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    Mp3SilenceRemover can trim a bunch of mp3 files that have silence at the beginnings and ends, automatically. Script scans each file for when the sound starts and ends, by detecting a pre-determined silence threshold, then reencode them without silent parts found. Usefull if you want use mp3 files for a mix or avoid long silences between tracks. Multiple settings are available for preserving mp3 quality. Mp3Gain can be used for avoid a too big difference in sound level between 2 tracks. Main Id3 Tags can be preserved and the fade at end of the track too. Script use : bass.dll, bassenc.dll, bassext.dll, tags.dll, lame.exe and mp3gain.exe.
  2. I use a USB key or an FM transmitter in my car to listen mp3. Two problems have emerged: long silences or a different sound level between different tracks or between tracks and FM radio. Seeking a software that could solve automatically these problems, for multiple files, I returned empty-handed ! All i have found who could be interesting were some examples about remove silence on un4seen.com (the bass audio library website) After much research I managed to adapt it, here is the result : Mp3SilenceRemover can trim a bunch of mp3 files that have silence at the beginnings and ends, automatically. Script scans each file for when the sound starts and ends, by detecting a pre-determined silence threshold, then reencode them without silent parts found. Usefull if you want use mp3 files for a mix or avoid long silences between tracks. Multiple settings are available for preserving mp3 quality. Mp3Gain can be used for avoid a too big difference in sound level between 2 tracks. Main Id3 Tags can be preserved and the fade at end of the track too. Script use : bass.dll, bassenc.dll, bassext.dll, tags.dll, lame.exe and mp3gain.exe. The default settings I have choosen are the ones who give me the best results during my numerous tries. Free to you to adapt them to your needs, they are saved automatically. New mp3 files will be located in the same folder with "_SR1" at the end of the name. Buttons were made online with chimply.com the easy and free buttons generator ! No external files or includes needed, they are embbeded in script. source and executable are available in the Download Section Hope you like it !
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