I run a compiled .exe as a group policy shutdown script to update various software. The function below is called to run both .exe and .msi installers (hence the two sections). When I run this in a user session the SplashTextOn window stays visible in the background throughout the entire install but when this is executed as a shutdown script the SplashTextOn window disappears before the installer has finished (during the RunWait)
Func _InstallSW()
SplashTextOn("Installing", $InstallingUpdateMessage, 500, 400, -1, -1, $DLG_NOTONTOP)
FileCopy ($SourcePath & $SWInstaller, $WorkingDirectory & $SWInstaller, $FC_OVERWRITE + $FC_CREATEPATH)
If StringLower(StringRight($SWInstaller, 4))=".exe" Then
RunWait ('"' & $WorkingDirectory & $SWInstaller & '"' & $InstallerSwitches)
RunWait ('msiexec /i "' & $WorkingDirectory & $SWInstaller & '"' & $InstallerSwitches)
EndFunc ;==>InstallSW
Is there a better function to use or something I can add (e.g. While)? I need it to remain behind the installer's progress windows so it shows when the installer is running a background process (to prevent the user from forcing the power off thinking it has hung)