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  1. Recently I was using csvde to execute some LDAP queries on a domain controller to create some reports. I noticed that when I queried the objectSID, it was returned (output) in binary format instead of the S-#-#-##-### (string) format I needed to compare with. I found there was a function I could use in the Security.au3 UDF to convert the SID Binary value to the SID String format; however, the example in the help file collected the SID binary value by using another function to lookup an AD object by name. Since I already had the SID, this "step" was erroneous to me, but I was still required to do some work to make the _Security__SidToStringSid function accept my binary values--namely creating and populating a DLLStruct before using as a parameter for the SidToSTringSid function. Below is a small illustration of what I did. It wasn't particularly complicated or difficult, but may provide some insight to folks who don't mess/work with DLLStructs much. Also, my "real" script utilized a lengthy CSV report and parsed it to replace the binary values with the SID strings. I just wanted to share this snippet. #include <security.au3> msgbox(0,"Builtin\Users",_SIDBinaryToStr("01020000000000052000000021020000")) msgbox(0,"Builtin\Guests",_SIDBinaryToStr("01020000000000052000000022020000")) msgbox(0,"Domain Users",_SIDBinaryToStr("010500000000000515000000e2ef6c5193efdefff2b6dd4401020000")) Func _SIDBinaryToStr($hSID) Local $tSID = DllStructCreate("byte SID[256]") DllStructSetData($tSID, "SID", Binary("0x" & $hSID)) Local $sStringSID = _Security__SidToStringSid($tSID) Return $sStringSID EndFunc
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