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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I'm using vpn connection to a remote computer with a login user (idk if that's any important). I want to loop a process until it's closed completely. I'm just looping until the process is closed (for or while doesn't matter): Local $aProcessList = ProcessList("cmd.exe") For $i = 1 To $aProcessList[0][0] ConsoleWrite("PID: " & $aProcessList[$i][1] & @CRLF) ProcessClose($aProcessList[$i][0]) ;WinKill($aProcessList[$i][0]) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Error is: " & @error & @CRLF) EndIf Next This is my output: PID: 5548 Error is: 2 PID: 29488 Error is: 2 PID: 47248 Error is: 2 When I check in the task manager, I can only see one cmd --> 47248: 1. But my script doesn't close this process. I checked the error code 2 (AdjustTokenPrivileges Failed), but couldn't go any further. 2. I cannot see other two cmd.exe (5548 + 29488) in the task manager either even if I click "show process from all users". 3. If I select 47248 manually click on "end process", it works, the process is closed. I put #RequireAdmin in the beginning (hoping), but that didn't work either. If there are other processes from other users, I don't want to terminate them. I only want to terminate the process that is under my user. If I just type ProcessClose(47248) in my script, then it closes. But I couldn't close it inside the loop. What am I missing?
  2. That's it, self explanatory, it used to work and now be it, a variable assigned to a process name, or the pname itself, or a macro, or the full path + pname, always zero. Any idea why? $aProcessList = ProcessList(@AutoItExe) ;@AutoItPID @AutoItExe @ScriptFullPath MsgBox(64, 'ProcessList', $aProcessList[0][0])
  3. Made this from a question in Help and Support #include <Array.au3> $aPreProcesses = ProcessList() $iNotepad = ShellExecute("notepad.exe") MsgBox(0, "Run or Exit Some Applications", "") _ArrayDisplay(_Processlist_Diff($aPreProcesses, ProcessList())) ;With Process Name & List Containing PID _ArrayDisplay(_Processlist_Diff($aPreProcesses, ProcessList(), True)) ;Returns Array of [PID] ;If bExtended = true ;Returns Array [Processname, PID, List# Containing PID] Func _Processlist_Diff(Const ByRef $aProcList0, Const ByRef $aProcList1, $bExtended = False) ; Check arrays Local $iRowsP1 = UBound($aProcList0, $UBOUND_ROWS) - 1 If $iRowsP1 <= 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($aProcList0, $UBOUND_DIMENSIONS) <> 2 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) $iRowsP2 = UBound($aProcList1, $UBOUND_ROWS) - 1 If $iRowsP2 <= 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If UBound($aProcList1, $UBOUND_DIMENSIONS) <> 2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) ; Create error handler ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "__Processlist_Diff_AutoErrFunc") ; Create dictionary Local $oDictionary = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary") ; Set case sensitivity $oDictionary.CompareMode = 0 ;Binary Compare ; Add elements to dictionary Local $vKey, $vElem, $bCOMError = False For $i = 0 To $iRowsP1 + $iRowsP2 - 1 If $iRowsP1 > 0 Then $vElem = "#PL0#" & $aProcList0[$iRowsP1][0] $vKey = $aProcList0[$iRowsP1][1] $iRowsP1 -= 1 Else $vElem = "#PL1#" & $aProcList1[$iRowsP2][0] $vKey = $aProcList1[$iRowsP2][1] $iRowsP2 -= 1 EndIf If $oDictionary.Exists($vKey) Then ;ConsoleWrite("DUPE PID " & $vElem & @CRLF) $oDictionary.Remove($vKey) Else ; Add Key $ Element $oDictionary.Item($vKey) = $vElem EndIf If @error Then $bCOMError = True ; Failed with an Int64, Ptr or Binary datatype ExitLoop EndIf Next ; Create return array Local $aValues, $j = 0 If $bCOMError Then ; Mismatch Int32/64 Return SetError(5, 0, 0) ElseIf $bExtended Then Local $aValues[$oDictionary.Count][3] For $vKey In $oDictionary.Keys() $vElem = $oDictionary.Item($vKey) $aValues[$j][0] = StringTrimLeft($vElem, 5) $aValues[$j][1] = $vKey ; Check which list contains PID If StringLeft($vElem, 5) = "#PL0#" Then $aValues[$j][2] = 0 Else $aValues[$j][2] = 1 EndIf $j += 1 Next Else ;Only PID ; Only need to list Keys $aValues = $oDictionary.Keys() EndIf $oDictionary.RemoveAll ;would be cleaned up anyway.. ; Return array Return $aValues EndFunc ;==>_Processlist_Diff Func __Processlist_Diff_AutoErrFunc() ; Do nothing special, just check @error after suspect functions. EndFunc ;==>__Processlist_Diff_AutoErrFunc The bExtended = True Returns Array [Processname. PID, List# Containing PID] for each PID that isn't in both lists If bExtended = False (Default) Return is just an array of [PID]
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