', $objErr.description) SetError(1) EndFunc #cs With $oConn .Provider = "SQLOLEDB" .Properties("Initial Catalog") = $sDatabase .Properties("Data Source").Value = $sServer .Properties("Integrated Security").Value = "SSPI" .Properties("Persist Security Info").Value = "True" .Properties("User ID").Value = $sUID .Properties("Password").Value = $sPWD .Open EndWith If @error then Exit #ce
romaSQL This autoIt UDF is built on the concept of Laravel Query & doctrine. RomaSQL provides a new, comfortable and easy to use way for SQL-queries in autoIt. Most of the common SQL-queries are supported already and more are coming soon. All of your support is much appreciated. Connections For the connection the object ADODB is used. Therefore the connection string is based on ODBC. You can also use OLEDB connection strings or other database connections. In order for this to work your add-ons have to be installed in the function: __4ern_SQL_Connection. I’d be very glad if you shared your modifications with me. Currently supported connections - MySQL (odbc) - Microsoft SQL Server (odbc) - SQLite (odbc) - Microsoft Access (odbc) Command reference $SQL_connect; establishing connection $SQL_returnType; return a Array or Dictionary ('oDict') Object (Default = Array) $SQL_setDefaultTable; Default Tablename $SQL_setDefaultKey; Default Colmn Key (Default = id) $SQL_debug; if True, show SQL Statment in Console $SQL_get $SQL_update $SQL_delete $SQL_insertInto $SQL_take $SQL_limit $SQL_table $SQL_select $SQL_distinct $SQL_where $SQL_orWhere $SQL_whereBetween $SQL_whereNotBetween $SQL_whereIn $SQL_whereNotIn $SQL_whereNull $SQL_whereNotNull $SQL_having $SQL_orHaving $SQL_havingBetween $SQL_havingNotBetween $SQL_havingIn $SQL_havingNotIn $SQL_havingNull $SQL_havingNotNull $SQL_groupBy $SQL_orderBy Examples establishing connection ;-----/ ; SQLite Connection ;-----/ $SQL_setDatabase('sqlite') $SQL_connect('C:\project.db') ;-----/ ; Access Connection ; Database, User, Password ;-----/ $SQL_setDatabase('access') $SQL_connect('C:\project.mdb') ;or as Admin $SQL_connect('C:\project.mdb', '4ern', 'root') ;-----/ ; SQLServer Connection ; Database, User, Password, Server, Driver ;-----/ $SQL_setDatabase('sqlserver') $SQL_connect('myDB', '4ern', 'root', 'localhost') ;or with Driver $SQL_connect('myDB', '4ern', 'root', 'localhost', 'SQL Server') ;-----/ ; MySQL Connection ; Database, User, Password, Server, Driver ;-----/ $SQL_setDatabase('mysql') $SQL_connect('myDB', '4ern', 'root', 'localhost') ;or with Driver $SQL_connect('myDB', '4ern', 'root', 'localhost', 'MySQL ODBC 5.2 UNICODE Driver') simple SQL query $SQL_table('albums') $aRet = $SQL_get() if IsArray($aRet ) then _ArrayDisplay($aRet ) else ConsoleWrite('Keine Ergebnisse' & @LF) endif Select $SQL_table('albums') $SQL_select('id', 'Name', 'Artist', 'Song') ;or pass to an Array Local $aSelect = ['id', 'Name', 'Artist', 'Song'] $SQL_select($aSelect) $aRet = $SQL_get() if IsArray($aRet ) then _ArrayDisplay($aRet ) else ConsoleWrite('Keine Ergebnisse' & @LF) endif where $SQL_table('albums') $SQL_select('id', 'Name', 'Artist', 'Song', 'Votes') $SQL_where('Artist', 'adele') $SQL_where('Votes', '>=' ,'9') $SQL_orWhere('Artist', '=' ,'Rag'n'Bone Man') ;or pass to an 2dArray Local $aSelect = [['Artist','adele'],['Votes', '>=' ,'9']] $SQL_where($aSelect) $aRet = $SQL_get() if IsArray($aRet ) then _ArrayDisplay($aRet ) else ConsoleWrite('Keine Ergebnisse' & @LF) endif If you need more examples, then tell me exactly what you need. I hope you like my UDF and find some use for it. --- ->DONWLOAD romaSQL