Hello All,
OK so here is my query:
I am automating a build and of course we all come to that point where you've scripted the automated part and now you have to reboot.
For example; Joining a computer to a domain!!!
Well once you do this you have to reboot to make this change effective.
So there in lies my question - I still have several more scripts I would like to run and I don't want to have to logon again to do them!
So my thought is prior to the reboot I could copy the next autoit-script.exe into the startup folder and of course I have to then change the logon function to auto login to the newly created domain with the appropriate domain ID with it's appropriate credentials.
I haven't quite figured all of this out yet but figured I would put a post out there and see what types of responses I would get.
Thoughts eveyone?
PS - Also interested to know if anyone has a script that disables the keyboard and mouse while a script is running?