Hello there,
since I spent some time to access the REST-API of the web shop system Shopware, I'd like to share a few lines to make life easier for others.
With this you can access your Shopware database, reading and writing all kind of data.
Replies are JSON style.
To work with JSON I usually depend on either just own AutoIt string operations or this AutoIt library:
; File : Json.au3 (2015.01.08)
; Purpose : A Non-Strict JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Parser UDF
; Author : Ward
$UserName="xxxx" ;Shopware credentials of Shopware user who has the API checkbox ticked
$PassWord="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ;API-Key of this user, NOT the Password
$Command="orders/64682?useNumberAsId=true" ;A list of commands and options is available through shopware REST-API help; Here we read order number 64682
$oHTTP = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")
$oHTTP.Open("GET", "https://" & $URL & $Command , False)
$oHTTP.SetCredentials($UserName, $PassWord, 0)
$response = $oHTTP.ResponseText
ConsoleWrite ($response & @CRLF & @CRLF)