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Found 3 results

  1. Good evening everyone I was trying to compile my executable, adding #pragma directives instead of #AutoIt3Wrapper* directives, and, I don't know why the #pragma compile doesn't add the Author field to the executable. These are the directives: #pragma compile(Author, 'Surname Name') ; or #pragma compile(Author, Surname Name) and this is the output, in both cases: - #pragma directive Author found but don't understand it so will ignore: #pragma compile(Author, 'Surname Name') - #pragma directive Author found but don't understand it so will ignore: #pragma compile(Author, Surname Name) What am I missing? Thanks Francesco
  2. This isn't any urgent issue, but more a curiosity on my part. Looking at the Pragma Compile Directives page of the help file, FileVersion and ProductVersion both have "last parameter being optional" in the Parameters description. Is there any documentation on what that last parameter is/does?
  3. Hi, Could someone explain the use of the Compability parameter? I have used AutoIT several years and its a fantastic tool and I have made severals small apps to convert data. Currenly I still have AutoIT installed in a windows XP 32-bits computer, and so have all installations been for the executes as well. I need to know how this parameter is being used due to I think some of the apps dodnt work properly in newer windows. Command is from helpfile: #pragma compile(Compatibility, win8) ; Possible parameters: vista, win7, win8, win81 (Sets the compatibility in the compiled executable manifest.) What happend to set to win81? Could it be running safe in both Windows XP POS and Windows 8.1?
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