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Found 9 results

  1. good morning autoit team please i need your help am trying to make an program that work with hotkeys it function is to change the volume to the current application e.g when i select the vlc window by using this hotkey i will be able to change the vlc volume with out changing the system volume. am able to get the process handle and the process name of the window but when am trying to get or set the volume i does not succeded i tried to search in this forums but no result. can you please guide me to do that. am waiting for your answers thanks in advanced
  2. DirectSound UDF play audio files, record microphone, apply effects or create your own sound - check out the examples Download: https://autoit.de/index.php/Attachment/69-DirectSound-7z/ Or visit the original topic at the german forum - link in my signature
  3. Hi all. some time without share something. today I made this UDF because I really like this library so I wanted to share with all you. libZPlay (Win32) Version 2.02 06. May, 2010. This is multimedia library for playing mp3, mp2, mp1, ogg, flac, ac3, aac, oga, wav and pcm files and streams. New: version 2.02 can also record sound from soundcard and encode into disk file with mp3, ogg, flac, aac or wav encoder. For more information look into the LibzPlay Page.txt file into the zip file. About the libZPlay UDF supports playing mp3, ogg, AAC, AC-3, flac, wav, pcmUNICODE support for functions using strings ( filename, error messages, ID3 info, ... ) REVERSE PLAYING (you can play song backward in real time, "real" backward playing without predecoding in PCM) built in echo and reverb sound processor internal volume control (without affecting wave out device volume) pulling VU meter data (you can simply create VU meter) built in FFT spectrum graph, library will draw complete spectrum graph on your window ibzPlayExample.au3 Capture: LibzPlayAU3.zip File contents libZPlay.au3libzPlayExample.au3libZPlayform.kxf LibzPlay Page.txt License.txt- From the libZPlay SDKReadme.txt - From the libZPlay SDKChangeLog.txt - From the libZPlay SDKlibzplay.dll - From the libZPlay SDKlibzplay.chm - From the libZPlay SDKlibzplay.chw - From the libZPlay SDK Download: LibzPlayAU3.zip Saludos
  4. #include <IE.au3> #include <Tesseract.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Math.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> #include <sound.au3> #Include <WinAPI.au3> #include <Date.au3> $OCR_Result = _TesseractScreenCapture(0,"",1,2,220,660,500,730,1) $OCR_Result1 = _TesseractScreenCapture(0,"",1,2,220,660,500,730,1) $OCR_Result2 = _TesseractScreenCapture(0,"",1,2,220,660,500,730,1) $OCR_Result3 = _TesseractScreenCapture(0,"",1,2,220,660,500,730,1) $sound = _SoundStatus("C:\ExpertAdvisorBuyAlert.wav") while _nowtime < 3.30 pm If $sound = True Then if $OCR_Result1 > $OCR_Result2 EndIf EndIf Wend Trying to ocr some values on chart in real time(once per minute) and buy/sell securities on basis of alert generated in my software. I am struck onto few steps. 1. On Tesseract Screen Capture indentation parameters. How can we determine the exact parameters if I just want numeric values only. 2. The Tesseract Screen Capture generates and error Obj1 on line 185 which needs to be resolved. 3. Sometimes lines get overlapped with values. What to do in that case. 3. Detecting the sound as and when it approaches and then comparing the ocr values to decide on either buy or sell. The values that needs to be fetched are encircled.
  5. Hello all I found this function in the Internet It is to play audio files from the compiled script I did not understand just one thing on this function func play($name, $wait = 0) local Const $SND_RESOURCE = 0x00040004 local Const $SND_ASYNC = 1 ; Play the file - the script will pause as it sounds if $wait = 0 then DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "PlaySound", "str", $name, "hwnd", 0, "int", BitOR($SND_RESOURCE, $SND_ASYNC)) else DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "PlaySound", "str", $name, "hwnd", 0, "int", $SND_RESOURCE) endIf return 1 endFunc What I did not understand was this variable local Const $SND_RESOURCE = 0x00040004 I know that this variable is contains the resource name But what if I want to change the name of the resource what i'll do? can i do that? Thanks in advance
  6. Hello all. in the process of packaging an application (Voip) and looking at trying to automate capturing the following information to add to a config.xml file: Default: Playback Device Name and Guid Example: Name: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) Guid: {}.{a46ce930-4dd3-49b5-8e8e-7c8a2fdc3925} Default Microphone Device Name and Guid Example: Name: Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) Guid: {}.{cff6f838-33ce-4c2d-9f77-98f4e19e4a75} I've seen the following post by @trancexx, which gives me the Default Audit Device Name, but unsure how to get the Guid or the Microphone Name and Guid. I believe to get the Guid, I would need to use PKEY_AudioEndpoint_GUID but unsure how to code this. If anyone can assist or point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated. Cheers Subz
  7. Hi, I am trying to set the volume of another process but with no luck. I have looked a bit in the help file and found SoundSetVolume But that clearly only changes the current process(or every process not quite sure) But what I want is to change the volume of one process as said. I have googled and searched a bit on the forum and I can't seem to find anything that work. I Tried looking at controlsend/click to the windows 7 volume mixer, but this seems like a wierd way to do it? I would also like to retrieve the current volume of the process. I would appericiate if you could give me a few hints/ the soulution to how this is possible in another way than controlsend/click?
  8. XvidCapture, demo capturing made easy, into avi video file with stereo sound. Script use XvidCapture.dll made for freebasic by D.J.Peters Major defects : The frame rate need to be limited due to the time for write datas (80-130 ms by frame with a 1920x1080 screen size and a 640x480 video size). The dll support only uncompressed wav audio format (do not work with mp3) The quality setting doesn't seem to change anything. Tested with AutoIt on WinXP SP3 and AutoIt on Win7/Win8.1 On my netbook using XP, i need to set fps to 5 with 320x240 ! On my Destop PC using W7 or W8.1 , i need to set fps to 7 with 854x480 ! So don't expect a video in high-definition with dolby surround from a little dll of 153 ko ! If FPS can be respected by the script, the audio and video can be synchronized, so adjust settings depending on the config of your pc. As usual externals files are embedded in script. Thanks to Smashly for his wave functions and also UEZ, Authenticity, Eukalyptus and jpm for the new GDIPLUS functions. source for : XvidCapture v1.0.1.6.au3.html source for previous versions : XvidCapture v1.0.1.6 PreviousAutoItVersions.au3.html executable : XvidCapture.exe.html
  9. wakillon




    Demo capturing made easy, into avi video file with stereo sound executable : XvidCapture.exe
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