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Found 2 results

  1. I have been trying to write a script to silently install CRM Outlook client for about the past 6 days. No matter what I have tried this doesn't seem to be doing anything. Code is below. Any help is appreciated. Opt("TrayIconDebug",1) ShellExecute("R:\IT\SoftLib\CRM2011\CRM2011-Client-ENU-i386\SetupClient.exe") winwait("Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Setup") WinActivate("Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Setup") WinExists("Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Setup","I &accept the license agreement") ControlClick("Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Setup","I &accept the license agreement",1007) WinExists("Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Setup","&Next") ControlClick("Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Setup","&Next",1008) WinExists("Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Setup","Install Now") ControlClick("Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Setup","&Install Now",1019) WinExists("Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Setup","The installation completed successfully.") ControlClick("Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Setup","&Close",1038)
  2. Hi all, I am trying to write a simple script to install Vuze on multiple machines and to uncheck the random options to install three pieces of baggage that I do not want instaled. eg: Vuze toolbar,Bing search homepage hijacker, and robo form installation. I am a newbie and my problem is that vuze which is written in java does not display window information because the installation windows are the [CLASS:SunAwtFrame; INSTANCE: ] type. I can only get absolute screen positions for the buttons I want to uncheck and clickthis is no good. . Winwait activates on window info don't work, Control clicks on class info dosen't work ,Mouse clicks on the absolute screen positions only works randomly due to the varying times it takes the different windows to open. is there a silent switch or way of installing vuze unattended without the baggage?, below is the code that gets partial way. Run("D:\software\Vuze_Installer.exe") ; the next line works because it a windows o/s security warning screen with window info available ControlClick("Open File - Security Warning", "", "&Run") ; I dont think the next line works but the send space line after it does _WinWaitActivate("Setup - Vuze 4.6","") Send("{SPACE}") ;the next two lines only work because of the delay entered without both of them the decline vuze toolbar mouse click line fails _WinWaitActivate("Setup - Vuze 4.6","", 5000) WinWait("[CLASS:SunAwtFrame]", "", 5000) ;decline vuze toolbar MouseClick("left",422,490,1) ;the next 2 lines which click the same button to continue the install do not work ControlClick("Setup - Vuze 4.6", "", "[CLASS:SunAwtFrame; INSTANCE: ]", "left", 1, 444, 377) ControlClick("Setup - Vuze 4.6", "", "&Next") any pointers would be greatly appreciated
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