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  1. sorry for the crappy code but when I press F5 and do ctrl-a and start typing, the font is black and default again... Selecting all text in code and setting character attributes helps but this is not the right way I think, especially when opening and closing files. #include <GuiRichEdit.au3>...
  2. Usually when I collect data from DataBase I need to give EndUser a possibility to select rows which should be taken in the processing loop. I was searching on the forum and I'm not able to find any UDF or even example of how to select data from array. I have my own solutions but I think they are...
  3. Hello, I just made another TCP server. I will use the server for data collection and a lot of clients can get the data from TCP. I now use it for UDP broadcast some devices to get their IP's. You can also use it for chat's. It is very low level, but so you have more options than with the pure AutoIt...
  4. I have a windows 10 pc and Im trying to create an automatic solving in calculator with a simple worded question (example: What is 45 x 53 ?). thou I cant make the select...Case...EndSelect statement work, here is my code #include <AutoItConstants.au3> HotKeySet("{F4}", "ExitProg") Func ExitPr...
  5. Hello Guru's, I'm trying to write an autoit script to select from the dropdown list as you see in the attached picture. I read the help page for _IEFormElementOptionSelect, but I cannot grasp how to correlate that with the source code that I'm seeing. any suggestions?
  6. I am trying to build a list from a query run against a sybase db. This part works fine. My problem is this, I want to display values in a list depending on the value of certain fields i.e. See below which works for two. Unfortunately, I need it to work for 3 values. I don't know how I can do...
  7. @JLogan3o13 I apologize, I did not think of it that way. I have attached all the code and the Ini File information. Please let me know if I need to add anything else to help understand what is happening. thank you. Guys, I apologize in advance as I did not search for my...
  8. Hello Today I'm working on listbox but there might be something that I'm missing... I made a little script that allow the user to swap 2 items for the listbox. So the user select for example the 3rd item, press the button "Up" and it switch with the 2nd one, same with the "Down" button tha...
  9. Hey guys I hope that I can get a little help with this one In this GUI example using GUIListViewEx, I have a list based on items found in test.txt. _____________________________________________ item1 item2 item3 ____________________________________________ et...
  10. Hi, I want to tell pixelsearch to search for red color shades in for example 5 different x,y,h,w of the screen. If color red was not found in these 5 area, then do something. I wrote this, but it's working only if the first case is not found. Is select a good choice? or it's better to use...
  11. Hello, I am interested in looking at a chunk of text, selecting the string that is in quotes, and copying it to the clipboard. It will always have quotes at the beginning and end, start with https:// and will always contain .mp3 . But everything else is pretty random. This is an example of a p...
  12. Hello, I've writing this code and I'm a little stuck in what i want to do. When I select the combobox I want to get the ini information inside the multiline input field. I know that what I'm doing now is wrong but maybe this helps to clearify things in what I want to do. Does somebody...
  13. Hello All: I am reading data from a ListView and based on criteria I want to have the script select certain rows in the ListView. The script would loop through the ListView data and would select multiple rows out-of-sequence. At the end, the script would press a button on the form which would...
  14. I'm not quite sure what keywords to search for. What I need is to have the user select an area on the screen just like in snipping tool. Can anyone lead me from here? Thanks.
  15. Hello I have been going to this forum regularly for a couple weeks, getting all sorts of good info from you people. So first off thanks, you are all gentlemen/women and scholars. I just wanted to point out that I think it would be neat if you could double click either side of the quotation marks in...
  16. Hello, I,m connecting to a access mdb, it works fine except when i use a select query and the requested data does not exists, then i get an error. ; Example Local $dbName = @ScriptDir & "\test.mdb" $dbCon = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") ; Create DataBase connection $dbCon.Open("Driver={Microsoft A...
  17. $oie = _IECreate("https://tw.edit.yahoo.com/registration?intl=tw&origIntl=&done=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.yahoo.com&src=ym&last=&partner=yahoo_default&domain=&yahooid=",0,1,1,0) $oform = _IEFormGetObjByName($oie,"info-form",0) $yyyy = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "yyyy") _IEFormElementOptionSelect($yy...
  18. I'm a bit ashamed of asking this but.... I can't figure out why a simple select statement which checks a variable which contains mouse coordinates doesn't work while used with a Select Statement, while it works with an If-Else conditional statement. Select statements always returns false or 0. This...
  19. Hi, i am trying to create a FileManager, now i know there are better programs out there to do it, but i think its fun to try and learn nu things. Now i am getting stuck in my code i created a button to select a driver/folder after that i put's in the driver/folder contant in the TreeView, but wh...
  20. I know this ain't much (nothing for autoit experts) but can help someone who was looking for a selectable label (I used the hex values to avoid #include <EditConstants.au3>, the vars are in comment in front of the 2nd line) $Form1 = GUICreate("Test", 351, 50) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("S...
  21. I have 2 listviews and two buttons to move the items from one list to the other (One ">>" button and one "<<"). Now, when I select an item and press the >> button (The left listview1 is full while the right listview2 is empty) it puts this item into the other list. Now it seems like no item on the l...
  22. This code loads the result of a regread into a variable and then parses the result: $RegResult = RegRead($HKLM & "\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters", "AutoShareWks") Select Case $RegResult = "" $RegWriteResult = RegWrite($HKLM & "\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\L...
  23. so my script was made to load drivers based on a selection from a combo box. i've created a VERY robust system to load drivers when imaging with wds or ghost using a winPE wim. WDS does not work correctly with injected drivers. so comes into play my script/program that loads from a winPE wim after w...
  24. I'm just learning sqlite3 forgive me if my concepts are not right, anyway I'm trying to add two variables to a SELECT statement: The variables would be $start and $end that the user would choose from a Combobox. The database holds 1 table (Distances) that has the distances between two locations ($s...
  25. I'm creating a small MsgBox-style GUI window for a login, and I'm giving my $Username input box the default text "DOMAIN\Username". When I run it, the default text is highlighted as expected, but it'd be nicer if I could highlight only the username portion. I realize I could use multiple input field...
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