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  1. Here is an existing AS400 PCOM script that I have: #include-once #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UDF Header Title: _PCOMM UDF Header Version: 0.1.0 AutoIt Version: Author: Jason S. - Jewelry Supply, Inc. Script Function: PCOMM UDF Header For use with IBM AS/400 - IBM OS/400 - IBM System i - IBM i application system. This PCOMM UDF Header targets ASW - an ERP application suite written in IBM's RPG language (yuck!), although it will work for any AS/400 system and is not ASW specific. PCOMM allows injection of keystrokes into the datastream of a running terminal/console application ("Green Screen" Console Emulator). - Assumes Session 'A' but can be overriden using the aswConnect() function. PCOMM allows observing of characters in the datastream of a running terminal/console application ("Green Screen" Console Emulator). - Assumes Session 'A' but can be overriden using the aswConnect() function. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $Session = "A" Global $Ps Global $Oia ; Specify session to connect to Func aswSetSession($nSession) $Session = $nSession EndFunc ; Connect to ASW ; @param $nSession - Specify session to connect to. Ex: "A" Func aswConnect($nSession = $Session) $Obj_ConnMgr = ObjCreate("PCOMM.autECLConnMgr") $OBJ_EmulSession = ObjCreate("PCOMM.autECLSession") $OBJ_EmulSession.SetConnectionByName($nSession) $Ps = $OBJ_EmulSession.autECLPS $Oia = $OBJ_EmulSession.autECLOIA EndFunc ; Send Data to ASW ; if $rownum and $colnum are not specified, defaults to the cmd line Func aswSend($keys, $rownum = 20, $colnum = 7, $inhibit = 1) $Ps.SendKeys($keys, $rownum, $colnum) if $inhibit = 1 Then While $Oia.InputInhibited <> 0 WEnd EndIf $Oia.WaitForInputReady() EndFunc ; Get Data from ASW Func aswGet($row, $col, $length) $info = $Ps.GetText($row,$col,$length) return $info Endfunc ; Check which page we are on ; @param $page - Page to see if we are on. Ex: "DMR30101" == Sales Order Maintenance page Func checkScreen($page, $rownum = 1, $colnum = 72, $length = 8) If StringInStr(aswGet($rownum, $colnum, $length), $page) Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc I would like to use it launch a connection to the AS400. I have an executable that I run with an hod file. Do I just need to run the exe and hod file then run the session connect function and send keys function to pass credentials?
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