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Hello Greetings! I need some assistance in below code. I am trying to replace all the double quotes with single quotes for a text in a .sql file. I tried using StringReplace & RegReplace but no luck. #include <Date.au3> $sip = @IPAddress1 $user = "test-admin" $FileHandle = FileOpen(@ScriptDir &"\commands.sql", 2) FileWrite($FileHandle,"insert into serverAccess values ("""&@UserName&""","""&$sip&""","""&$user&""","""& _Now()&""")") StringReplace(FileRead($FileHandle), """", "'") Your assistance will be very helpful. Thanks
I can't seem to figure my way around this problem. I've posted my code below, the problem is that I wan't my auto it to read from a .Ini file a value which it then will search for, but I can't figure out how I'm supposed to type it so that it works. Local $aArray = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\Gradeslist.ini", "Grades") If StringInStr($search, "" & $aArray[1][1]) ThenCan someone help me figure it out? By the way it's the second part which is not cooporating with me..
Can't make it work when spaces are in the directory names. Tried any possible quotations.. All my directories and script in "My Documents" Your help will be appreciated!! Global $ToolPath = @ScriptDir&"\Myutility" ;;;; \My Documents\main.au3) Global $myoutput = $ToolPath&"\output" Global $appspath = $ToolPath&"\apps" Global $foldertochecksum = @ProgramFilesDir $runme = @ComSpec & ' /c ' & $appspath&'\md5sums.exe -n -e -b' & ' ' &$foldertochecksum& ' > ' & $myoutput&'\out.txt' msgbox(0,"",$runme) RunWait($runme,"",@SW_HIDE)