Hi, I'm trying to do a very basic file search with recursive folders search (I'm trying to select each WMV movie in my hierarchy and run a converter on it). I've found different versions of "_FileListToArrayRec" around - each with different variables or included "au3" files in the top of the File.au3. Neither of them worked "out of the box" and required me to do a bunch of changes. After many errors I finally managed to get one version to semi-work - but can't get it to work completely. This is the code that I'm using: Local $WMV_Array = _FileListToArrayRec($Root_Folder, "*.wmv", 1, 1, 0, 2) Although the second flag is set to 1 (recursive) it doesn't do that. It always just shows the files in the root folder. It seems to be unable to process the entries of folders as folders. I'll be happy to try other methods - if there are simple ones for this simple task. I can do it so easily in dos (dir /s /b *.wmv) I don't know why it should be complicated with AutoIt. Thanks, Dani.