How can I read a byte with valule=0 that comes from serial ? I´m using: $comRs232 = ObjCreate("NETCommOCX.NETComm") and $comRs232.inputData
Local $a[8]
while 1
If $comRs232.InBufferCount > 7 Then
$X= $comRs232.InBufferCount
$Z= StringToASCIIArray($comRs232.inputData,0,$X,1)
MsgBox(4096,$X,StringLen($Z) &@cr& $Z)
For $J= 0 To 7
$a[$J]= chr(StringMid($Y,$J+1,1))
Seems to me that the problem is that $comRs232.inputData is already a string for AU3, and so when there is a byte=0, it stops reading the string. No matter what I put arround $coRs232.inputData, AU3 don´t goes further the byte=0.
I already tried binary , bynaryToSring and it´s variants, combinations betwen bynaryxxx and stringToASCxxx and vice versa,
Could DLLxxx be useful in this case? At the end the desirable result would be $a[0]= 1st byte, .... $a[6]= 7th byte (all as a number (integer, from 0 - 255). If I have to use other dlls or onother way to communicate with serial port, OK too (send and receive).
Today my only problem is when a byte value 0 arrives. All the other values (1..255) are OK.
Thanks in advance