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Found 3 results

  1. BeepSongEditor v1.0.2.4 Create easily Beep Songs and Mp3 Ringtones After >Beep Song Creator by Paulie, mine is more intended to hobbyists musicians ( based on a TT22 idea ) Now you can easily create Beep Songs and Mp3 Ringtones without being musician ! Source and Executable are available in the Download Section See Tray menu for options and help. If somes includes are missing : Bass Includes.rar Somes examples of ini files : Ini files.rar Thanks to Brett Francis, Prog@ndy and Eukalyptus for Bass Udf and trancexx for >DSBeep.au3 As usual several files are downloaded at first execution. Beep Party is back !!! Hope you like it !
  2. Version


    Create easily Beep Songs and Mp3 Ringtones
  3. Hello guys I would like to be able to change songs on spotify using shourtcuts on my keyboard due to the fact i don't own a keyboard with extra keys providing this feature. Therefor I've made a script binding my keys to make this possible, but i have a few issues and I think there is a easier or better way of creating this script. I hope someone can have a look and tell me what i could improve. Some of the issues are: I have to wait a little time before i will be able to change song right after i just changed. (I can't spam ALT + Right) Doesn't work when im inside a game. This is actually a big issue for me. My current code which works: HotKeySet("!{left}", "Previous") HotKeySet("!{right}","naeste") HotKeySet("!{down}","current") HotKeySet("{DEL}","quit") While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func naeste() Sleep(400) ControlSend("Spotify", "", "", "^{right}") EndFunc Func Previous() Sleep(400) ControlSend("Spotify", "", "", "^{left}") EndFunc Func Current() Local $song = WinGetTitle("Spotify", "") TrayTip("", $song, 1) EndFunc Func quit() Exit 0 EndFunc - AliOzturk
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