Hi there! I don't know if there are any forum rules against what I'm about to ask, but I couldn't find any in the "Forum Rules" section. I'm looking for someone to help me develop what I assume is a relatively simple program to an experienced programmer. The first thing I need help with right now, is code for a search engine able to grab information from an XML database I'm currently working on, and subsequently display results in a listview or whatever you might think best (I know this part is fairly simple). From then on, there is a myriad of other more "advanced" features I'll need help with. I have designed a rough GUI that I would like you to work with, but I am most certainly open to ideas and/or necessary changes you find prudent. You will of course be paid for your work, but let's talk about that over PM. If you are a somewhat experienced programmer who would like to take a crack at helping me out, let me know in the comments below or in a PM. With regards, Despertar